The library

The full list of all our tracks, in alphabetical order.


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To hear a sample of any track click on the code for the track's album, e.g. M1/1101 and scroll down to the Apple Music player for the album.

Our tracks are available from this website on our albums (click through to the album by clicking on the code for the track, e.g. M1/1101) or on a bespoke CD or MP3 set.

You can also download most of the tracks in the library from Amazon by going to or, choosing Digital Music in the search and searching for John Keys followed by the name of track, album or tune.

Our tracks are also available in the iTunes Store on phones/iPads, on Apple Music on Macs and on iTunes on PCs. Either go to the album/set by clicking on the code for the track, or search for John Keys and the track or album name on those in the iTunes/Apple Music app.

If you have any queries about the tracks or how to buy them, please drop us an email.
(number after hymn name indicates number of verses - 'A&M' numbers refer to Ancient and Modern: Hymns and Songs of Refreshing Worship)

A brighter Dawn is breaking: Nun lasst uns Gott (4) - M1/1101, A&M 192 - Y11/8210
A Butterfly, an Easter Egg: Carey Landry, arranged Norman Warren (3) – H1/6501
A Great and Mighty Wonder: (4) or (5) – X1/701 Carols for Choirs (5) Amazon, (5) A&M 58 - Y4/8061, (4) G2/4022
A heavenly Splendour from on high: Splendor coelestis (6) - REH204i
A heavenly Splendour from on high: St Petersburg (6) - REH204ii
A man there lived in Galilee: Tyrolean Melody (3) - E1/7105
A Mighty Fortress is our God: Ein Feste Burg (4) – tune only Q4/4697, harmony Q4/4698, T1/1503
A mighty Sound from Heaven at Pentecost there came: Song of the Holy Spirit (3) - Q2/4630
A Mighty Wind invades the World: Agincourt (4) A&M 233 - Y13/8254
A mighty Wind invades the World: Church triumphant (4) - REH180i
A mighty Wind invades the World: Doe gracias (4) - REH180ii
A New Commandment (2) - piano – O/1403
A Noble Flow'r of Judah: Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (3) – I/9014
A Purple Robe, a Crown of Thorn: A purple Robe (5) A&M 174 - Y10/8191
A safe Stronghold our God is still: Ein’ feste Burg (4) -D3/5231
A Stranger once did bless the Earth: Surrey (5) - NS1/7401
A Time to watch, a Time to pray: Breslau (4) A&M 175 - Y10/8192
A Virgin most pure, as the Prophets do tell - A Virgin most pure (7 + ref.) - G2/4023
A wiggly, waggly Worm: The wiggly waggly Song, Paul Field (2) - H1/6512
Abba, Father (1) – W2/1016
Abba, Father (choose 1 or x2) – piano –O/1401 (1), J/2201 (2)
Abide with me: Eventide (5) – S5/504 A&M 010 - Y1/8010
Above the Moon Earth rises: Salley Gardens (4) A&M 531 - Y30/8581
Above the Voices of the World around me: Aston Rowant (3) A&M 114 - Y7/8123
Abranse Los Cielos: Let the Heavens (3) - I/9234
According to thy gracious Word: Bangor (6) - N1/3001, A&M 420 - Y23/8460
According to thy gracious Word: Song 67 (6) - N2/3101, A&M 429 - Y24/8461
Adam lay ybounden: Boris Ord (1) - G1/4001
Adam lay ybounden: Peter Warlock (1) - G1/4002
Adeste fideles: Adeste fideles (4) (All in Latin) - REH41
Adios, Oh Virgen de Guadalupe: Farewell, O Virgin of Guadalupe (4) - I/9227
Advance Australia Fair (Australian National Anthem: 2) – R/805
Advent Candles tell their Story: Angel Voices (1) A&M 026 - Y2/8027, G1/4003
Afar from where the Sun doth Rise: St Venantius (7) – I/9003
Affirm anew the three-fold Name: St Matthew (4) A&M 268 - Y15/8293
Again the Lord's own Day is here: Church Triumphant (5) - NS1/7402
Again we keep this solemn Fast: Ex More docti (6) - REH79i
Again we keep this solemn Fast: Jesu Corona (6) - REH79ii
Agnus Dei (metrical setting): Episcopal Hymn Book 1940 - I/9135
Ah, holy Jesu, how have you offended: Herzliebster Jesu (5) A&M 139 - Y8/8152
Ah, holy Jesu, how hast Thou offended: Herzliebster Jesu (5) Alternative Version - REH82ii
Ai am fy meiau i: Penparc (6) - CY1/5502
All-creating heavenly Giver: Mead House (4) A&M 485 - Y27/8534
All creatures of our God and King: Lasst uns erfreuen (5 or 7) – (5) W1/908, (7) A&M 532 - Y30/8582
All for Jesus: All for Jesus (5) – M1/1102, A&M 421 - Y24/8462
All Glory be to God on High: Nicolaus (4) A&M 413 - Y23/8453
All glory be to God on high, and Peace on Earth from Heaven: Allein Gott in der Höh (3) - Q3/4663
All Glory, Laud and Honour: St Theodulph (5 or 7) – (5) S2/201, E1/7103, (7) A&M 159 - Y9/8174
All Glory, Laud and Honor: R. Proulx (5) - I/9151
All hail, adored Trinity: Illsley (3) - REH190
All hail the Power of Jesus' Name: Miles Lane (6) UK tune – S3/310, A&M 223 - Y13/8243
All Hail the Power of Jesus's Name: Coronation (4) US tune – T1/1501
All hail the Power of Jesus' Name: Diadem (5) – I/9131
All hail the Power of Jesus' Name: Ladywell (3) - NS140ii
All Heaven declares: Richards (2) - piano - O2/2401
All Heaven declares the Glory of the risen Lord: By Noël & Tricia Richards (2) A&M 193 - Y11/8211
All I once held dear: Knowing You (3 + ref. A&M 585 - Y33/8642
All I once held dear: Kendrick (3) - piano - O2/2402
All in an Easter Garden: Traditional, arranged Andrew Moore (2) - H1/6502
All My Heart: Ebling (carol) – X2/1301
All My Hope on God is founded: Michael (5) A&M 584 - Y33/8641, R/809
All my Hope on God is founded: Michael (5) Harmony Version - REH428ii
All my Need is met in Jesus: Llwynbedw (3) - REH429
All Nations of the World: Darwall’s 148th (3) A&M 356 - Y20/8393
All Night all Day: Spiritual, arranged Noel Rawsthorne (2) - H1/6503
All of my Heart: Doug Marks-Smirchirch, arranged Keith Stent (1) - H1/6504
All of the Creatures God had made: Christopher Tambling (4) - H1/6505
All of the People: Susan Sayers, arranged Andrew Moore (3) - H1/6506
All Over the World (3) - piano –O/1402
All people that on Earth do dwell: Old 100th (4 or 5 verse versions) – S1/123 (5), W1/909 (4) , R/810 (5) A&M 357 - Y20/8394 , Q3/4657
All People that on Earth do dwell: Old Hundredth (5) alternative version in verse 4 - REH430ii
All Praise to Christ, our Lord and King divine: Engelberg (5) A&M 586 - Y33/8643
All praise to Thee, for Thou, O King divine: Engelberg (5) – U4/4407
All the Nations of the Earth: Kevin Mayhew, arranged Andrew Moore (5) - H1/6507
All the Way my Saviour leads me: All the Way (3) – T1/1502
All things bright and beautiful: All Things bright and beautiful (refrain, 4+refrain or 5+refrain) – (4) S3/315 , W1/910, (5) A&M 533 - Y30/8584
All things bright and beautiful: Royal Oak (refrain, 4+refrain or 5+refrain) – (4) W1/911, (5) A&M 533 - Y30/8583
All things praise Thee, Lord most high: Te Laudant Omnia (5) – D1/5101
All through the Night: Ar hyd y nos (2) – M1/1103
All my Heart this Night rejoices - Warum sollt ich mich denn grämen (4) - G2/4024
All together in one Place: Orientis Partibus (6) A&M 234 - Y13/8255
All ye that pass by: Wareham (4) - E1/7104
All ye who seek a Comfort sure: St Bernard (5) - REH83
All ye who seek for sure Relief: St Bernard (5) A&M 140 - Y8/8153
Alleluia, Alleluia: Celtic Alleluia (1 and 4) A&M 196 (1) - Y11/8214 , A&M 401 (4) - Y23/8441
Alleluia, Alleluia (Sending): Celtic Alleluia (1 + ref.) A&M 474 - Y27/8523
Alleluia, alleluia: Pilgrim’s Alleluia (4 + ref.) A&M 377 - Y21/8415
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia: Threefold alleluia (1) A&M 374 - Y21/8412
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!: Victory (4) – I/9024
Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord: D. Fishel (5) - piano - J2/2701
Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord: Alleluia No 1 (Fishel) (5) - E1/7101, A&M 197 - Y11/8215
Alleluia, alleluia, hearts to heaven and voices raise: Lux Eoi (4) - E1/7102, A&M 194 - Y11/8212
Alleluia! Alleluia! Raise the Gospel over the Earth!: By Bernadette Farrell (6 + ref.) A&M 556 - Y31/8610
Alleluia! Jesus is risen!: Earth and all Stars (3 + ref.) A&M 195 - Y11/8213
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!: Hyfrydol (4) – S4/405 Amazon, N3/3201, A&M 422 - Y24/8463
Alleluia, Song of Gladness: Dulce Carmen (4) – U1/4113
Alleluia, Song of Gladness: Urbs beata Jerusalem (4) - Q1/4615
Alleluya, Song of Sweetness: Tantum Ergo (Webbe) (4) - REH78
Alleluia! Your words, O Lord, are Spirit and life (1 + ref.) A&M 376 - Y21/8414
Alma Redemptoris Mater (Hermann the Lame) (1) - C2/2304
Almighty Father, Lord most high: St Mark (5) - N2/3102
Almighty Father, who for us Thy Son didst give: Annue Christe (4) - NS1/7403
Altisimo Señor: Lord Most High (4) - I/9235
Amazing Grace: early American melody (6) A&M 587 - Y33/8644, W1/912
Amen: Spiritual (4) - V1/3522
Amen, amen, alleluia, amen: By John Bell (4) A&M 830 - Y47/8924
Amens - threefold (Danish) and sevenfold (Stainer) – I/9065 & I/9060
Among Earth’s Multitude of Lights: Puer natus in Bethlehem (4) - REH66
Ancient of Days, Who sittest Throned in Glory: Albany (5) – U3/4321
Ancient of Days, who sittest throned in Glory: Coburn (5) - Q2/4652
An upper Room did our Lord prepare: O Waly Waly (4) A&M 165 - Y10/8181
And Can it Be: Sagina (5) A&M 588 – Y33/8645, M1/1104, E1/7106
And did those Feet in ancient Time: Jerusalem (2) A&M 576 - Y32/8633, S2/215, W1/917, R/811
And didst Thou travel light, dear Lord: Kingsfold (3) - NS1/7404
And didst Thou travel light, dear Lord: Hucklebridge (3) - REH435
And Everyone beneath the Vine and Fig Tree: Unknown, arranged Andrew Moore (1) - H1/6508
And Have the Bright Immensities/Intensities: Halifax (2) - I/9188
And Now, O Father, Mindful of the Love: Song 1 (4) - N1/3002
And Now, O Father, Mindful of the Love: Unde et Memores (4) – U3/4301, A&M 423 - Y24/8464
Angels from the Realms of Glory: Iris (4) - UK tune – S1/108, A&M 59 - Y4/8062, G2/4025
Angels from the Realms of Glory: Regent Square (5) - US tune – I/9004
Angel-voices ever singing: Angel voices (5) A&M 589 – Y33/8646, S2/216
Angels we have heard on High: Gloria (4) - I/9201
Anghrediniaeth, gad fi'n llonydd: Bryngogarth (2) - CY1/5501
Another six days' work is done: Hebron (4) – A1/6101
Another Year completed: Tewkesbury Abbey (4) - REH314
Ar fôr tymhestlog: Penmachno (6) - CY1/5503
Ar yrfa bywyd yn y byd: Godre'r Coed (5) - CY1/5506
Are Ye able said the Master: Marlatt (4) - I/9196
Arglwydd, arwain trwy’r anialwch: Cwm Rhondda (3) - REH478
Arglwydd, gad im dawel orffwys: Arwelfa (3) - CY1/5504
Arglwydd Iesu, arwain f’enaid: In Memoriam (2) - CY1/5505
Arise, shine out, your Light has come: Church triumphant (5) A&M 93 - Y5/8100
Around the Throne of God a Band: Solothurn (4) A&M 322 - Y18/8353, REH247
As I am, O Lord, receive me: Bryn Calfaria (4) - REH437
As I Kneel Before You: Parkinson (3+refrain) – C/1601
As Jacob with Travel was weary one Day: Jacob’s Ladder (4 + ref.) A&M 590 - Y33/8647
As Jacob with Travel was weary one Day: 18th-century English Carol melody, arranged Andrew Moore (4) - H1/6509
As Joseph was a-walking: Richard Terry (3) - G/4004
As Man and Woman we were made: Sussex Carol (4) - A&M 343 - Y19/8378
As now the Sun's declining Rays: St Peter (3) A&M 011 - Y1/8011
As now the Sun shines down at Noon: Jesu dulcis memoria (4) Monday & Thursday - Q1/4604
As now the Sun shines down at Noon: Jesu dulcis memoria (4) Tuesday & Saturday - Q1/4605
As now the Sun shines down at Noon: Jesu dulcis memoria (4) Wednesday & Friday - Q1/4606
As now the Sun’s declining Rays: Jesu nostra Redemptio (3) - REH330i
As royal Banners are unfurled: Vexilla Regis (7) A&M 176 - Y10/8193
As the Deer pants for the Water (3): By Martin J.Nystrom A&M 592 - Y33/8649
As the deer: Nystrom (3) - piano - O2/2403
As the Deer longs for running Streams: By Bob Hurd (5 + ref.) A&M 325 - Y18/8357
As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams: Martyrdom (4) A&M 591 – Y33/8648 , M1/1105
As the Bridegroom to his Chosen: Bridegroom (5) - NS1/7405
As the Disciples, when thy Son had left them: Diva servatrix (6) - N3/3202
As the Sun is high: P. Lawson Johnson (1) - piano - O4/2602
As Water to the Thirsty: Oasis (3) A&M 534 - Y30/8585 A
As we remember, Lord, Thy faithful Handmaid: Ut queant laxis (Christe Fons Iugis) (5) - REH301
As with Gladness Men of old: Dix (5) – S1/118 , X1/702, A&M 94 - Y6/8101 . G6/4106
Ascended Christ, Who gained: Christchurch (5) A&M 224 - Y13/8244
Ascribe to the Lord: C Govier (3) - piano - O4/2601
Ask! Ask! Ask!: Burt (1) – piano – J/2202
At Even, ere the Sun was set: Angelus (7) A&M 013 - Y1/8013
At Even When the Sun was Set: Angelus (6 or 7 verse versions) – U2/4224 (6), I/9025 (7)
At the Cross her Station keeping: Stabat Mater (5) A&M 177 - Y10/8194
At the Cross her Station Keeping: Mainz (5) – U1/4116
At the Dawning of Creation: Long Lane (4) A&M 326 - Y18/8358
At the Dawning of Creation: Restoration (4) A&M 326 - Y18/8359
At the Lamb's high feast we sing: Salzburg (4) – U2/4202 , E1/7107 , A&M 198 - Y11/8216
At the Name of Jesus: Camberwell (5 or 7) – (5) M1/1106 , E1/7108, (7) A&M 593 - Y33/8650
At the Name of Jesus: Evelyns (7) A&M 593 – Y33/8561 , S2/217
At the Name of Jesus: King's Weston (5, 6 or 7 verse versions) – U4/4405 (5), Q3/4665 (6), I/9005 (7)
At the Name of Jesus: Wye Valley (4) – T1/1504
Author of Life divine: Rhosymedre (2) - N1/3003 , A&M 424 - Y24/8465, REH370
Author of Life divine: Gweedore (2) - N2/3103
Author of Life divine: Lawes’ Psalm 47 (2) - N3/3203
Ave Maria (Mawby) (1) - C2/2305
Ave Maria, O Maiden, O Mother: Ave Maria (3+refrain) – C/1602
Ave, Regina caelorum (Plainsong) (1) - C2/2311
Awake, awake: fling off the Night!: Morning Hymn (5) A&M 327 - Y18/8360
Awake, awake: fling off the Night!: Deus quorum Militum (5) A&M 327 - Y19/8361
Awake, awake to love and work: Sheltered Dale (3) – D2/5201
Awake my Soul: Christmas (4) - I/9185
Awake, my Soul, and with the Sun: Morning Hymn (8) A&M 1 - Y1/8001
Awake, our Souls; away, our Fears: St Petersburg (5) A&M 115 - Y7/8124
Awake, our Souls, away our Fears: Samson (5) – D2/5202
Away in a Manger: Cradle Song - UK tune arr. Willcocks (3) – X1/703 arr Thiman A&M 60 - Y4/8063 , G2/4026
Away in a Manger: Cradle Song, William James Kirkpatrick, arranged Richard Lloyd (3) - H1/6510
Away in a Manger: Manger Scene, Mueller (3) - US tune – T1/1505 , G2/4027 , H1/6510
Away with Gloom, away with Doubt: Blairgowrie (3) – D2/5203

