(number after hymn name indicates number of verses - 'A&M' numbers refer to Ancient and Modern: Hymns and Songs of Refreshing Worship)A brighter Dawn is breaking: Nun lasst uns Gott (4) -
M1/1101, A&M 192 -
Y11/8210 A Butterfly, an Easter Egg: Carey Landry, arranged Norman Warren (3) –
A Great and Mighty Wonder: (4) or (5) –
X1/701 Carols for Choirs (5)
Amazon, (5) A&M 58 -
Y4/8061, (4) G2/4022 A heavenly Splendour from on high: Splendor coelestis (6) -
REH204iA heavenly Splendour from on high: St Petersburg (6) -
REH204iiA man there lived in Galilee: Tyrolean Melody (3) -
E1/7105 A Mighty Fortress is our God: Ein Feste Burg (4) – tune only
Q4/4697, harmony
T1/1503A mighty Sound from Heaven at Pentecost there came: Song of the Holy Spirit (3) -
Q2/4630A Mighty Wind invades the World: Agincourt (4) A&M 233 -
A mighty Wind invades the World: Church triumphant (4)
- REH180iA mighty Wind invades the World: Doe gracias (4)
- REH180iiA New Commandment (2) - piano –
O/1403 A Noble Flow'r of Judah: Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (3) –
I/9014A Purple Robe, a Crown of Thorn: A purple Robe (5) A&M 174 -
Y10/8191A safe Stronghold our God is still: Ein’ feste Burg (4) -
D3/5231A Stranger once did bless the Earth: Surrey (5) -
NS1/7401A Time to watch, a Time to pray: Breslau (4) A&M 175 -
A Virgin most pure, as the Prophets do tell - A Virgin most pure (7 + ref.) -
A wiggly, waggly Worm: The wiggly waggly Song, Paul Field (2) -
Abba, Father (1) –
W2/1016Abba, Father (choose 1 or x2) – piano –
O/1401 (1),
J/2201 (2)
Abide with me: Eventide (5) –
S5/504 A&M 010 -
Y1/8010 Above the Moon Earth rises: Salley Gardens (4) A&M 531 -
Y30/8581Above the Voices of the World around me: Aston Rowant (3) A&M 114 -
Y7/8123Abranse Los Cielos: Let the Heavens (3) -
I/9234According to thy gracious Word: Bangor (6) -
N1/3001, A&M 420 -
Y23/8460According to thy gracious Word: Song 67 (6) -
N2/3101, A&M 429 -
Y24/8461Adam lay ybounden: Boris Ord (1) -
Adam lay ybounden: Peter Warlock (1) -
G1/4002Adeste fideles: Adeste fideles (4) (All in Latin) -
REH41Adios, Oh Virgen de Guadalupe: Farewell, O Virgin of Guadalupe (4) -
I/9227Advance Australia Fair (Australian National Anthem: 2) –
R/805 Advent Candles tell their Story: Angel Voices (1) A&M 026 -
Y2/8027, G1/4003Afar from where the Sun doth Rise: St Venantius (7) –
I/9003Affirm anew the three-fold Name: St Matthew (4) A&M 268 -
Y15/8293Again the Lord's own Day is here: Church Triumphant (5) -
NS1/7402Again we keep this solemn Fast: Ex More docti (6) -
REH79iAgain we keep this solemn Fast: Jesu Corona (6) -
Agnus Dei (metrical setting): Episcopal Hymn Book 1940 -
I/9135Ah, holy Jesu, how have you offended: Herzliebster Jesu (5) A&M 139 -
Y8/8152Ah, holy Jesu, how hast Thou offended: Herzliebster Jesu (5) Alternative Version -
REH82iiAi am fy meiau i: Penparc (6) -
CY1/5502All-creating heavenly Giver: Mead House (4) A&M 485 -
Y27/8534All creatures of our God and King: Lasst uns erfreuen (5 or 7) – (5)
W1/908, (7) A&M 532 -
Y30/8582All for Jesus: All for Jesus (5) –
M1/1102, A&M 421 -
Y24/8462All Glory be to God on High: Nicolaus (4) A&M 413 -
Y23/8453 All glory be to God on high, and Peace on Earth from Heaven: Allein Gott in der Höh (3) -
Q3/4663 All Glory, Laud and Honour: St Theodulph (5 or 7) – (5)
E1/7103, (7) A&M 159 -
Y9/8174 All Glory, Laud and Honor: R. Proulx (5) -
I/9151 All hail, adored Trinity: Illsley (3) -
REH190All hail the Power of Jesus' Name: Miles Lane (6) UK tune –
S3/310, A&M 223 -
Y13/8243 All Hail the Power of Jesus's Name: Coronation (4) US tune –
T1/1501All hail the Power of Jesus' Name: Diadem (5) –
I/9131 All hail the Power of Jesus' Name: Ladywell (3) -
NS140iiAll Heaven declares: Richards (2) - piano -
O2/2401All Heaven declares the Glory of the risen Lord: By Noël & Tricia Richards (2) A&M 193 -
Y11/8211All I once held dear: Knowing You (3 + ref. A&M 585 -
Y33/8642All I once held dear: Kendrick (3) - piano -
All in an Easter Garden: Traditional, arranged Andrew Moore (2) -
H1/6502 All My Heart: Ebling (carol) –
X2/1301 All My Hope on God is founded: Michael (5) A&M 584 -
R/809All my Hope on God is founded: Michael (5) Harmony Version -
REH428ii All my Need is met in Jesus: Llwynbedw (3) -
REH429All Nations of the World: Darwall’s 148th (3) A&M 356 -
Y20/8393All Night all Day: Spiritual, arranged Noel Rawsthorne (2) -
All of my Heart: Doug Marks-Smirchirch, arranged Keith Stent (1) -
