Advent (this track is on the Advent CD)
4021. When righteous Joseph wedded was – West of England Carol (3 + ref.)
4022. A great and mighty Wonder - Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (4 + ref.)
4023. A Virgin most pure, as the Prophets do tell - A Virgin most pure (7 + ref.)
4024. All my Heart this Night rejoices - Warum sollt ich mich denn grämen (4)
4025. Angels from the Realms of Glory - Iris (4 + ref.)
4026. Away in a Manger, no Crib for a Bed - Cradle Song - Willcocks harmony (3)
4027. Away in a Manger, no Crib for a Bed - Manger Scene (Mueller (Murray)) (3)
4028. Child in a Stable - Dans cette étable (3)
4029. Child in the Manger - Bunessan (3)
4030. Child of Heaven, born on Earth – French Lorrain Carol (3 + ref.)
4031. Christians, awake! salute the happy Morn – Yorkshire (6)
4032. Christians, make a joyful Sound - German Melody in Moosburg Gradual (4 + ref.)
4033. Come to Bethlehem and see the newborn King - Pieds en l’Air from Capriol Suite (2)
4034. Deck the Hall with Boughs of Holly - Nos Galan (3)
4035. Ding-dong, ding, ding-a-dong-a-ding - O quam mundum, quam jucundum (3 + ref.)
4036. Ding dong! merrily on high - Branle de l’Official from Orchésographie (3 + ref.)
4037. Every Star shall sing a Carol - Every Star (6 + ref.)
4038. Gaudete! gaudete! Christus est natus – from Piae Cantiones (4 + ref.)
4039. Girls and Boys, leave your Toys, make no Noise - Czech Folk Tune (3 + ref.)
4040. God rest you merry, Gentlemen (descant, Robinson v6) - God rest you merry (6 + ref.)