Baptised in Water: Bunessan (3) - REH411
Be bold, be strong: M. Chapman, A. Silver (1) - piano - J3/2801
Be joyful Mary heavenly Queen: Regina Caelis (3) - I/9164
Be joyful Mary heavenly Queen: Regina Caeli Jubila (1) - I/9143
Be known to us in breaking Bread: Belmont (2) - N2/3104 , A&M 425 - Y24/8466
Be Not Afraid: Verse 1 (3) - I/9236
Be present, Spirit of the Lord: Repton (4) A&M 235 - Y13/8256
Be still and know (3) - piano –O/1404 , O2/2405
Be still for the presence of the Lord (3) - piano –O/1405
Be still for the presence of the Lord (3) – W2/1017 , A&M 358 - Y20/8395
Be still, for the Presence of the Lord: Be still – By David Evans, Arr. David Iliff (3) A&M 358 - Y20/8396
Be still my soul: Finlandia (2 or 4) – (2) I/9009 , (4) A&M 594 - Y33/8652
Be strong in the Lord: Strength (3) – T2/3201
Be the Centre of my Life: Alan J Price, arranged Andrew Moore (2)) - H1/6513
Be Thou my Guardian and my Guide: Abridge (4) – S2/218 , A&M 116 - Y7/8125
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my Heart: Slane (5) A&M 595 – Y33/8653 , S2/219
Beauty for Brokenness, Hope for Despair: By Graham Kendrick (5 + ref.) A&M 557 - Y31/8611
Because the Lord is my Shepherd: By Christopher Walker (4 + ref.) A&M 596 - Y33/8654
Before I take the Body of my Lord: Laying down (5) A&M 426 - Y24/8467
Before Jehovah's aweful Throne: Old Hundredth (4) A&M 597 - Y33/8655.
Before the Ending of the Day: Te Lucis Ante Terminum (3) A&M 012 - Y1/8012, REH332
Before the Throne of God above: Before the Throne of God (3) A&M 598 - Y33/8656
Before the Throne of God above: Festus (6) - N3/3204
Before the Throne of God above: Bancroft, Cook (3) - piano - O2/2404
Before Thy throne, O God, we kneel: St Petersburg (4) – U4/4415
Behold a little Child: Wesley (4) - REH63
Behold a Virgin Bearing Him: O Heiland Reiss (2) - I/9237
Behold, behold I make all Things new: By John L. Bell (1) A&M 328 - Y19/8362
Behold, the great Creator makes: Kilmarnock (5) - NS1/7406
Behold the great Creator makes: This Endrys Night (5) - REH31
Behold the Lamb of God: By John L. Bell + Graham Maule (1) A&M 831 - Y47/8925
Behold the Lamb who bears our Sins away: By Keith Getty and Kristyn Getty (4) A&M 427 - Y24/8468
Behold the Mountain of the Lord: Glasgow (7) – D2/5204
Behold the Saviour of mankind: Burford (4) - E1/7109
Behold the Servant of the Lord: Mozart (4) – D1/5102
Behold what manner of love: van Tine (1 or 1+round) - piano – J/2203 , J2/2702 , J/2204 (as round)
Bendito, Bendito: Blessed be God (6) - I/9228
Beneath the Cross of Jesus: St Christopher (3 or 5) – U1/4121 (3), I/9026 (5)
Beneath the Cross of Jesus: By Keith & Kristyn Getty (3) A&M 141 - Y8/8154
Benedictus (metrical setting): Tyrol (3) - I/9115
Bethlehem of noblest Cities - Stuttgart (5) - G6/4107
Bethlehem what greater City: Stuttgart (5) A&M 95 - Y6/8102
Beyond all mortal Praise: Marlborough Gate (4) A&M 599 - Y33/8657
Big Man: G. Kendrick, A. Burt (2) - piano - J3/2802
Bind us together, Lord (3+refrain) - piano –O/1406
Bind us together, Lord (3+refrain) – W2/1018
Bless the Lord, my Soul: Taizé Community (9 + ref.) A&M 600 - Y33/8658
Bless the Lord, the God of Israel: Hope Park (4) A&M 392 - Y22/8432
Bless the Lord, the God of Israel: Bethany (Smart) (4) - REH226
Bless to me O Lord: Tyllgoed (6) - REH372i
Bless to me O Lord: Alkham Valley (6) - REH372ii
Blessed are the pure in Heart/Blest are the pure in Heart: Franconia (4) A&M 602 – Y33/8660, S2/220 , R/812
Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine: Blessed Assurance (3 + ref.) A&M 601 - Y33/8659
Blessed Assurance: Knapp (3) - V1/3520
Blessed Assurance: F. J. Crosby, P. P. Knapp (3) - piano - J2/2703
Blessed be the God of Israel: Thornbury (3) - Q3/4666
Blessed City, heavenly Salem: Westminster Abbey (8 + doxology) A&M 291 - Y16/8316
Blessed City, heavenly Salem: Oriel (4) - NS1/7407
Blessed city, heavenly Salem: Urbs beata (Office Hymn) (5) - REH269
Blessed Feasts of blessed Martyrs: In Babilone (3) - REH297
Blessed Jesu, Mary’s Son: Liebster Jesu (Dessau) (3) - N2/3105
Blessed Joseph, yours the Praise: Warton (5) - REH215
Blessed Martin, Pastor, Prophet: Haywood (6) - V1/3507
Blessed Thomas, doubt no longer: St Audrey (6) - REH232
Blessing and honour:Harvill, Sadler (1) - piano - O2/2406
Blest be the God of Israel: Ladywell (3) - REH338
Blest be the King whose Coming is in the Name of God!: Valet will ich dir geben (4) - Q1/4612
Blest be the Tie that binds: Dennis (3) - I/9206
Blest by the Sun, the Olive Tree: Solemnis Haec Festivitas (6) A&M 166 - Y10/8182
Blest by the Sun, the Olive Tree: Gonfalon Royal (6) A&M 166 - Y10/8183
Body broken for our Good: Aberystwyth (4) A&M 428 - Y24/8469
Bóg SiÄ™ Rodzi (God is Born): Traditional Polish (2) - I/9078
Boisterous, buzzing barking Things: Big and little you’s and me’s, Winifred Elliott, arranged Noel Rawsthorne (3) - H1/6514
Born in the Night, Mary’s Child: Mary’s Child (4) - REH32
Bread is blessed and broken: Grace in Essence (4) A&M 429 - Y24/8470
Bread of Heaven, on Thee we feed: Bread of Heaven (2) - N1/3004 A&M 430 - Y24/8471
Bread of Heaven, on Thee we feed: Nicht so traurig (2) - N3/3205 , A&M 430 - Y24/8472
Bread of Life, Hope of the World: By Bernadette Farrell (6 + ref.) A&M 431 - Y24/8473
Bread of the World in Mercy broken: Les Commandemens (2) - N2/3106
Bread of the World in Mercy broken: Rendez a Dieu (1) - N3/3206 , A&M 432 - Y24/8474
Break forth into Joy, O my Soul: arr. M. Evans (1) - piano - O4/2603
Break the Bread and pour the Wine: Michael Forster, Christopher Tambling (2) - H1/6515
Break thou the bread of life: Lathbury (4) - N1/3005, A&M 378 - Y21/8416
Break thou the bread of life: Bread of Life (3) – A1/6102
Breathe on me Breath of God: Carlisle (4) – S2/221 , A&M 236 - Y13/8257
Breathe on me, Breath of God: Wirksworth - Aylesbury (4) - NS1/7408
Breathe on Me Breath of God: Dominica (4) – I/9027
Breathe on Me Breath of God: Nova Vita (4) – U3/4315
Breathe on Me Breath of God: Trentham (4) – T1/1506
Brief Life is here our Portion: Devonshire (6) - REH423i
Brief Life is here our Portion: St Alphege (6) - REH423ii
Bright as Fire in Darkness: Erlestoke (3) A&M 375 - Y21/8413
Bright the Vision that delighted: Laus Deo (6) A&M 603 - Y34/8661, S4/403
Bright the Vision that delighted: Redhead no. 46 (6) - REH445
Brightest and best: Epiphany (5 - verse 1 repeated) UK tune – S1/119, A&M 96 - Y6/8103, G6/4108
Brightest and best: Wessex (5) A&M 96 - Y6/8104 , G6/4109
Brightest and best of the Sons of the Morning: Bede (4) - NS1/7409
Brightest and best: Morning Star (5) US tune – U1/4110
Bring Flowers of the Rarest: Queen of the Angels (3+refrain) – C/1603
Bring to God your new, best Songs: Redland (4) A&M 359 - Y20/8397
Bring to the Lord a glad new Song: Jerusalem (2) A&M 360 - Y20/8398
British National Anthem - see God Save the King
Broken for me: Broken for me (4) - E1/7110 , A&M 433 - Y24/8475
Broken for me (4) - piano –O/1407
Brother, Sister, let me serve you: Servant Song (6) A&M 604 - Y34/8662
Brothers and Sisters: R. Jones (3) - piano - J3/2803
But ye are washed: P. Simmons (1) - piano - O4/2604
By gracious Powers so wonderfully sheltered: Finlandia (4) A&M 605 - Y34/8663
By gracious Powers, so wonderfully sheltered: Intercessor (4) - REH608
By the Babylonian Rivers: Kas Dziedaja (3) - D4/5261
By Your side: Richards (2) - piano - O2/2407