All of the Creatures God had made: Christopher Tambling (4) -
All of the People: Susan Sayers, arranged Andrew Moore (3) -
All Over the World (3) - piano –
O/1402All people that on Earth do dwell: Old 100th (4 or 5 verse versions) –
S1/123 (5),
W1/909 (4) ,
R/810 (5) A&M 357 -
Y20/8394 , Q3/4657 All People that on Earth do dwell: Old Hundredth (5) alternative version in verse 4 -
REH430iiAll Praise to Christ, our Lord and King divine: Engelberg (5) A&M 586 -
Y33/8643 All praise to Thee, for Thou, O King divine: Engelberg (5) –
U4/4407All the Nations of the Earth: Kevin Mayhew, arranged Andrew Moore (5) -
All the Way my Saviour leads me: All the Way (3) –
T1/1502 All things bright and beautiful: All Things bright and beautiful (refrain, 4+refrain or 5+refrain) – (4)
S3/315 ,
W1/910, (5) A&M 533 -
Y30/8584 All things bright and beautiful: Royal Oak (refrain, 4+refrain or 5+refrain) – (4)
W1/911, (5) A&M 533 -
Y30/8583All things praise Thee, Lord most high: Te Laudant Omnia (5) –
D1/5101All through the Night: Ar hyd y nos (2) –
M1/1103 All my Heart this Night rejoices - Warum sollt ich mich denn grämen (4) -
G2/4024All together in one Place: Orientis Partibus (6) A&M 234 -
Y13/8255All ye that pass by: Wareham (4) -
E1/7104 All ye who seek a Comfort sure: St Bernard (5) -
REH83All ye who seek for sure Relief: St Bernard (5) A&M 140 -
Y8/8153Alleluia, Alleluia: Celtic Alleluia (1 and 4) A&M 196 (1) -
Y11/8214 , A&M 401 (4) -
Alleluia, Alleluia (Sending): Celtic Alleluia (1 + ref.) A&M 474 -
Y27/8523Alleluia, alleluia: Pilgrim’s Alleluia (4 + ref.) A&M 377 -
Y21/8415 Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia: Threefold alleluia (1) A&M 374 -
Y21/8412Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!: Victory (4) –
I/9024 Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord: D. Fishel (5) - piano -
J2/2701Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord: Alleluia No 1 (Fishel) (5) -
E1/7101, A&M 197 -
Y11/8215 Alleluia, alleluia, hearts to heaven and voices raise: Lux Eoi (4) -
E1/7102, A&M 194 -
Y11/8212 Alleluia! Alleluia! Raise the Gospel over the Earth!: By Bernadette Farrell (6 + ref.) A&M 556 -
Y31/8610Alleluia! Jesus is risen!: Earth and all Stars (3 + ref.) A&M 195 -
Y11/8213 Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!: Hyfrydol (4) –
S4/405 Amazon,
N3/3201, A&M 422 -
Y24/8463Alleluia, Song of Gladness: Dulce Carmen (4) –
U1/4113Alleluia, Song of Gladness: Urbs beata Jerusalem (4) -
Q1/4615Alleluya, Song of Sweetness: Tantum Ergo (Webbe) (4) -
REH78Alleluia! Your words, O Lord, are Spirit and life (1 + ref.) A&M 376 -
Y21/8414Alma Redemptoris Mater (Hermann the Lame) (1) -
C2/2304Almighty Father, Lord most high: St Mark (5) -
N2/3102Almighty Father, who for us Thy Son didst give: Annue Christe (4) -
NS1/7403Altisimo Señor: Lord Most High (4) -
I/9235Amazing Grace: early American melody (6) A&M 587 -
Y33/8644, W1/912Amen: Spiritual (4) -
V1/3522Amen, amen, alleluia, amen: By John Bell (4) A&M 830 -
Y47/8924Amens - threefold (Danish) and sevenfold (Stainer) –
I/9065 & I/9060Among Earth’s Multitude of Lights: Puer natus in Bethlehem (4) -
REH66Ancient of Days, Who sittest Throned in Glory: Albany (5) –
U3/4321Ancient of Days, who sittest throned in Glory: Coburn (5) -
Q2/4652An upper Room did our Lord prepare: O Waly Waly (4) A&M 165 -
Y10/8181And Can it Be: Sagina (5) A&M 588 –
E1/7106And did those Feet in ancient Time: Jerusalem (2) A&M 576 -
R/811And didst Thou travel light, dear Lord: Kingsfold (3) -
NS1/7404And didst Thou travel light, dear Lord: Hucklebridge (3) -
REH435And Everyone beneath the Vine and Fig Tree: Unknown, arranged Andrew Moore (1) -
And Have the Bright Immensities/Intensities: Halifax (2) -
I/9188And Now, O Father, Mindful of the Love: Song 1 (4) -
N1/3002And Now, O Father, Mindful of the Love: Unde et Memores (4) –
U3/4301, A&M 423 -
Y24/8464Angels from the Realms of Glory: Iris (4) - UK tune –
S1/108, A&M 59 -
Y4/8062, G2/4025Angels from the Realms of Glory: Regent Square (5) - US tune –
I/9004Angel-voices ever singing: Angel voices (5) A&M 589 –
S2/216 Angels we have heard on High: Gloria (4) -
I/9201Anghrediniaeth, gad fi'n llonydd: Bryngogarth (2) -
CY1/5501 Another six days' work is done: Hebron (4) –
A1/6101Another Year completed: Tewkesbury Abbey (4) -
REH314Ar fôr tymhestlog: Penmachno (6) -
CY1/5503 Ar yrfa bywyd yn y byd: Godre'r Coed (5) -
CY1/5506 Are Ye able said the Master: Marlatt (4) -
