1. Another six Days’ Work is done: Hebron 4
2. Break Thou the Bread of Life: Bread of Life 3
3. Closer to Thee, my Father, draw me: Closer to Thee 3+R
4. Come, we that love the Lord: Marching to Zion 4+R
5. Don’t forget the Sabbath: Don’t forget 3+R
6. Face to Face with Christ my Saviour: Face to Face 4+R
7. Fade, fade each earthly Joy: Perkins 4
8. Fairest Lord Jesus Crusader’s Hymn 3
9. Far from all Care: Pevensey 4
10. How cheering is the Christian’s Hope: Exhortation 5
11. How sweet are the Tidings: He’s coming 4+R
12. I am trusting Thee: Bullinger 4
13. I’m pressing on the upward Way: Higher Ground 4+R
14. I sing the mighty Power of God: Varina 3
15. I would be, dear Saviour: Wholly Thine 3
16. Just over the Mountains: We are nearing Home! 4+R
17. Lead on, o King eternal: Lancashire 3
18. Let every Lamp be burning bright: Diligence 4+R
19. Lift Him up: Lift Him up 4+R
20. Love divine, all Loves excelling: Beecher 4
21. O Day of Rest and Gladness: Mendebras 3
22. O now I see the crimson Wave: The cleansing Wave 4+R
23. Safely through another Week: Sabbath 4