Caed trefn i faddau pechod: Cymod (2) - CY1/5507
Calm me, Lord, as You calmed the Storm: By Margaret Rizza (3 or 2) A&M 832 - (3) Y47/8926 Amazon, (2) D3/5232
Calon Lan (3) - I/9116
Can we by searching find out God: St Bernard (5) A&M 269 - Y15/8294
Can Man by searching find out God: Epworth (5) - NS1/7410
Can you see what we have made: Song for Christingle, Graham Kendrick, arranged Donald Thompson (5) - H1/6516
Canaf yn y bore: Llys Aeron (5) - CY1/5508
Cantemos al Amor de los Amores: Sagastizábal (3) - I/9165
Captains of the saintly Band: University College (6) - NS1/7411
Captains of the saintly Band: Harts (6) - REH288
Caterpillar, Caterpillar: Susan Sayers, arranged Andrew Moore (3) - H1/6517
Cause me to come: R. Edward Miller (3) - piano - O4/2605
Cenwch i'r Arglwydd: Hengoed (4) - CY1/5509
“Cheep!” Said the Sparrow: The Birds’ Song, Estelle White, arranged Noel Rawsthorne (3) - H1/6518
Child in a Stable - Dans cette étable (3) - G2/4028
Child in the Manger - Bunessan (3) - G2/4029
Child of Blessing, Child of Promise: Shipston (2) A&M 329 - Y19/8363
Child of Heaven, born on Earth – French Lorrain Carol (3 + ref.) - G2/4030
Children of Jerusalem: J. Henley (3) - piano - J2/2704
Children of the heavenly King: Harts (5) - NS1/7412
Children of the heavenly King: Bewdley (5) - NS1/7413
Children of the heavenly King: Melling (4) - REH447i
Children of the heavenly King: Court Way (4) - REH447ii
Christ be in my Waking: Stuart Townend & Simon Brading (4 + ref.) A&M 606 - Y34/8664
Christ be the Lord of all our Days: Cloth Fair (4) A&M 607 - Y34/8665
Christ be with me: Gartan (2) - N2/3107 Amazon
Christ bids us break the Bread: Eastville (5) A&M 434 - Y24/8476
Christ bids us break the Bread: Franconia (5) A&M 434 - Y24/8477
Christ for the World we sing!: Milton Abbas (3) - NS1/7414
Christ is alive! Let Christians sing: Truro (5) A&M 199 - Y11/8217
Christ is arisen. Alleluia: Christ is arisen - Round (1) - Q4/4705
Christ is made the Sure Foundation: Westminster Abbey [part 2 to end] (5) – R/813
Christ is our Corner-stone: Harewood (4) A&M 608 – Y34/8666 Amazon, S2/222
Christ is our King: Estelle White, arranged Andrew Moore (6 + refrain) - H1/6519
Christ is our Light! the bright and morning Star: Godmanchester (3) A&M 97 - Y6/8105
Christ is risen, sound his praise: Harts (3) – L/9901
Christ is the heavenly Food that gives: Jackson (4) - N3/3207
Christ is the King! O Friends rejoice: Vulpius (7) A&M 486 - Y27/8535
Christ is the King! O Friends rejoice: Gelobt sei Gott (7) - NS1/7415
Christ is the one who calls: Love unknown (5) A&M 487 - Y27/8536
Christ is the World's Light, He and none other: Christe Sanctorum (4) A&M 609 - Y34/8667
Christ is the World's true Light: Nun danket (3) A&M 620 - Y34/8668
Christ is the World's true Light: Darmstadt (3) - NS1/7416
Christ is the World's True Light: St Joan (3) – U3/4317
Christ leads me through no darker Rooms: Sturges (3) - I/9175
Christ of the upward Way: Adsum (5) - I/9126
Christ of the upward Way: Sursum Corda (5) - I/9127
Christ pours His Grace upon His own: Wilby (3) A&M 270 - Y15/8295
Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels: Coelites Plaudant (5 or 6) – (5) A&M 323 - Y18/8354 , (6) U2/4210
Christ the Lord is risen again: Württemberg (7) A&M 200 Y11/8218
Christ the Lord is risen again: Orientis partibus (7) A&M 200 Y11/8219
Christ the Lord is risen again: Hundert Arien (6) - E1/7111
Christ the Lord is Risen Today: Victimae Paschali (4) - I/9238
Christ the Way of Life possess me: East Street (4) A&M 611 - Y34/8669
Christ triumphant: M. Sayward, M. Baughen (5) - piano - J3/2804
Christ triumphant, ever reigning: Guiting Power (5 + ref.) A&M 612 - Y34/8670
Christ upon the Mountain Peak: Feniton (4) - NS1/7417
Christ, when for us You were baptised: Caithness (4) - NS1/7418
Christ, who knows all His Sheep: Cambridge (4) - NS1/7419
Christ, whose Glory fills the Skies: Ratisbon (3) – S5/501 , A&M 002 - Y1/8002
Christ, whose Glory: Christ whose Glory (3) US tune - Q1/4601
Christian dost thou see them?: Sohren (4) US tune – U4/4422
Christian dost thou see them?: St Andrew of Crete (4) UK tune – M1/1107
Christian People, raise your Song: Ave virgo virginum (2) - N2/3108 , A&M 435 - Y24/8478
Christians awake! Salute the happy Morn: Yorkshire, Stockport (6) – S1/109, A&M 61 - Y4/8064, G2/4031
Christians, lift up your Hearts: Salve festa Dies (6 + ref.) A&M 237 - Y13/8258
Christians, lift up your Hearts - Praise for the Spirit: Salve Festa Dies (7 + ref.) - NS1/7420
Christians, lift up your Hearts - The House of God: Salve Festa Dies (7 + ref.) - NS1/7421
Christians, lift up your Hearts - Word and Sacrament: Salve Festa Dies (3 + ref.) - NS1/7422
Christians, lift your Hearts and Voices: Webbe’s St Thomas (4) - N1/3006 Amazon, A&M436 - Y24/8479
Christians, lift your Hearts and Voices: Alleluia dulce Carmen: Tantum Ergo (4) - NS447
Christians, make a joyful Sound - German Melody in Moosburg Gradual (4 + ref.) - G2/4032
Christ's is the World in which we move: Dream Angus (4 + ref.) A&M 512 - Y29/8561
Church of God, elect and glorious: Lux Eoi (4) A&M 488 - Y27/8537
City, O City: L. E. Smith (3) - piano - O4/2606
City of God, how broad and far: Richmond (5) A&M 613 - Y34/8671
Clap your Hands all you Nations: Marius (5) A&M 225 - Y13/8245
Clap your Hands, all you People: Jimmy Owens, arranged Noel Rawsthorne (1) - H1/6520
Clap your Hands and Sing this Song: Traditional, Jean Holloway, arranged Andrew Moore (7) - H1/6521
Close to Thee: Sojourner (3) – T3/3301
Closer to Thee, my Father draw me: Closer to Thee (3+refrain) – A1/6103
Cof am y cyfiawn Iesu: Mannheim (3) - CY1/5510
Colours of Day (3) - piano –O/1408 , J/2205
Colours of Day (3) – W2/1019 , A&M 027 - Y2/8028
Come all you People: By Alexander Gondo (2) A&M 361 - Y20/8399
Come and join the Celebration: Celebrations (3) - A&M 62 - Y4/8065
Come and join the celebration (3) - piano –O/1409
Come and praise Him, royal Priesthood: A. Carter (1) - piano - O4/2607
Come and see, come and see: By Graham Kendrick (3 + ref.) A&M 178 - Y10/8195
Come and see the shining Hope that Christ's Apostle saw: Marching through Georgia (3) A&M 028 - Y2/8029
Come and see the shining hope: Marching through Georgia (3) - piano –O/1410
Come By Here (Kum bah-ya): Spiritual (3) - V1/3516
Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell: Cross deep (3) - N3/3208 , A&M 438 - Y25/8482
Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell: Eton (3) - N3/3209
Come down, O Love divine: Down Ampney (4) (also available as 3) – S4/401 (4), A&M 238 - Y13/8259, U2/4206 (3)
Come down, O Love divine: North Petherton (4) A&M 238 - Y13/8260
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove: Hawkhurst (4) - NS153
Come Holy Ghost: Lambilotte (3) - I/9152
Come Holy Ghost, Creator blest: Mendon (5) - I/9183
Come Holy Ghost, Creator, Come: Tallis' Ordinal (7) – I/9010
Come Holy Ghost, our Hearts inspire: Nun danket all’ (4) A&M 239 - Y14/8261
Come Holy Ghost, our Souls Inspire: Come Holy Ghost (9) – U3/4313
Come Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire: Veni, Creator Spiritus (4 or 5) – (4 + extensions and amen) M1/1108 (5) , A&M 241 - Y14/8263
Come Holy Ghost, Thine Influence shed: Twyford (2) - N2/3109
Come Holy Ghost with God the Son: Vetter (2) - U5/4517
Come, Holy Spirit: Breath of Heaven (8) A&M 240 - Y14/8262
Come, Holy Spirit, come!: Diademata (5) A&M 242 - Y14/8264
Come Holy Spirit, Dove Divine: Maryton (4) – T2/3202
Come into His Presence: Unknown, arranged Andrew Moore (3) - H1/6522
Come, labour on: Ora Labora (5) – U4/4417
Come, let us all unite and sing: Better World (4) – D2/5205
Come, let us join our cheerful Songs: Nativity (4) – S2/223, A&M 362 - Y20/8400
Come let us sing: R. Walmsley, F. L. Wiseman (4) - piano - J2/2705
Come, let us to the Lord our God: Newbury (6) A&M 117 - Y7/8126
Come, let us to the Lord our God: Maisemore (6) A&M 117 - Y7/8127
Come let us with our Lord arise: Madrid (4) - E1/7112
Come let us with our Lord arise: Ascendit Deus (3) - NS449
Come, Light of the World, light up our Lives, Lord: Invocations (5) A&M 031 - Y2/8032
Come listen to my tale: Burt (1) - piano – J/2206
Come, living God, when least expected: Spiritus vitae (6) A&M 615 - Y34/8673
Come, living God, when least expected: Sunset (6) A&M 615 - Y34/8674
Come, Lord, to our Souls come down: Melling (3) A&M 380 - Y21/8418
Come, Lord, to our Souls come down: Quedgeley (3) A&M 380 - Y21/8419
Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life: The Call (3) - Q3/4670
Come now is the time: Doerksen (1) - piano - O2/2408
Come now, O Prince of Peace: O-So-So (4) - A&M 029 - Y2/8030
Come now you blessed, eat at my Table: O Quanta Qualia (Regnator Orbis) (4) D4/5262
Come, O come, our Voices raise: Sonne der Gerechtigkeit (6) - Q3/4664
Come, O Thou Traveller unknown: David’s Harp (5) A&M 616 - Y34/8675
Come, O Thou Traveller unknown: Colchester (5) - NS243
Come on and celebrate (1) - piano –O/1411
Come on and celebrate (1) – W2/1020
Come on, let’s get up and go: Graham Kendrick, arranged Noel Rawsthorne (1) - H1/6523
Come, pure Hearts, in joyful Measure sing: Alles ist an Gottes Segen (3) - Q2/4633
Come, pure Hearts, in sweetest Measures: Evangelists (3) - NS300
Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our Guest: Song 4 (4) - N1/3007
Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our Guest: Morestead (4) - N3/3210
Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our Guest: Edsall (4) - U5/4507
Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our Guest: Rosedale (4) - Q2/4636
Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our Guest: Sursum Corda (4) - Q2/4637
Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our Guest: Blackbird Leys (4) - NS349.
Come, see the Lord in His breathtaking Splendour: Barnard Gate (5) A&M 226 - Y13/8246
Come, see the Lord in His breathtaking Splendour: Jesmian (5) A&M 226 - Y13/8247
Come, sing the Praise of Jesus: Battle Hymn of the Republic (3 + ref.) A&M 617 - Y34/8676
Come, they told me: The Little Drummer boy, Katherine K Davis and Harry Simeone, arranged Noel Rawsthorne (3) - H1/6524
Come, Thou almighty King, help us Thy Name to sing: Moscow (4) - Q2/4653
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing: Nettleton (3) A&M 618 – Y34/8677, D2/5206, T1/1507
Come, Thou holy Spirit bright: Arbor Street (5) - Q1/4627
Come, Thou holy Spirit bright: Veni Sancte Spiritus (5) - Q1/4626
Come, Thou Holy Spirit, come: Veni sancte Spiritus (5) A&M 243 - Y14/8265
Come, Thou long-expected Jesus: Cross of Jesus (4) – S1/101, A&M 030 - Y2/8031, G/4005
Come Thou long-expected Jesus: Stuttgart (4) – I/9011
Come, thou Redeemer of the Earth: Puer Nobis Nascitur (6) A&M 032 - Y2/8033
Come To a Wedding: Bunessan (4) – A&M 344 - Y19/8379, I/9159
Come to Bethlehem and see the newborn King - Pieds en l’Air from Capriol Suite (2) - G2/4033
Come to me, come to me: By John L. Bell (1) A&M 833 - Y47/8927
‘Come to me,' says Jesus: Glenfinlas (5) A&M 437 - Y24/8480
‘Come to me,' says Jesus: Pastor Pastorum (5) A&M 437 - Y25/8481
Come, walk with me: P. Ive (2) - piano - O4/2608
Come, we that love the Lord, and let our Joys be known: Vineyard Haven (4 + ref.) - Q3/4660
Come we that love the Lord: Marching to Zion (4+refrain) – A1/6104
Come with newly written Anthems: St Paul’s Cathedral (3) A&M 614 - Y34/8672
Come, Workers for the Lord: Watchman (5) - NS350
Come, ye Faithful, raise the Anthem: Unser Herrscher (6) A&M 619 - Y34/8678
Come ye faithful, raise the strain: St John Damascene (4) (UK tune) – E1/7113, A&M 201 - Y11/8220
Come, ye Faithful, raise the Strain: Ave Virgo Virginum (4) (alternate UK tune) A&M 201 - Y12/8221
Come ye faithful, raise the strain: St Kevin (4) (US tune) – U2/4203
Come, ye Faithful, raise the Strain: Gaudeamus pariter (4) (alt US tune) - Q1/4621
Come Ye thankful People: St George (4) – S5/510, A&M 282 - Y16/8307
Comfort, comfort ye my People: Psalm 42, Goudimel (3) - Q1/4610
Coventry Carol (see also Lully Lulla): 4 part arrangement: Carols for Choirs – X2/1303
Coventry Carol: original 3 part version – X2/1302
Cover me: R. Edward Miller - piano - O4/2609
Cradled in a Manger: St Winifred / Oran Na Prasaich (4) – M1/1109 , I/9012
Creating God, we bring our Song of Praise: Blackbird Leys (4) A&M 535 - Y30/8586
Creation is awaiting: Bowater, Taylor (3) - piano - O2/2409
Creator God, the World around: Melita (4) A&M 536 - Y30/8587
Creator of the Earth and Skies: Agincourt (4) - NS351
Creator of the Starry Height: Conditor Alme Siderum (6) – U1/4102, A&M 033 - Y2/8034
Creator of the starry Height: Brockham (6) A&M 033 - Y2/8035
Creator of the Stars of Night: Conditor Alme (5) - G1/4006
Credo III (plainsong): 17th C. Mode V – C/1604
Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow: Cross of Jesus (4) - Q1/4619
Crown Him with many Crowns: Diademata (5) – S3/311, E1/7114 , A&M 227 - Y13/8248
Crown with Love, Lord, this glad Day: England's Lane (3) - NS450
Cry ‘Freedom!' in the Name of God, and let the Cry resound: Free indeed (5 + ref.) A&M 555 - Y31/8609
Cymer, Iesu, fi, fel ‘rydwyf: Bryn Calfaria (4) - REH437
Cyn llunio'r byd: Navarre (3) - CY1/5511