I/9196 Arglwydd, arwain trwy’r anialwch: Cwm Rhondda (3) -
REH478Arglwydd, gad im dawel orffwys: Arwelfa (3) -
CY1/5504 Arglwydd Iesu, arwain f’enaid: In Memoriam (2) -
CY1/5505Arise, shine out, your Light has come: Church triumphant (5) A&M 93 -
Y5/8100Around the Throne of God a Band: Solothurn (4) A&M 322 -
Y18/8353, REH247As I am, O Lord, receive me: Bryn Calfaria (4) -
REH437As I Kneel Before You: Parkinson (3+refrain) –
C/1601 As Jacob with Travel was weary one Day: Jacob’s Ladder (4 + ref.) A&M 590 -
As Jacob with Travel was weary one Day: 18th-century English Carol melody, arranged Andrew Moore (4) -
H1/6509 As Joseph was a-walking: Richard Terry (3) -
G/4004As Man and Woman we were made: Sussex Carol (4) -
A&M 343 -
Y19/8378 As now the Sun's declining Rays: St Peter (3) A&M 011 -
Y1/8011As now the Sun shines down at Noon: Jesu dulcis memoria (4) Monday & Thursday -
Q1/4604 As now the Sun shines down at Noon: Jesu dulcis memoria (4) Tuesday & Saturday -
Q1/4605 As now the Sun shines down at Noon: Jesu dulcis memoria (4) Wednesday & Friday -
Q1/4606 As now the Sun’s declining Rays: Jesu nostra Redemptio (3) -
REH330iAs royal Banners are unfurled: Vexilla Regis (7) A&M 176 -
Y10/8193As the Deer pants for the Water (3): By Martin J.Nystrom A&M 592 -
Y33/8649 As the deer: Nystrom (3) - piano -
O2/2403 As the Deer longs for running Streams: By Bob Hurd (5 + ref.) A&M 325 -
Y18/8357 As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams: Martyrdom (4) A&M 591 –
Y33/8648 ,
M1/1105 As the Bridegroom to his Chosen: Bridegroom (5) -
NS1/7405As the Disciples, when thy Son had left them: Diva servatrix (6) -
N3/3202 As the Sun is high: P. Lawson Johnson (1) - piano -
O4/2602 As Water to the Thirsty: Oasis (3) A&M 534 -
Y30/8585 AAs we remember, Lord, Thy faithful Handmaid: Ut queant laxis (Christe Fons Iugis) (5) -
REH301As with Gladness Men of old: Dix (5) –
S1/118 ,
X1/702, A&M 94 -
Y6/8101 . G6/4106 Ascended Christ, Who gained: Christchurch (5) A&M 224 -
Y13/8244 Ascribe to the Lord: C Govier (3) - piano -
O4/2601 Ask! Ask! Ask!: Burt (1) – piano –
J/2202 At Even, ere the Sun was set: Angelus (7) A&M 013 -
Y1/8013At Even When the Sun was Set: Angelus (6 or 7 verse versions) –
U2/4224 (6),
I/9025 (7)
At the Cross her Station keeping: Stabat Mater (5) A&M 177 -
Y10/8194 At the Cross her Station Keeping: Mainz (5) –
U1/4116 At the Dawning of Creation: Long Lane (4) A&M 326 -
At the Dawning of Creation: Restoration (4) A&M 326 -
Y18/8359 At the Lamb's high feast we sing: Salzburg (4) –
U2/4202 ,
E1/7107 , A&M 198 -
Y11/8216 At the Name of Jesus: Camberwell (5 or 7) – (5)
M1/1106 ,
E1/7108, (7) A&M 593 -
Y33/8650 At the Name of Jesus: Evelyns (7) A&M 593 –
Y33/8561 ,
S2/217At the Name of Jesus: King's Weston (5, 6 or 7 verse versions) –
U4/4405 (5),
Q3/4665 (6),
I/9005 (7)At the Name of Jesus: Wye Valley (4) –
T1/1504 Author of Life divine: Rhosymedre (2) -
N1/3003 , A&M 424 -
Y24/8465, REH370Author of Life divine: Gweedore (2) -
N2/3103 Author of Life divine: Lawes’ Psalm 47 (2) -
N3/3203 Ave Maria (Mawby) (1) -
C2/2305 Ave Maria, O Maiden, O Mother: Ave Maria (3+refrain) –
C/1602 Ave, Regina caelorum (Plainsong) (1) -
C2/2311 Awake, awake: fling off the Night!: Morning Hymn (5) A&M 327 -
Y18/8360Awake, awake: fling off the Night!: Deus quorum Militum (5) A&M 327 -
Y19/8361 Awake, awake to love and work: Sheltered Dale (3) –
D2/5201 Awake my Soul: Christmas (4) -
I/9185 Awake, my Soul, and with the Sun: Morning Hymn (8) A&M 1 -
Y1/8001Awake, our Souls; away, our Fears: St Petersburg (5) A&M 115 -
Y7/8124 Awake, our Souls, away our Fears: Samson (5) –
D2/5202 Away in a Manger: Cradle Song - UK tune arr. Willcocks (3) –
X1/703 arr Thiman A&M 60 -
Y4/8063 , G2/4026
Away in a Manger: Cradle Song, William James Kirkpatrick, arranged Richard Lloyd (3) -
Away in a Manger: Manger Scene, Mueller (3) - US tune –
T1/1505 , G2/4027 , H1/6510 Away with Gloom, away with Doubt: Blairgowrie (3) –
Baptised in Water: Bunessan (3) -
REH411Be bold, be strong: M. Chapman, A. Silver (1) - piano -
J3/2801Be joyful Mary heavenly Queen: Regina Caelis (3) -
I/9164Be joyful Mary heavenly Queen: Regina Caeli Jubila (1) -
I/9143 Be known to us in breaking Bread: Belmont (2) -
N2/3104 , A&M 425 -
Y24/8466 Be Not Afraid: Verse 1 (3) -
I/9236 Be present, Spirit of the Lord: Repton (4) A&M 235 -
Be still and know (3) - piano –
O/1404 ,
O2/2405 Be still for the presence of the Lord (3) - piano –
O/1405 Be still for the presence of the Lord (3) –