Daily, Daily, Sing to Mary: Daily Daily (5) – C/1605
Daily, Daily, Sing to Mary: Alle Tage Sing und Sage (3) - I/9245 iTunes
Daniel was a Man of Prayer: Anon, P. Burt (1) - piano - J3/2805
Dark is the Night, and Friends lie sleeping still: Borough (3) A&M 185 - Y11/8203
Day of wrath and day of wonder: Ar Hyd y Nos (3) - E1/7115
Dear Christ, uplifted from the Earth: San Rocco (4) A&M 620 - Y34/8679
Dear Christ, uplifted from the Earth: St Botolph (4) A&M 620 - Y34/8680
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind: Repton (UK tune) (5) – S3/316, W1/913
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind: Repton – unison (5) A&M 621 - Y35/8681
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind: Repton – manuals only (5) A&M 621 - Y35/8682
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind: Rest (a.k.a. Elton - US Tune) (4/5 verse) – U4/4410 (5), T1/1508 (4)
Dear Lord, to You again our Gifts we bring: Song 24 (4) - NS352
Dear Lord, we long to see Your Face: Surrey (4) A&M 622 - Y35/8683
Dearest Jesu, we are here: Liebster Jesu (Dessau) (2) - N2/3110, A&M 439 - Y25/8483
Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly: Not Galan (3) – X2/1304 , G2/4034
Deck Thyself, my Soul, with Gladness: Schmuecke Dich (3) – U3/4311 Amazon, A&M 440 - Y25/8484
Deep and wide: Cox/Silver (1) - piano – J/2207
Deep in the Darkness a Starlight is gleaming: By Jan Berry (4) D3/5233
Delight yourselves in the Lord: D. Bolton (1) - piano - O4/2610
Ding-dong, ding, ding-a-dong-a-ding - O quam mundum, quam jucundum (3 + ref.) - G2/4035
Ding Dong Merrily on High (3) – X2/1305, G2/4036
Disposer supreme, and Judge of the Earth: Old 104th (6) A&M 295 - Y16/8320
Do Lord, Remember Me: Spiritual (4) - V1/3517
Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you: By Gerard Markland (5 + ref.) A&M 330 - Y19/8364
Do what you know is right: Bev Gammon, arranged Noel Rawsthorne (1) - H1/6526
Do you ever wish you could fly: Just be glad God made you “you”, Christopher Tambling (5) – H2/6527
Dona nobis pacem, pacem: Dona nobis pacem – Round (1) - Q4/4704
Don’t build your House on the sandy Land: Karen Lafferty, arranged Andrew Moore (1) - H1/6525
Don't forget the Sabbath: Don't forget (3+refrain) – A1/6105
Don't forget the Sabbath: Don't forget (3+refrain) – A1/6105
Down by the Riverside (3) – I/9013
Draw near to God: Achor (1) - piano - O4/2611
Draw nigh, and take the Body of the Lord: Draw Nigh (5) - N2/3111
Draw nigh, and take the Body of the Lord: Song 46 (5) - N3/3211, A&M 441 - Y25/8485
Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord: Palmer Church (8) - Q2/4644
Drop, Drop Slow Tears: Song 46 (3) – M1/1110 Amazon, E1/7116, A&M 118 - Y7/8128
Duw a Thad yr holl genhedloedd: Tangnefedd (4) - CY1/5512
Duw mawr y rhyfeddodau maith!: Rhyd-y-groes (3) - CY1/5513
Dyma gariad fel y moroedd: Ebeneser (3) - CY1/5514

Each of us is a living Stone: Living Stones, James Patten (2) - H2/6528
Early Morning, come prepare Him: St Bavon (6) - NS451
Earth and all Stars, loud rushing Planets: Earth and all Stars (6 + ref.) - Q3/4662
Earth, Earth, awake; your Praises sing: Alleluia!: Stuempfle (4) A&M 202 - Y12/8222
Earth has many a noble City: Stuttgart (5) – S1/120
Earth was waiting, spent and restless: Picardy (3) A&M 034 - Y2/8036
Earth's fragile Beauties we possess: Kingsfold (3) A&M 526 - Y29/8576
Eat this Bread, drink this Cup: Taizé Community (5 + ref.) A&M 442 - Y25/8486
Eternal Father strong to save: Melita (4) A&M 623 – Y35/8684, S3/317, R/814
Eternal God, before whose Face we stand: Unde et Memores (4) A&M 577 - Y32/8634
Eternal God, we consecrate: St Fulbert (4) A&M 331 - Y19/8365
Eternal Light, shine in my Heart: Jacob (3) A&M 014 - Y1/8014
Eternal Light, shine in my Heart: Herongate (3) A&M 014 - Y1/8015
Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless Round: Song 1 (4) – S3/318, A&M 244 - Y14/8266
Even though I walk through the Valley: By Matt & Beth Redman (2 + ref.) D3/5234
Every Bird, every Tree: Peter Watcyn-Jones, arr. Andrew Moore (3) - H2/6529
Every Minute of every Day: Stuart Garrard, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (1) - H2/6530
Every Star shall sing a Carol - Every Star (6 + ref.) - G2/4037
Everyone needs Compassion: By Reuben Morgan & Ben Fielding (2 + ref.) D3/5235
Extol the God of Justice: King’s Lynn (3) A&M 558 - Y31/8612
Exult, Creation round God's Throne!: Fenny Stratford (3) A&M 187 - Y11/8205

Face to Face with Christ, my Saviour: Face to Face (4) – A1/6106, T4/3401
Fade, fade each earthly joy: Perkins (4) – A1/6107
Fair maiden, who is this Bairn - Irish Folk Song (4 + ref.) - G4/4065
Fairest Lord Jesus: Crusaders' Hymn (3 or 4) – A1/6108 (3), T1/1509 (4)
Fairest Lord Jesus: St Elizabeth (3) - I/9182
Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all Nature: Schönster Herr Jesu (3) - Q3/4659
Faith, Hope and Love: By Stephen Dean (3) A&M 167 - Y10/8184
Faith of our Fathers: Sawston (4+refrain) – C/1606
Faith of our Fathers: St Catherine (3 and 4 verse versions available) – U4/4408 (4), T2/3203 (3)
Faith overcomes! The Light of Christ is shining: Highwood (6) A&M 624 - Y35/8685
Faithful One: By Brian Doerksen (1) A&M 625 - Y35/8686, D3/5236
Faithful one: Doerksen (1) - piano - O2/2410
Faithful shepherd, feed me: Pastor Pastorum (5) - N1/3008
Faithful Vigil ended: Pastor Pastorum (4) A&M 396 - Y22/8436, G6/4110
Far from all care: Pevensey (4) – A1/6109
Farmer, Farmer, why do you plough?: Susan Sayers, arr. Andrew Moore (4) – H2/6531
Father all-powerful, Thine is the Kingdom: Was Lebet (7) - NS355
Father eternal, Ruler of Creation: Langham (5 + ref.) - Q4/4683
Father God, I wonder (1) - piano –O/1412
Father God, I wonder (1) – W2/1021
Father, hear our Prayer: By Andy Piercy (1) A&M 369 - Y21/8407
Father, Hear the Prayer we Offer: Sussex (4) A&M 629 – Y35/8690 Amazon, M1/1111
Father, Hear the Prayer we Offer: Cypress Court (4) A&M 629 – Y35/8691
Father, Hear the Prayer we Offer: Marching (4) A&M 629 – Y35/8692
Father, I place into Your Hands (4) - piano –O/1413 Amazon, – J/2209
Father in Heaven, grant to Your Children: Halad (3) A&M 271 - Y15/8296
Father in whom we live: Diademata (4) A&M 626 - Y35/8687
Father lead me Day by Day: Supplication (6) – D2/5207
Father lead me Day by Day: J. P. Hopps - piano - J2/2706
Father, Lord of All Creation: Abbot's Leigh (3 or 5) A&M 630 – (3) Y35/8693, (5) W1/914
Father, Lord of Earth and Heaven: Stuttgart (4) A&M 272 - Y15/8297
Father, Lord! We give You Adoration: Hurst Green (4) A&M 273 - Y15/8298
Father most holy, merciful and loving: Iste Confessor (4) A&M 627 - Y35/8688
Father most holy, merciful and loving: Chartres - Angers (4) - NS94
Father of Creation: Ruis (3) - piano - O2/2411
Father of Heaven, whose Love profound: Rivaulx (4) A&M 628 – Y35/8689, S3/319
Father of Heaven, whose Love profound: St Cross (4) - NS97
Father of Mercies, in Thy Word: Collingwood (6) - NS167
Father, see thy Children: Ghent (2) - N3/3212
Father we adore You (3) - piano –O/1414, J/2210
Father, we adore You: Father, we adore You (3) A&M 274 - Y15/8299
Father, we love You: D. Adkins (3) - piano - J3/2806
Father, we love You: arr. M. Evans (1) - piano - O4/2612
Father, we praise Thee: Christe Sanctorum (3) A&M 003 - Y1/8003
Father, we thank Thee, who has planted: Rendez a Dieu (2) – U3/430
Father, we thank Thee who hast planted: Les Commandemens de Dieu (4) A&M 443 - Y25/8487
Father, we thank You: All Kinds of Light (4) - NS454
Father, we want to thank You: Susan Sayers, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (3) – H2/6533
Father welcomes all His Children: Robin Mann, arr. Andrew Moore (3 + ref.) – H2/6532
Father, who in Jesus found us: Quem Pastores (4) - NS358
Fathers and Mothers: Bunessan (3) A&M 136 - Y8/8149
Fearful, uncertain (Hallelujah) (5) - C2/2306
Fellowship sweet: M. Wilkinson/R. Turner (5) - piano - O4/2613
Fierce Raged the Tempest o'er the Deep: St Aelred (4) – I/9028
Fight the good Fight: Duke Street (4) A&M 631 – Y35/8694, S3/320, D3/5242
Fight the good Fight: Rushford (4) A&M 631 – Y35/8695
Fight the good Fight with all thy Might: Pentecost (4) - Q3/4679
Fill My House: Peter Kearney (4) - I/9119
Fill thou my Life, O Lord my God: Richmond (7) A&M 632 – Y35/8696, S3/321
Fill your Hearts with Joy and Gladness: Regent Square (4) A&M 283 - Y16/8308
Filled with the Spirit's Power, with one Accord: Malvern Hills (3) A&M 633 - Y35/8697
Filled with the Spirit's Power, with one Accord: Farley Castle (3) A&M 633 - Y35/8698
Finished the Strife of Battle now: Surrexit (4) - NS455
Firmly I believe and truly: Halton Holgate (5) A&M 634 – Y35/8699, S3/322
Firmly I believe and truly: Shipston (5) A&M 634 – Y35/8700, M1/1112
Firmly I believe and truly: Nashotah House (5) - I/9239
Fishes of the Ocean: Susan Sayers, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (5) - H2/6534
Fling wide the Gates, unbar the ancient Doors: Crucifer (4) A&M 035 - Y2/8037
For all the Saints: Sine nomine (8) – S4/409, A&M 296 - Y17/8321
For all the Saints: Sarum (8) – U5/4518
For all the Saints who showed Your Love: Wells House (4) A&M 297 - Y17/8322
For all the Saints who showed Your Love: O Waly Waly (4) A&M 297 - Y17/8323
For all Thy Saints, O Lord: Mount Ephraim (5) A&M 298 - Y17/8324
For all Thy Saints, O Lord: Carlisle (5) A&M 298 - Y17/8325
For all your Saints still active (King's Lynn) (3) - C2/2326
For as truly as I live: arr. M. Evans (1) ) - piano - O4/2614
For Ever with the Lord: Nearer Home (4) – I/9029
For I’m building a People of Power: D. Richards (1) - piano - O4/2615
For Mary, Mother of our Lord (St Botolph) (6) - C2/2327 Amazon, A&M 303 - Y18/8343
For the Beauty of the Earth: Dix (5) – S4/406
For the Beauty of the Earth: England’s Lane (5 or 6) - (5) A&M 537 -Y30/8588, (6) I/9082
For the Beauty of the Earth: Lucerna Laudoniae (5 + ref.) A&M 537 - Y30/8589
For the Beauty of the Earth: Noricum (5) – D1/5103
For the Bread which You have broken: Omni die (4) - Q2/4646
For the Bread which You have broken: Wraysbury (4) - NS456
For the Fruits of all Creation: East Acklam (3) A&M 284 - Y16/8309, NS457
For the Healing of the Nations: Alleluia, dulce carmen (4) A&M 635 – Y36/8701, R/815
For the Healing of the Nations: Grafton (Tantum Ergo Sacramentum) (4) D4/5263
For the Might of Thine Arm we bless Thee: Mountain Christians (4) – D1/5104
For the Music of Creation: Gowanbank (3) A&M 636 - Y36/8702
For Thy dear Saints, O Lord: St George (4) - U5/4519
Forgive our Sins as we forgive: Stracathro (4) A&M 119 - Y7/8129
Forgive our Sins as we forgive': Crowle (4) - NS362
Forgive us when our Deeds ignore: Portholme (5) A&M 120 - Y7/8130
Forgive us when our Deeds ignore: Bow Brickhill (5) A&M 120 - Y7/8131
Forth in the Peace of Christ we go: Duke Street (5) A&M 475 - Y27/8524
Forth in Thy Name O Lord I go: Pixham (5) US tune – U2/4217
Forth in Thy Name O Lord I go: Song 34 (5 or 6) UK tune – (5) S5/502, (6) A&M 476 - Y27/8525
Forty Days and forty Nights: Aus der Tiefe (6) – S2/202 Amazon, E1/7117, A&M 121 - Y7/8132
Forward in Faith: Kevin Mayhew, arr. Andrew Moore (3) - H2/6535
Freed in Christ from Death and Sin: Charity (5) A&M 332 - Y19/8366
Friends, all gather here in a Circle: Circle of Friends, David Morstad, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (1) - H2/6536
From all that dwell below the Skies: Lasst uns erfreuen (2 + ref.) A&M 637 - Y36/8703
From all that dwell below the Skies: Old 100th (3) - Q3/4658
From all that dwell below the Skies: Illsley (Bishop) (2) NS98
From Ashes to Ashes, from Dust to Dust: By Teresa Brown (3 + refrain) A&M 122 - Y7/8133
From Ashes to the living Font: Bangor (5) A&M 123 - Y7/8134
From Glory to Glory advancing, we praise Thee, O Lord: Sheen (2) UK tune - N2/3112, A&M 444 - Y25/8488
From Glory to Glory advancing: St Keverne (2) US tune - Q2/4643
From Greenland's Icy Mountains: Missionary (3) – M1/1113
From Heaven You came, helpless Babe: The Servant King (4 + ref.) A&M 489 - Y27/8538
From Heaven You Came (4) - E1/7118
From Heaven You Came (4) - piano –O/1415
From the deep Places, hear my Cry: Breslau (4) A&M 124 - Y7/8135
From the Eastern Mountains: Evelyns (5) A&M 98 - Y6/8106
From the Eastern Mountains: King's Weston (5) A&M 98 - Y6/8107
From the ends of the earth: Harris, Sadler (2) - piano - O2/2412
From Thee all Skill and Science flow: Belgrave (3) A&M 513 - Y29/8562
Full in the Panting Heart of Rome: Wiseman (4) - I/9109
Fy Mugail yw yr Arglwydd Iôr: Crimond (5) - CY1/5515
Fy nghalon, cred yn Nuw: Sarah (4) - I/9222