W2/1017 , A&M 358 -
Be still, for the Presence of the Lord: Be still – By David Evans, Arr. David Iliff (3) A&M 358 -
Y20/8396 Be still my soul: Finlandia (2 or 4) – (2)
I/9009 , (4) A&M 594 -
Y33/8652 Be strong in the Lord: Strength (3) –
T2/3201 Be the Centre of my Life: Alan J Price, arranged Andrew Moore (2)) -
Be Thou my Guardian and my Guide: Abridge (4) –
S2/218 , A&M 116 -
Y7/8125 Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my Heart: Slane (5) A&M 595 –
Y33/8653 ,
S2/219 Beauty for Brokenness, Hope for Despair: By Graham Kendrick (5 + ref.) A&M 557 -
Y31/8611 Because the Lord is my Shepherd: By Christopher Walker (4 + ref.) A&M 596 -
Y33/8654 Before I take the Body of my Lord: Laying down (5) A&M 426 -
Y24/8467 Before Jehovah's aweful Throne: Old Hundredth (4) A&M 597 -
Y33/8655. Before the Ending of the Day: Te Lucis Ante Terminum (3) A&M 012 -
Y1/8012, REH332 Before the Throne of God above: Before the Throne of God (3) A&M 598 -
Y33/8656 Before the Throne of God above: Festus (6) -
N3/3204 Before the Throne of God above: Bancroft, Cook (3) - piano -
O2/2404 Before Thy throne, O God, we kneel: St Petersburg (4) –
U4/4415Behold a little Child: Wesley (4) -
REH63Behold a Virgin Bearing Him: O Heiland Reiss (2) -
I/9237Behold, behold I make all Things new: By John L. Bell (1) A&M 328 -
Y19/8362Behold, the great Creator makes: Kilmarnock (5) -
NS1/7406Behold the great Creator makes: This Endrys Night (5) -
REH31Behold the Lamb of God: By John L. Bell + Graham Maule (1) A&M 831 -
Y47/8925Behold the Lamb who bears our Sins away: By Keith Getty and Kristyn Getty (4) A&M 427 -
Y24/8468 Behold the Mountain of the Lord: Glasgow (7) –
D2/5204 Behold the Saviour of mankind: Burford (4) -
E1/7109 Behold the Servant of the Lord: Mozart (4) –
D1/5102 Behold what manner of love: van Tine (1 or 1+round) - piano –
J/2203 ,
J2/2702 , J/2204 (as round)
Bendito, Bendito: Blessed be God (6) -
I/9228Beneath the Cross of Jesus: St Christopher (3 or 5) –
U1/4121 (3),
I/9026 (5)
Beneath the Cross of Jesus: By Keith & Kristyn Getty (3) A&M 141 -
Y8/8154 Benedictus (metrical setting): Tyrol (3) -
I/9115Bethlehem of noblest Cities - Stuttgart (5) -
G6/4107 Bethlehem what greater City: Stuttgart (5) A&M 95 -
Y6/8102 Beyond all mortal Praise: Marlborough Gate (4) A&M 599 -
Y33/8657 Big Man: G. Kendrick, A. Burt (2) - piano -
J3/2802 Bind us together, Lord (3+refrain) - piano –
O/1406Bind us together, Lord (3+refrain) –
W2/1018 Bless the Lord, my Soul: Taizé Community (9 + ref.) A&M 600 -
Y33/8658 Bless the Lord, the God of Israel: Hope Park (4) A&M 392 -
Y22/8432 Bless the Lord, the God of Israel: Bethany (Smart) (4) -
REH226Bless to me O Lord: Tyllgoed (6) -
REH372iBless to me O Lord: Alkham Valley (6) -
REH372iiBlessed are the pure in Heart/Blest are the pure in Heart: Franconia (4) A&M 602 –
S2/220 ,
R/812 Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine: Blessed Assurance (3 + ref.) A&M 601 -
Y33/8659 Blessed Assurance: Knapp (3) -
V1/3520 Blessed Assurance: F. J. Crosby, P. P. Knapp (3) - piano -
J2/2703 Blessed be the God of Israel: Thornbury (3) -
Q3/4666 Blessed City, heavenly Salem: Westminster Abbey (8 + doxology) A&M 291 -
Y16/8316 Blessed City, heavenly Salem: Oriel (4) -
NS1/7407Blessed city, heavenly Salem: Urbs beata (Office Hymn) (5) -
REH269Blessed Feasts of blessed Martyrs: In Babilone (3) -
REH297Blessed Jesu, Mary’s Son: Liebster Jesu (Dessau) (3) -
N2/3105 Blessed Joseph, yours the Praise: Warton (5) -
REH215Blessed Martin, Pastor, Prophet: Haywood (6) -
Blessed Thomas, doubt no longer: St Audrey (6)
- REH232Blessing and honour:Harvill, Sadler (1) - piano -
O2/2406Blest be the God of Israel: Ladywell (3) -
REH338Blest be the King whose Coming is in the Name of God!: Valet will ich dir geben (4) -
Q1/4612 Blest be the Tie that binds: Dennis (3) -
I/9206Blest by the Sun, the Olive Tree: Solemnis Haec Festivitas (6) A&M 166 -
Blest by the Sun, the Olive Tree: Gonfalon Royal (6) A&M 166 -
Y10/8183 Body broken for our Good: Aberystwyth (4) A&M 428 -
Y24/8469Bóg SiÄ™ Rodzi (God is Born): Traditional Polish (2) -
I/9078 Boisterous, buzzing barking Things: Big and little you’s and me’s, Winifred Elliott, arranged Noel Rawsthorne (3) -
Born in the Night, Mary’s Child: Mary’s Child (4)
- REH32Bread is blessed and broken: Grace in Essence (4) A&M 429 -
Y24/8470Bread of Heaven, on Thee we feed: Bread of Heaven (2) -
N1/3004 A&M 430 -