Gabriel to Mary Came: 14th century advent carol (4) - G1/4007
Gall He drinks, his strength subduing: St Thomas (5) – M1/1114
Gaudete! gaudete! Christus est natus – from Piae Cantiones (4 + ref.) - G2/4038
Gentle Jesus Meek and Mild: Innocents (8) – I/9015
Girls and Boys, leave your Toys, make no Noise - Czech Folk Tune (3 + ref.) - G2/4039
Give me Joy in My Heart: Sing Hosanna (3) A&M 638 – Y36/8704, W1/915
Give me oil in my lamp: Sing Hosanna (4) – piano – J/2211
Give me Peace, O Lord: Estelle White, arr. Andrew Moore (2) – H2/6537
Give me the Faith which can remove: Mount Sion (4) – D2/5208
Give me the Wings of Faith to rise: Mylon (5) – D1/5105
Give Praise and Glory unto God: Elbing (3) - I/9156
Give Rest, O Christ: Kontakion of the Dead (3) A&M 351 - Y20/8386
Give Rest, O Christ, to Your Servant(s) with Your Saints: Kontakion (1) - Q2/4648
Give thanks: Smith (2) - piano - O2/2413
Give Thanks to the Lord: Janet Morgan, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (4 + refrain) - H2/6538
Give thanks with a grateful Heart: By Henry Smith (5) A&M 639 - Y36/8705
Give to our God immortal Praise: Warrington (4) A&M 640 - Y36/8706
Give to our God immortal Praise: Dunedin (4) A&M 640 - Y36/8707
Give us the Wings of Faith to rise: Song 67 (5) A&M 299 - Y17/8326
Give us the Wings of Faith to rise: San Rocco (5 or 4) A&M 299 (5) - Y17/8327, (4) Q2/4634
Gloria (metrical setting): Old Scottish Chant - N/8104
Gloria (Spanish missal): Salazar (5) - I/9217
Gloria 125: Roman Missal Chants (1) - I/9233
Gloria, Gloria in Excelsis, in Excelsis: Hebridean Gloria (3) A&M 414 - Y23/8454
Glorious is Thy Name: Glorious Name (4) – T3/3302
Glorious Things of Thee are spoken: Abbot's Leigh (4) A&M 641 – Y36/8708, S3/323
Glorious Things of Thee are spoken: Austria (4)A&M 641 – Y36/8709, S4/411
Glory: Daniels (1) - piano - O2/2414
Glory be to Jesus: Caswall (7) – M1/1115, A&M 142 - Y8/8155
Glory be to Jesus, who in bitter Pains: Wem in Leidenstagen (5) - Q3/4668
Glory, Honour, endless Praises: Sicilian Mariners (3) A&M 399 - Y22/8439
Glory in highest Heaven: Hosanna in Excelsis (3) - NS277
Glory in the highest to the God of Heaven!: Cuddesdon (3) - N3/3213 , A&M 415 - Y23/8455
Glory, Love, and Praise and Honour: Benifold (3) - N1/3009
Glory to God: Peruvian Gloria (3 + ref.) A&M 416 - Y23/8456
'Glory to God!' all Heav'n with Joy is ringing: Highwood (4) A&M 63 - Y4/8066
Glory to God, the Source of all our Mission: Highwood (5) A&M 490 - Y27/8539
Glory to Thee, my God, this Night: Tallis's Canon (6) – S5/505, A&M 015 - Y1/8106
Glory to Thee, O God: Love unknown (3) - NS363
Glory to You, O God: Harewood (3) A&M 300 - Y17/8328
Glory unto Jesus be: Harts (3) – L/9902
Go forth and tell! O Church of God, awake!: Yanworth (4) A&M 477 - Y27/8526
Go forth for God; go forth to the World in Peace: Magda (5) A&M 478 - Y27/8527
Go Forward Christian Soldier: Lancashire (4) - I/9158
Go Peaceful, in Gentleness: By Paul Field (3 + ref.) A&M 479 - Y27/8528
Go Tell it on the Mountain: Marshall-Taylor/Coombes (5) - piano – J/2213
Go Tell it on the Mountain:Traditional (3) – X2/1306, G1/4008
Go to the World! Go into all the Earth: Engelberg (4) A&M 491 - Y27/8540
Go wandering in the Sun: Susan Sayers, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (5) - H2/6548
God Almighty set a Rainbow: Traditional melody, arr. Andrew Moore (4 + ref.) - H2/6539
God! As with silent Hearts we bring to Mind: Supreme Sacrifice (4) - D4/5265
God be in my Head: God be in my Head (5) A&M 642 – Y36/8710, S5/506
God be in my Head and in my Understanding: Lytlington US tune (1) - Q4/4701
God be with You till We Meet Again: Dominus Vobiscum (4) – I/9030
God be with You till We Meet Again: Randolph (4) – I/9031, A&M 480 - Y27/8529
God beyond Earth's finest Treasures: St Helen (3) A&M 643 - Y36/8711
God Bless Our Pope - see Full in the Panting Heart of Rome
God Defend New Zealand (New Zealand National Anthem) – R/807
God everlasting, wonderful and holy: Diva servatrix (4) - N2/3113
God everlasting, wonderful and holy: Lobet den Herren (4) - NS463
God forgave my Sin: C Owens (2) - piano - J3/2807
God from on high hath heard: St George (7) - NS38
God has spoken - by His Prophets: Mead House (3) A&M 379 - Y21/8417
God Himself is with us: Tysk (4) - Q3/4667
God in His Wisdom, for our Learning: Fragrance (3) A&M 381 - Y21/8420
God is Forgiveness: Taizé Community (1) A&M 834 - Y47/8928
God is good, God is great: Alan J. Price (4) + ref. - H2/6540
God is here! As we his People: Blaenwern (4) - N3/3214
God is here! As we his People: Everton (4) A&M 445 - Y25/8489
God is Light: Lux Dei (3) - NS364
God is Love, and where true Love is, God himself is there: Ubi caritas (3) A&M 168 - Y10/8185
God is Love: let Heav'n adore Him: Abbot’s Leigh (3) A&M 644 - Y36/8712
God is Love: let Heav’n adore Him: Alleluia (3) - NS365
God is our Guide: C. Porteous, J. Sibelius (4) - piano - J2/2707
God is our Strength and Refuge: Dambusters' March (3) A&M 645 - Y36/8713
God is our Strength and Refuge: Dambusters' March (3) - piano –O/1416
God is working his purpose out: Benson (5) A&M 646 – Y36/8714, M1/1116
God made a Boomerang: Christopher Tambling (3 + ref.) - H2/6541
God moves in a mysterious Way: London new (6) A&M 647 - Y36/8715
God of all Power and Truth and Grace: Ombersley (5) – D2/5209
God of Concrete, God of Steel: Minterne (4) - NS366
God of Eve and God of Mary: Love Divine (5) A&M 137 - Y8/8150
God of Freedom, God of Justice: Rhuddlan (3) A&M 559 - Y31/8613
God of Grace and God of Glory: Neander (4) A&M 648 - Y36/8716
God of Grace and God of Glory: Westminster Abbey (4) A&M 648 - Y36/8717
God of Grace and God of Glory: Cwm Rhondda (4) – T2/3204
God of Grace and God of Glory: Regent Square (4) - NS367
God of Justice, Saviour to all: God of Justice (2 + ref.) - D4/5266
God of Love and Truth and Beauty: Carolyn (3) - NS368
God of Mercy, God of Grace: Heathlands (3) A&M 649 – Y36/8718, S4/412
God of my Faith, I offer You my Doubt: Anima Christi (5) D3/5237
God of our Fathers, Whose almighty hand: National Hymn (4) - I/9087 (without fanfares) or I/9089 (with fanfares)
God of the Prophets, bless the Prophets’ Heirs!: Toulon (5) - Q2/4650
God of the Prophets, Bless the Prophets' Sons: Toulon (5) – U3/4314
God our Father gave us Life: Kathleen Middleton, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (3) – H2/6542
God rest you Merry, Gentlemen (5 or 6): (6) A&M 64 - Y4/8067, G2/4040 (descant, Robinson v6), arr. Willcocks (5) – X1/704
God Save the King (UK national anthem) – R/804 choose 1, 2 or 3 verses (iTunes/Amazon is 2)
God save our gracious King: National Anthem (2) A&M 578 - Y32/8635
God Save the King with Gordon Jacob fanfare - choose 1 or 2 verses – I/9001 (1), I/9002 (iTunes/Amazon is 2)
God sends a Rainbow: Colours of Hope, Christopher Tambling (4) - H2/6543
God that madest Earth and Heaven: All through the Night (2) – S5/507 A&M 016: Ar Hyd Y Nos - Y1/8017
God the Father, Name we treasure: Oriel (3) A&M 333 - Y19/8367
God the Omnipotent!: Russia (4) - U5/4513
God turned Darkness into Light: Christopher Tambling, arr. Keith Stent (4 + ref.) - H2/6546
God, we praise You, God, we bless You!: Rex Gloriae (4) A&M 402 - Y23/8442
God weeps at Love withheld: Empathy (4) - D4/5267
God who created this Eden of Earth: Quedlinburg (6) - NS369
God, who hast caused to be written Thy Word for our Learning: Causa divina (3) - NS467
God Who made the Earth: Betts Rhodes/von Muller (5) - piano – J/2212
God who spoke in the Beginning: New Malden (3) - NS468
God, whose City's sure Foundation: Obiit (4) A&M 301 - Y17/8329
God, whose Farm is all Creation: Gott will‘s machen (3) A&M 285 - Y16/8310
God, whose farm is all Creation: J. Arlott, R. Vaughan Williams (3) - piano - J3/2808
God whose Love is everywhere: Christingle Praise (4) A&M 91 - Y5/8098
God whose Love is everywhere - Falling Fifths (4) - G6/4117
God Whose Son was once a Man: P. Horrobin (3) - piano - J2/2708
God with Humanity made one: Wellington (5) A&M 492 - Y28/8541
God, You have giv'n us Power to sound: Bangor (4) - NS469
God’s Love is deeper: Deeper, wider, higher, Ian D. Craig, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (4 + ref.) - H2/6544
God’s not dead: Unknown, arr. Donald Thomson (1) - H2/6545
God's Spirit is in my Heart: Go tell everyone (6) - I/9173
Godhead here is hiding: Adoro Te (6) – I/9016
Going Home: New World, Dvorak (2) – I/9017
Goliath was big and Goliath was strong: Biggest isn’t always best, Christopher Tambling (3 + ref.) – H2/6547
Good Christian men rejoice: In Dulce Jubilo – X2/1307
Good Christian men rejoice and sing: Gelobt sei Gott (4) - E1/7119
Good Christians all rejoice: In Dulci Jubilo (3) A&M 65 - Y4/8068, G3/4041
Good Christians all, rejoice and sing!: Vulpius (4) A&M 203 - Y12/8223
Good is our God who made this Place: Hambleden (3) - NS371
Good King Wenceslas: Carols for Choirs (5) – X1/716, Tempus ad set Floridum - G3/4042
Good People all, this Christmas Time: 19th Century Irish (5) - G3/4043
Goodness is stronger than Evil: Goodness is stronger (1) A&M 835 - Y47/8929
Grace greater than our Sin: Moody (3) – T4/3402
Gracious God, in Adoration: Rhuddlan (5) A&M 538 - Y30/8590
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost: Capetown (6) – I/9018
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost: Charity (6) A&M 245 - Y14/8267
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost: Anderson (6) A&M 245 - Y14/8268
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost, taught by Thee we covet most: Troen (4) - Q4/4690
Gracious Spirit of Thy goodness: Spiritual Healing (3) - I/9095
Great and marvellous: B. Pitcher (1) - piano - O4/2616
Great and wonderful Your Deeds: Württemberg (3) A&M 400 Y22/8440
Great God, your Love has called us here: Ryburn (5) A&M 169 - Y10/8186
Great is Thy Faithfulness: Great is Thy Faithfulness (3) A&M 650 – Y36/8719, M1/1117
Great Shepherd of Thy People, hear: Belgrave (4) A&M 651 - Y36/8720
Great Shepherd of Thy People, hear: Oswald’s Tree (4) - NS164
Guardian Angel from Heaven so Bright: Beautiful Angel (4) - I/9213
Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer/Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah: Cwm Rhondda (3) A&M 652 – Y37/8721, S4/413, W1/916
Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer: Pilgrimage (3) - NS214
Guide us O Thou Gracious Saviour: Cwm Rhondda (3) - L/9903
Gwawr wedi hirnos: Theodora (5) - CY1/5516
Gwêl uwchlaw cymylau amser: Capel-y-ddôl (3) - CY1/5517

Hail Blessed Virgin Mary: (Matteo Coferati: Corona di sacre Canzoni (3) – X2/1308 , G1/4009
Hail gladdening Light of His pure Glory: Sebaste (3) – D2/5210, A&M 017 - Y1/8018
Hail Glorious St Patrick: St Patrick (5) – C/1607
Hail Holy Queen enthroned above: Salve Regina Coelitum (5+refrain) – C/1608
Hail Mary, full of Grace (Carey Landry) (1) - C2/2317
Hail Queen of Heaven: Stella (4) – C/1609
Hail Redeemer, King Divine: King Divine (4) – C/1610
Hail the Day that sees Him rise: Llanfair (6) – S3/312 , E3/7316, A&M 228 - Y13/8249
Hail the Day that sees Him rise: Chislehurst (6) – E3/7317
Hail thee festival day: Salve festa dies (6) - E1/7120
Hail Thee! Spirit, Lord eternal: Cowley (9) – U2/4205
Hail, Thou once despised Jesus!: In Babilone (3) A&M 229 - Y13/8250
Hail, thou Star of Ocean (Laudes) (4) - C2/2307
Hail to the Lord's anointed: Crüger (5 or 6) UK tune (5) A&M 99 Y6/8108, (6) S1/121
Hail to the Lord's anointed: Woodbird (5) US tune – U1/4112
Hail to the Lord who comes: Old 120th (5) A&M 110 - Y6/8119
Hail, true Body, born of Mary: Duggleby (3) - N1/3010
Hail, true Body, born of Mary: Standish Irregular (2) - N2/3114
Hail, true Body, born of Mary: Ave verum (3) - N3/3215
Halle, halle, hallelujah!: Traditional (2) A&M 836 - Y47/8930
Hallelu! Hallelu!: Hume (1) - piano – J/2214
Hallelu, hallelu: unknown, arr. Keith Stent (1) – H2/6549
Hallelujah! Christ hath Conquered: Calvary (3) – L/9904
Hallelujah Hosanna: Du Plessis (1) - piano - O2/2415
Hallelujah, praise the Name of the Lord: A. Carter (1) - piano - O4/2617
Hands that have been handling: Glenfinlas (7) - N2/3115
Hands that have been handling: North Coates (7) - N3/3216
Happy are they, they that love God: Binchester (5) A&M 653 - Y37/8722
Hark, a thrilling Voice is sounding: Merton (5) – S1/102, A&M 038 - Y2/8040, G1/4010
Hark! Hark! My Soul: Pilgrims (5) – I/9032
Hark my Soul, it is the Lord: St Bees (6) A&M 654 – Y37/8723, I/9019
Hark the glad Sound! The Saviour comes: Bristol (4) – S1/103, A&M 036 - Y2/8038
Hark! The Herald Angels sing: Mendelssohn (3) – S1/110, A&M 66 - Y4/8069, G3/4044 (descant, Willcocks v3)
Hark! The Herald Angels sing: Mendelssohn, descant Willcocks (3) – X1/705
Hark, the sound of holy voices: Moultrie (4) – U2/4211
Hark! the Sound of holy Voices: Deerhurst (6) - NS304
Hark what a Sound and too divine for Hearing: Highwood (4) – D1/5106, A&M 037 - Y2/8039
Have Faith in God, my Heart: Doncaster (4) A&M 655 - Y37/8724
Have Thine Own Way Lord: Adelaide – T2/3205
Have we made our God too small?: Doug Horley (1) – H2/6550
Have you got an Appetite?: Mick Gisbey (2 + ref.) – H2/6551
Have you heard the raindrops: Strover (3) - piano – J/2215
Have you heard the raindrops: Water of Life, Christian Strover, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (3 + ref.) - H3/6552
He gave me Eyes so I could see: A. Pinnock (3) - piano - J3/2809
He Hideth my Soul (Kirkpatrick) 4 – T3/3303
He holds the Key: J. Parsons (4) - piano - O4/2618
He is exalted: Paris (1) - piano - O2/2417
He is Lord: He is Lord (4) – T1/1510 and (1) E2/7201
He is the King: Unknown, arr. Andrew Moore (1) - H3/6553
He keeps me singing: Sweetest Name (5) – T2/3206
He Leadeth me O Blessed Thought: He leadeth Me (4) – T1/1511
He Lives: Ackley (3) – T4/3403
He that is down needs fear no Fall: York (3) - NS218
He wants not Friends that hath Thy Love: Invitation - Devonshire (6) - NS183
He wants not Friends that hath Thy Love: Uffingham (6) - NS183
He was pierced (Dawn) - E2/7202
He who would Valiant Be: Monks Gate - UK tune (3) – M1/1118
He who would valiant be: St Dunstan’s - US tune (3) - Q4/4682
Heaven shall not wait: Heaven shall not wait (4) - D4/5268
Hear me, O Lord, in my Distress: The Truth from above (7) A&M 125 - Y7/8136
Hear these praises: Fragar (2) - piano - O2/2416
Hear us almighty Lord: R Proulx (5) - I/9148
Hear us, O Lord, from Heaven Thy dwelling Place: Peel Castle (6) – D1/5107
Hearken to the Anthem: Laus Deo (4) - Q2/4631
Help Lord the Souls: Belmont (6) – C/1611
Help us, O Lord, to learn: Sandys (3) A&M 658 - Y37/8727
Help us to help each other, Lord: Dunfermline (4) A&M 657 - Y37/8726
Her Virgin Eyes saw God incarnate born: Farley Castle (4) A&M 314 - Y18/8344
Here from all Nations: O quanta qualia (5) A&M 659 - Y37/8728
Here I am once again: Musseau (2) - piano - O2/2418
Here in this Place new Light is streaming: Gather us in (4) A&M 363 - Y21/8401
Here is Bread: By Graham Kendrick (3 + ref.) A&M 446 - Y25/8490
Here is Love, vast as the Ocean: Dim Ond Jesu (2) A&M 143 - Y8/8156
Here is Love, vast as the Ocean: Lowry (4) - I/9160
Here, O my Lord, I see Thee Face to Face: Penitentia (4) – U3/4309
Here, O my Lord, I see Thee Face to Face: Nyack (4) - Q2/4640
Here, O my Lord, I see Thee Face to Face: Magda (6) - N2/3116, A&M 447 - Y25/8491
Here, O my Lord, I see Thee Face to Face: Farley Castle (3) - N1/3011
Here proclaim the glorious Mystery: Grafton (5) A&M 458 - Y26/8506
Here (be)twixt Ass and Oxen mild: Gevaert (4) - I/9199
He's got the whole (wide) world in his hands: Whole World (4) - piano – J/2216
He's got the whole World in His Hands: Whole World (4, 5 or 6) A&M 656 – (6) Y37/8725, (5) H3/6554 ,(4) T2/3207
Hey, now, everybody sing: Orien Johnson, arr. Keith Stent (1) - H3/6555
Higher Ground: Higher Ground (4) – T3/3304
Hills of the North, Rejoice: Little Cornard (5) – M1/1119, A&M 039 - Y3/8041
His Cross stands empty in a World grown silent: Garsdale Head (3) A&M 186 - Y11/8204
Ho, ho, ho, hosanna: Unknown, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (1) - H3/6556
Hold me closer to You: Richards (3) - piano - O2/2419
Holiness: Daniels (2) - piano - O2/2420
Holy Child within the Manger: Joyous Light (3) A&M 67 - Y4/8070
Holy Father, in Thy Mercy: Cairnbrook (4) – I/9033
Holy forever and ever is God: Colbooth (5) A&M 230 - Y13/8251
Holy Ghost, we offer here: Meistersinger (2) - N3/3217
Holy God, we praise Thy Name: Te Deum (3) – U3/4320
Holy God, we praise Thy Name: Grosser Gott (4) - I/9246
Holy, Holy, Holy (Sanctus): Warren Brown (1) - V1/3524
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord: Arr. Anne Harrison (4) A&M 661 - Y37/8730
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty: By Nathan Fellingham (2) A&M 417 - Y23/8457
Holy, holy, holy Lord: Land of Rest (2) A&M 418 - Y23/8458
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty: Nicea (4) – S4/404, A&M 276 - Y16/8301
Holy, holy, holy One: Randolph (5) A&M 275 - Y15/8300
Holy is God, holy and strong!: By Paul Inwood (2 + ref.) A&M 660 - Y37/8729
Holy is His Name: Talbot (1) - I/9232
Holy Jesu, By Thy Passion: Holy Jesu (6) – M1/1120, E2/7203
Holy Mary, you were chosen (O Sanctissima) (4) - C2/2310
Holy Spirit, come, confirm us: All for Jesus (4) A&M 246 - Y14/8269
Holy Spirit, Gift Bestower: Yr Hun Gân (2) A&M 247 - Y14/8270
Holy Spirit, Font of Light: Webbe (5) - Q2/4628
Holy Spirit, hear us: Glenfinlas (5) A&M 248 - Y14/8271
Holy Spirit, living Breath of God: By Keith Getty & Stuart Townend (3) A&M 249 - Y14/8272
Holy Spirit! Lord of Light: Veni Sancte Spiritus (5) – I/9021
Holy Spirit, Truth Divine: Traditional English (6) - I/9157
Holy Spirit, Truth divine: Harts (6) A&M 250 - Y14/8273
Holy Spirit, Truth divine: Vienna (6) A&M 250 - Y14/8274
Holy Virgin by God's Decree: Vierge Sante (4+refrain) – C/1612
Hope of our Calling: Hope through Courage won: Song 22 (5) A&M 493 - Y28/8542
Hosanna: Tuttle (2) - piano - O2/2421
Hosanna in the Highest: Hosanna in Excelsis (3) - N2/3117
Hosanna to the Living Lord: Hosanna (5) - I/9184
How beauteous are their Feet: Venice (4) A&M 302 - Y17/8330
How beauteous are their Feet: St Thomas (4) A&M 302 - Y17/8331
How bright appears the Morning Star: Wie schön leuchtet (3) - Q3/4672
How bright these glorious Spirits shine: Beatitudo (6 or 7) – (6) A&M 303 - Y17/8332, (7) S4/410
How bright these glorious Spirits shine: Ballerma (6) A&M 303 - Y17/8333
How bright these glorious Spirits shine!: Sennen Cove (7) - NS306
How bright these glorious Spirits shine!: Stracathro (7) - NS306
How brightly shines the Morning Star!: Wie schön leuchtet (3) A&M 100 - Y6/8109, G3/4045
How cheering is the Christian's Hope: Exhortation (5) – A1/6110
How deep the Father's Love for us: By Stuart Townend (3) A&M 144 - Y8/8157
How did Moses cross the Red Sea?: Mitchell/Burt (1) - piano – J/2217
How did Moses cross the Red Sea?: Traditional Melodies, adapted by Hugh Mitchell, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (1) - H3/6557
How firm a foundation: Foundation (4) – T2/3208
How firm a foundation: Lyons (5) – U4/4423
How Good is the God we Adore: Celeste (2) – L/9905
How good it is, what Pleasure comes: Haresfield (4) A&M 560 - Y31/8614
How good it is, what Pleasure comes: St Botolph (4) A&M 560 - Y31/8615
How great is our God: arr. M. Evans (1) - piano - O4/2619
How Great Thou Art: How Great Thou Art (4) M2/1208 Amazon, A&M 546 - Y30/8599
How long, O Lord, will You forget: By Christopher Norton (3) A&M 527 - Y29/8577
How long, O Lord, will You forget? By Barbara Woollett (3) - D3/5238
How lovely is thy dwelling place: Brother James' Air (4) - I/9179
How lovely is Your Dwelling-Place: Harington (5) A&M 662 - Y37/8731
How lovely on the mountains: Our God Reigns (4) - piano –O/1417
How lovely on the mountains: Our God Reigns (4) – W2/1022 (5) - I/9283
How oft, O Lord, Thy Face hath shone: Jacob (5) - Q2/4632
How shall I sing that Majesty: Third Mode Melody (4) - I/9077
How shall I sing that Majesty: Coe Fen (4) A&M 663 - Y37/8732
How shall I sing that Majesty: Soll’s sein (3) – D2/5211
How shall we sing Salvation's Song: Llangarron (3) A&M 561 - Y31/8616
How sweet are the tidings: He's coming (4+refrain) – A1/6111
How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds: St Peter (6) A&M 664 – Y37/8733, M1/1121
How wondrous great, how glorious bright must our Creator be: Shorney (4) - Q2/4654
Humbly I adore Thee, Verity unseen: Adoro Devote (4) – U3/4308
Hush! my Dear, lie still and slumber: Isaac Watts, Malcolm Archer (4) - G3/4046
Hushed Was the Evening Hymn: Samuel (5) by Sullivan (different tunes, same name!) – I/9022, piano - J2/2709
Hushed Was the Evening Hymn: Samuel (5) by W. H. Monk – I/9035