Y24/8471Bread of Heaven, on Thee we feed: Nicht so traurig (2) -
N3/3205 , A&M 430 -
Y24/8472 Bread of Life, Hope of the World: By Bernadette Farrell (6 + ref.) A&M 431 -
Y24/8473 Bread of the World in Mercy broken: Les Commandemens (2) -
N2/3106 Bread of the World in Mercy broken: Rendez a Dieu (1) -
N3/3206 , A&M 432 -
Y24/8474Break forth into Joy, O my Soul: arr. M. Evans (1) - piano -
O4/2603Break the Bread and pour the Wine: Michael Forster, Christopher Tambling (2) -
Break thou the bread of life: Lathbury (4) -
N1/3005, A&M 378 -
Y21/8416 Break thou the bread of life: Bread of Life (3) –
A1/6102 Breathe on me Breath of God: Carlisle (4) –
S2/221 , A&M 236 -
Y13/8257Breathe on me, Breath of God: Wirksworth - Aylesbury (4) -
NS1/7408Breathe on Me Breath of God: Dominica (4) –
I/9027Breathe on Me Breath of God: Nova Vita (4) –
U3/4315Breathe on Me Breath of God: Trentham (4) –
T1/1506 Brief Life is here our Portion: Devonshire (6) -
REH423iBrief Life is here our Portion: St Alphege (6) -
Bright as Fire in Darkness: Erlestoke (3) A&M 375 -
Y21/8413 Bright the Vision that delighted: Laus Deo (6) A&M 603 -
S4/403Bright the Vision that delighted: Redhead no. 46 (6) -
REH445Brightest and best: Epiphany (5 - verse 1 repeated) UK tune –
S1/119, A&M 96 -
Y6/8103, G6/4108 Brightest and best: Wessex (5) A&M 96 -
Y6/8104 , G6/4109 Brightest and best of the Sons of the Morning: Bede (4) -
NS1/7409Brightest and best: Morning Star (5) US tune –
U1/4110 Bring Flowers of the Rarest: Queen of the Angels (3+refrain) –
C/1603 Bring to God your new, best Songs: Redland (4) A&M 359 -
Bring to the Lord a glad new Song: Jerusalem (2) A&M 360 -
Y20/8398 British National Anthem - see God Save the KingBroken for me: Broken for me (4) -
E1/7110 , A&M 433 -
Y24/8475 Broken for me (4) - piano –
O/1407Brother, Sister, let me serve you: Servant Song (6) A&M 604 -
Y34/8662Brothers and Sisters: R. Jones (3) - piano -
J3/2803But ye are washed: P. Simmons (1) - piano -
O4/2604By gracious Powers so wonderfully sheltered: Finlandia (4) A&M 605 -
Y34/8663 By gracious Powers, so wonderfully sheltered: Intercessor (4) -
REH608By the Babylonian Rivers: Kas Dziedaja (3) -
D4/5261 By Your side: Richards (2) - piano -
O2/2407 Caed trefn i faddau pechod: Cymod (2) -
CY1/5507Calm me, Lord, as You calmed the Storm: By Margaret Rizza (3 or 2) A&M 832 - (3)
Y47/8926 Amazon, (2)
D3/5232 Calon Lan (3) -
I/9116Can we by searching find out God: St Bernard (5) A&M 269 -
Y15/8294Can Man by searching find out God: Epworth (5) -
NS1/7410Can you see what we have made: Song for Christingle, Graham Kendrick, arranged Donald Thompson (5) -
Canaf yn y bore: Llys Aeron (5) -
CY1/5508 Cantemos al Amor de los Amores: Sagastizábal (3) -
I/9165 Captains of the saintly Band: University College (6) -
NS1/7411Captains of the saintly Band: Harts (6) -
REH288Caterpillar, Caterpillar: Susan Sayers, arranged Andrew Moore (3) -
Cause me to come: R. Edward Miller (3) - piano -
O4/2605Cenwch i'r Arglwydd: Hengoed (4) -
CY1/5509 “Cheep!” Said the Sparrow: The Birds’ Song, Estelle White, arranged Noel Rawsthorne (3) -
Child in a Stable - Dans cette étable (3) -
G2/4028 Child in the Manger - Bunessan (3) -
G2/4029 Child of Blessing, Child of Promise: Shipston (2) A&M 329 -
Y19/8363 Child of Heaven, born on Earth – French Lorrain Carol (3 + ref.) -
G2/4030 Children of Jerusalem: J. Henley (3) - piano -
J2/2704Children of the heavenly King: Harts (5) -
NS1/7412Children of the heavenly King: Bewdley (5) -
NS1/7413Children of the heavenly King: Melling (4) -
Children of the heavenly King: Court Way (4) -
REH447iiChrist be in my Waking: Stuart Townend & Simon Brading (4 + ref.) A&M 606 -
Y34/8664Christ be the Lord of all our Days: Cloth Fair (4) A&M 607 -
Y34/8665 Christ be with me: Gartan (2) -
N2/3107 AmazonChrist bids us break the Bread: Eastville (5) A&M 434 -
Christ bids us break the Bread: Franconia (5) A&M 434 -
Y24/8477 Christ for the World we sing!: Milton Abbas (3) -
NS1/7414Christ is alive! Let Christians sing: Truro (5) A&M 199 -
Y11/8217Christ is arisen. Alleluia: Christ is arisen - Round (1) -
Q4/4705Christ is made the Sure Foundation: Westminster Abbey [part 2 to end] (5) –
R/813Christ is our Corner-stone: Harewood (4) A&M 608 –
Y34/8666 Amazon,
S2/222Christ is our King: Estelle White, arranged Andrew Moore (6 + refrain) -
Christ is our Light! the bright and morning Star: Godmanchester (3) A&M 97 -
Y6/8105Christ is risen, sound his praise: Harts (3) –
L/9901 Christ is the heavenly Food that gives: Jackson (4) -
N3/3207 Christ is the King! O Friends rejoice: Vulpius (7) A&M 486 -
Y27/8535 Christ is the King! O Friends rejoice: Gelobt sei Gott (7) -
NS1/7415Christ is the one who calls: Love unknown (5) A&M 487 -
Y27/8536 Christ is the World's Light, He and none other: Christe Sanctorum (4) A&M 609 -
Y34/8667Christ is the World's true Light: Nun danket (3) A&M 620 -
Y34/8668 Christ is the World's true Light: Darmstadt (3) -
NS1/7416Christ is the World's True Light: St Joan (3) –
U3/4317Christ leads me through no darker Rooms: Sturges (3) -
I/9175Christ of the upward Way: Adsum (5) -
I/9126 Christ of the upward Way: Sursum Corda (5) -
I/9127Christ pours His Grace upon His own: Wilby (3) A&M 270 -
Y15/8295 Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels: Coelites Plaudant (5 or 6) – (5) A&M 323 -
Y18/8354 , (6)
U2/4210Christ the Lord is risen again: Württemberg (7) A&M 200
Christ the Lord is risen again: Orientis partibus (7) A&M 200
Y11/8219 Christ the Lord is risen again: Hundert Arien (6) -
E1/7111Christ the Lord is Risen Today: Victimae Paschali (4) -
I/9238Christ the Way of Life possess me: East Street (4) A&M 611 -
Y34/8669 Christ triumphant: M. Sayward, M. Baughen (5) - piano -
J3/2804 Christ triumphant, ever reigning: Guiting Power (5 + ref.) A&M 612 -
Y34/8670 Christ upon the Mountain Peak: Feniton (4) -
NS1/7417Christ, when for us You were baptised: Caithness (4) -
NS1/7418Christ, who knows all His Sheep: Cambridge (4) -
NS1/7419Christ, whose Glory fills the Skies: Ratisbon (3) –
S5/501 , A&M 002 -
Y1/8002Christ, whose Glory: Christ whose Glory (3) US tune -
Q1/4601 Christian dost thou see them?: Sohren (4) US tune –
U4/4422 Christian dost thou see them?: St Andrew of Crete (4) UK tune –
M1/1107 Christian People, raise your Song: Ave virgo virginum (2) -
N2/3108 , A&M 435 -
Y24/8478 Christians awake! Salute the happy Morn: Yorkshire, Stockport (6) –
S1/109, A&M 61 -
Y4/8064, G2/4031Christians, lift up your Hearts: Salve festa Dies (6 + ref.) A&M 237 -
Y13/8258 Christians, lift up your Hearts - Praise for the Spirit: Salve Festa Dies (7 + ref.) -
NS1/7420Christians, lift up your Hearts - The House of God: Salve Festa Dies (7 + ref.) -
NS1/7421Christians, lift up your Hearts - Word and Sacrament: Salve Festa Dies (3 + ref.) -
NS1/7422Christians, lift your Hearts and Voices: Webbe’s St Thomas (4) -
N1/3006 Amazon, A&M436 -
Y24/8479 Christians, lift your Hearts and Voices: Alleluia dulce Carmen: Tantum Ergo (4) -
NS447 Christians, make a joyful Sound - German Melody in Moosburg Gradual (4 + ref.) -
G2/4032 Christ's is the World in which we move: Dream Angus (4 + ref.) A&M 512 -
Y29/8561 Church of God, elect and glorious: Lux Eoi (4) A&M 488 -
Y27/8537 City, O City: L. E. Smith (3) - piano -
O4/2606 City of God, how broad and far: Richmond (5) A&M 613 -
Y34/8671Clap your Hands all you Nations: Marius (5) A&M 225 -
Y13/8245Clap your Hands, all you People: Jimmy Owens, arranged Noel Rawsthorne (1) -
Clap your Hands and Sing this Song: Traditional, Jean Holloway, arranged Andrew Moore (7) -
Close to Thee: Sojourner (3) –
T3/3301 Closer to Thee, my Father draw me: Closer to Thee (3+refrain) –
A1/6103 Cof am y cyfiawn Iesu: Mannheim (3) -
CY1/5510 Colours of Day (3) - piano –
O/1408 ,
J/2205 Colours of Day (3) –
W2/1019 , A&M 027 -
Y2/8028 Come all you People: By Alexander Gondo (2) A&M 361 -
Y20/8399 Come and join the Celebration: Celebrations (3) - A&M 62 -
Y4/8065 Come and join the celebration (3) - piano –
O/1409 Come and praise Him, royal Priesthood: A. Carter (1) - piano -
O4/2607 Come and see, come and see: By Graham Kendrick (3 + ref.) A&M 178 -
Y10/8195 Come and see the shining Hope that Christ's Apostle saw: Marching through Georgia (3) A&M 028 -
Y2/8029Come and see the shining hope: Marching through Georgia (3) - piano –
O/1410 Come By Here (Kum bah-ya): Spiritual (3) -
V1/3516 Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell: Cross deep (3) -
N3/3208 , A&M 438 -
Y25/8482 Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell: Eton (3) -
N3/3209Come down, O Love divine: Down Ampney (4) (also available as 3) –
S4/401 (4), A&M 238 -
U2/4206 (3)
Come down, O Love divine: North Petherton (4) A&M 238 -
Y13/8260 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove: Hawkhurst (4) -
NS153 Come Holy Ghost: Lambilotte (3) -
I/9152Come Holy Ghost, Creator blest: Mendon (5) -
I/9183 Come Holy Ghost, Creator, Come: Tallis' Ordinal (7) –
I/9010 Come Holy Ghost, our Hearts inspire: Nun danket all’ (4) A&M 239 -
Come Holy Ghost, our Souls Inspire: Come Holy Ghost (9) –
U3/4313 Come Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire: Veni, Creator Spiritus (4 or 5) – (4 + extensions and amen)
M1/1108 (5)
, A&M 241 -
Y14/8263Come Holy Ghost, Thine Influence shed: Twyford (2) -
Come Holy Ghost with God the Son: Vetter (2) -
U5/4517 Come, Holy Spirit: Breath of Heaven (8) A&M 240 -
Y14/8262 Come, Holy Spirit, come!: Diademata (5) A&M 242 -
Y14/8264 Come Holy Spirit, Dove Divine: Maryton (4) –
T2/3202 Come into His Presence: Unknown, arranged Andrew Moore (3) -
H1/6522 Come, labour on: Ora Labora (5) –
U4/4417 Come, let us all unite and sing: Better World (4) –
Come, let us join our cheerful Songs: Nativity (4) –
S2/223, A&M 362 -
Y20/8400 Come let us sing: R. Walmsley, F. L. Wiseman (4) - piano -
J2/2705 Come, let us to the Lord our God: Newbury (6) A&M 117 -
Y7/8126 Come, let us to the Lord our God: Maisemore (6) A&M 117 -
Come let us with our Lord arise: Madrid (4) -
E1/7112 Come let us with our Lord arise: Ascendit Deus (3) -
NS449 Come, Light of the World, light up our Lives, Lord: Invocations (5) A&M 031 -
Y2/8032 Come listen to my tale: Burt (1) - piano –
J/2206Come, living God, when least expected: Spiritus vitae (6) A&M 615 -
Come, living God, when least expected: Sunset (6) A&M 615 -
Y34/8674 Come, Lord, to our Souls come down: Melling (3) A&M 380 -
Come, Lord, to our Souls come down: Quedgeley (3) A&M 380 -
Y21/8419 Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life: The Call (3) -
Q3/4670 Come now is the time: Doerksen (1) - piano -
O2/2408 Come now, O Prince of Peace: O-So-So (4) - A&M 029 -
Y2/8030 Come now you blessed, eat at my Table: O Quanta Qualia (Regnator Orbis) (4)
D4/5262 Come, O come, our Voices raise: Sonne der Gerechtigkeit (6) -
Q3/4664 Come, O Thou Traveller unknown: David’s Harp (5) A&M 616 -
Y34/8675 Come, O Thou Traveller unknown: Colchester (5) -
NS243 Come on and celebrate (1) - piano –
O/1411 Come on and celebrate (1) –
W2/1020 Come on, let’s get up and go: Graham Kendrick, arranged Noel Rawsthorne (1) -
Come, pure Hearts, in joyful Measure sing: Alles ist an Gottes Segen (3) -
Come, pure Hearts, in sweetest Measures: Evangelists (3) -
NS300 Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our Guest: Song 4 (4) -
N1/3007 Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our Guest: Morestead (4) -
Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our Guest: Edsall (4) -
U5/4507 Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our Guest: Rosedale (4) -
Q2/4636 Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our Guest: Sursum Corda (4) -
Q2/4637 Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our Guest: Blackbird Leys (4) -
Come, see the Lord in His breathtaking Splendour: Barnard Gate (5) A&M 226 -
Come, see the Lord in His breathtaking Splendour: Jesmian (5) A&M 226 -
Y13/8247 Come, sing the Praise of Jesus: Battle Hymn of the Republic (3 + ref.) A&M 617 -
Y34/8676 Come, they told me: The Little Drummer boy, Katherine K Davis and Harry Simeone, arranged Noel Rawsthorne (3) -
Come, Thou almighty King, help us Thy Name to sing: Moscow (4)
- Q2/4653 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing: Nettleton (3) A&M 618 –
T1/1507 Come, Thou holy Spirit bright: Arbor Street (5) -
Q1/4627 Come, Thou holy Spirit bright: Veni Sancte Spiritus (5) -
Q1/4626 Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come: Veni sancte Spiritus (5) A&M 243 -
Y14/8265 Come, Thou long-expected Jesus: Cross of Jesus (4) –
S1/101, A&M 030 -
Y2/8031, G/4005 Come Thou long-expected Jesus: Stuttgart (4) –
I/9011 Come, thou Redeemer of the Earth: Puer Nobis Nascitur (6) A&M 032 -
Y2/8033 Come To a Wedding: Bunessan (4) – A&M 344 -
I/9159 Come to Bethlehem and see the newborn King - Pieds en l’Air from Capriol Suite (2) -
G2/4033Come to me, come to me: By John L. Bell (1) A&M 833 -
Y47/8927 ‘Come to me,' says Jesus: Glenfinlas (5) A&M 437 -
‘Come to me,' says Jesus: Pastor Pastorum (5) A&M 437 -
Y25/8481 Come, walk with me: P. Ive (2) - piano -
O4/2608Come, we that love the Lord, and let our Joys be known: Vineyard Haven (4 + ref.) -
Q3/4660Come we that love the Lord: Marching to Zion (4+refrain) –
A1/6104Come with newly written Anthems: St Paul’s Cathedral (3) A&M 614 -
Y34/8672 Come, Workers for the Lord: Watchman (5) -
NS350 Come, ye Faithful, raise the Anthem: Unser Herrscher (6) A&M 619 -
Y34/8678 Come ye faithful, raise the strain: St John Damascene (4) (UK tune) –
E1/7113, A&M 201 -
Come, ye Faithful, raise the Strain: Ave Virgo Virginum (4) (alternate UK tune) A&M 201 -
Y12/8221Come ye faithful, raise the strain: St Kevin (4) (US tune) –
U2/4203 Come, ye Faithful, raise the Strain: Gaudeamus pariter (4) (alt US tune) -
Q1/4621 Come Ye thankful People: St George (4) –
S5/510, A&M 282 -
Y16/8307Comfort, comfort ye my People: Psalm 42, Goudimel (3) -
Q1/4610 Coventry Carol (
see also Lully Lulla): 4 part arrangement: Carols for Choirs –
X2/1303 Coventry Carol: original 3 part version –
X2/1302 Cover me: R. Edward Miller - piano -
O4/2609 Cradled in a Manger: St Winifred / Oran Na Prasaich (4) –
M1/1109 ,
I/9012Creating God, we bring our Song of Praise: Blackbird Leys (4) A&M 535 -
Y30/8586 Creation is awaiting: Bowater, Taylor (3) - piano -
O2/2409 Creator God, the World around: Melita (4) A&M 536 -
Y30/8587 Creator of the Earth and Skies: Agincourt (4) -
NS351 Creator of the Starry Height: Conditor Alme Siderum (6) –
U1/4102, A&M 033 -
Y2/8034 Creator of the starry Height: Brockham (6) A&M 033 -
Y2/8035 Creator of the Stars of Night: Conditor Alme (5) -
G1/4006 Credo III (plainsong): 17th C. Mode V –
C/1604 Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow: Cross of Jesus (4) -
Q1/4619 Crown Him with many Crowns: Diademata (5) –
S3/311, E1/7114 , A&M 227 -
Crown with Love, Lord, this glad Day: England's Lane (3) -
NS450Cry ‘Freedom!' in the Name of God, and let the Cry resound: Free indeed (5 + ref.) A&M 555 -
Y31/8609 Cymer, Iesu, fi, fel ‘rydwyf: Bryn Calfaria (4) -
REH437Cyn llunio'r byd: Navarre (3) -
CY1/5511 Daily, Daily, Sing to Mary: Daily Daily (5) –
C/1605Daily, Daily, Sing to Mary: Alle Tage Sing und Sage (3) -
I/9245 iTunes Daniel was a Man of Prayer: Anon, P. Burt (1) - piano -
J3/2805 Dark is the Night, and Friends lie sleeping still: Borough (3) A&M 185 -
Y11/8203Day of wrath and day of wonder: Ar Hyd y Nos (3) -
E1/7115Dear Christ, uplifted from the Earth: San Rocco (4) A&M 620 -
Dear Christ, uplifted from the Earth: St Botolph (4) A&M 620 -
Y34/8680 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind: Repton (UK tune) (5) –
W1/913Dear Lord and Father of Mankind: Repton – unison (5) A&M 621 -
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind: Repton – manuals only (5) A&M 621 -
Y35/8682 Dear Lord and Father of Mankind: Rest (a.k.a. Elton - US Tune) (4/5 verse) –
U4/4410 (5),
T1/1508 (4)
Dear Lord, to You again our Gifts we bring: Song 24 (4) -
NS352Dear Lord, we long to see Your Face: Surrey (4) A&M 622 -
Y35/8683 Dearest Jesu, we are here: Liebster Jesu (Dessau) (2) -
N2/3110, A&M 439 -
Y25/8483Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly: Not Galan (3) –
X2/1304 , G2/4034 Deck Thyself, my Soul, with Gladness: Schmuecke Dich (3) –
U3/4311 Amazon, A&M 440 -
Y25/8484 Deep and wide: Cox/Silver (1) - piano –
J/2207 Deep in the Darkness a Starlight is gleaming: By Jan Berry (4)
D3/5233Delight yourselves in the Lord: D. Bolton (1) - piano -
O4/2610 Ding-dong, ding, ding-a-dong-a-ding - O quam mundum, quam jucundum (3 + ref.) -
G2/4035Ding Dong Merrily on High (3) –
X2/1305, G2/4036Disposer supreme, and Judge of the Earth: Old 104th (6) A&M 295 -
Y16/8320Do Lord, Remember Me: Spiritual (4) -
V1/3517Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you: By Gerard Markland (5 + ref.) A&M 330 -
Y19/8364Do what you know is right: Bev Gammon, arranged Noel Rawsthorne (1) -
Do you ever wish you could fly: Just be glad God made you “you”, Christopher Tambling (5) –
Dona nobis pacem, pacem: Dona nobis pacem – Round (1)
- Q4/4704Don’t build your House on the sandy Land: Karen Lafferty, arranged Andrew Moore (1) -
H1/6525 Don't forget the Sabbath: Don't forget (3+refrain) –
Don't forget the Sabbath: Don't forget (3+refrain) –
A1/6105 Down by the Riverside (3) –
I/9013Draw near to God: Achor (1) - piano -
O4/2611Draw nigh, and take the Body of the Lord: Draw Nigh (5) -
N2/3111 Draw nigh, and take the Body of the Lord: Song 46 (5) -
N3/3211, A&M 441 -
Y25/8485Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord: Palmer Church (8) -
Q2/4644Drop, Drop Slow Tears: Song 46 (3) –
M1/1110 Amazon,
E1/7116, A&M 118 -
Duw a Thad yr holl genhedloedd: Tangnefedd (4) -
Duw mawr y rhyfeddodau maith!: Rhyd-y-groes (3) -
Dyma gariad fel y moroedd: Ebeneser (3) -