I am a new creation: Bilbrough (2) - piano - O2/2422
I am the Bread of Life: Betty Pulkingham (5) - I/9132
I am the Light whose Brightness shines: Richmond (7) A&M 665 - Y37/8734
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life: Trad., D. Crawshaw (1) - piano - J3/2810
I am Thine oh Lord: I am Thine (4) – T4/3404
I am trusting Thee: Bullinger (4) – A1/6112
I believe in Jesus: Nelson (2) - piano - O2/2423
I bind unto myself today: St Patrick / Gartan (4+2) A&M 277 - Y16/8302
I Bind Unto Myself Today: St Patrick / Gartan (6+2) – U3/4319
I Bind Unto Myself Today: St Patrick's Breastplate/Deirdre (6+1) - Q3/4655
I Cannot Tell why He, whom Angels worship: Londonderry Air (4) A&M 666 - Y37/8735, M1/1122 , G3/4046
I come with joy, a child of God: St Botolph (5) - N1/3012, A&M 448 - Y25/8492
I come with joy, a child of God: St Stephen (5) A&M 448 - Y25/8493
I come with Joy to meet the Lord: St Botolph (5) - NS473
I could sing unending Songs: The happy Song, Martin Smith (1) - H3/6558
I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray: Spiritual (3) - V1/3518
I danced in the Morning - see Lord of the Dance
I do not know Tomorrow's Way: Sutheran (3) A&M 668 - Y37/8737
I do not know what lies ahead: A. B. Smith, E. Clarke (3) - piano - J2/2710
I feel Spring in the Air today: Spring in the Air, Noel Rawsthorne (3) - H3/6559
I Galfaria trof fy wyneb: Price (3) - CY1/5519
I give my Hands: Estelle White, arr. Andrew Moore (4 + ref.) - H3/6562
I give thanks, O Lord: P. Lawson Johnson (3) - piano - O4/2621
I give you all the honour: Tuttle (3) - piano - O2/2424
I gotta Home in Gloryland: Traditional, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (1) - H3/6563
I have a Friend: Susan Sayers, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (3) - H3/6564
I have decided to follow Jesus: Indian Folk Melody (3) - V1/3513
I have seen the golden Sunshine: C Chester, B. Litchfield (2) - piano - J3/2812
I heard the Bells on Christmas Day: Waltham (5) – T1/1512
I heard the Voice of Jesus Say: Kingsfold (3) A&M 669 – Y37/8738, M1/1123
I heard the Voice of Jesus Say: Vox Dilecti (3) – I/9036
I heard the Voice of Jesus say: The third Tune (3) - Q4/4700
I hunger and I thirst: Maria jung und zart (5) - N3/3218, A&M 449 - Y25/8494
I hunger and I thirst: Beweley (5) - A&M 449 - Y25/8495
I know a Rose Tree springing: Rosa Mystica (3) – U1/4104
I know not how that Bethl'hem's Babe: Bouwerie (3) – U5/4509
I know not where the Road will lead: Laramie (3) – U4/4409
I know that my Redeemer lives: Torquay (4) – D2/5212
I know Who I have believed: El Nathan (4) - I/9198
I lift my Eyes up to the Mountains: By Brian Doerksen (1) D3/5239
I love You, Lord: L. Klein (1) - piano - O4/2622
I may live in a great big City: Ian Smale, arr. Donald Thomson (1) - H3/6566
I met Jesus at the Crossroads: Anon, arr P. Burt (1) - piano - J2/2712
I need Thee every hour: Need (4) – U4/4411
I reach up high: Judy Bailey, arr. Donald Thomson (2 + ref.) - H3/6571
I receive Your Love: P.Armstrong (2) - piano - I/9099
I rejoiced when I heard them say: By Bernadette Farrell (5 + ref.) A&M 292 - Y16/8317
I saw a fair Maiden sitten and sing - Richard Runciman Terry (4) - G4/4062
I saw a Maiden sitten and sing: Basque Melody (5) - G3/4048
I saw Three Ships – X2/1311, (9) G3/4049
I see the Lord: arr. M.Evans (1) - piano - I/9100
I sing a Song of the Saints of God: Grand Isle (3) – U3/4316
I sing of a Maiden: Lennox Berkeley (5) - G3/4050
I sing praises: McAlmon (2) - piano - O2/2426
I sing the almighty Power of God: St Saviour (5) – D1/5109
I sing the mighty power of God: Varina (3) – A1/6114
I sought the Lord: Faith (3) - Q4/4699
I stand Amazed in the Presence: My Savior's Love (4) – T3/3305
I stand before the Presence: M.Ford (1) - piano - I/9101
I that liveth: S.Ellis (1) - piano - I/9102
I, the Lord of Sea and Sky (3) - piano –O/1418
I, the Lord of Sea and Sky (3) – W2/1023 , A&M 494 - Y28/8543
I’ve had Questions without Answers: By Tim Hughes (2 + ref.) - D3/5240
I vow to thee my Country: Thaxted (2) A&M 579 - Y32/8636, S4/414, R/816
I waited for the Lord my God: Stracathro (5) A&M 670 - Y37/8739
I waited for the Lord my God: St Bernard (5) A&M 670 - Y37/8740
I walk by faith: Falson (1) - piano - O2/2427
I want to be a Tree that’s bearing Fruit: I want to be a blooming Tree, Doug Horley (1) - H3/6577
I want to learn to appreciate You: J.Kennet (1) - piano - I/9104
I want to walk as a Child of the Light: Houston (3 + ref.) - Q3/4671
I want to walk with Jesus: Swiss tune, C. Simmonds (5) - piano - J3/2815
I was lost, but Jesus found me: Anon, arr P. Burt (2) - piano - J2/2715
I was once in Darkness: J.Parsons (1) - piano - I/9105
I watch the Sunrise: Glynn/Murphy (4) - I/9136
I will celebrate: Baloche (1) - piano - O2/2428
I will come and bow down: Nystrom (1) - piano - O2/2429
I will enter His Gates (1) - piano –O/1419
I will extol You: S.Hutchinson/W.Churchill (1) - piano - I/9106
I will magnify Your Name, O Lord: D.Bolton (4) - piano - I/9107
I will offer up my life: Redman (2) - piano - O2/2430
I will run after You: A. Denton (1) - piano - O4/2623
I will sing the Lord's high Triumph: Tyddyn Llwyn (4) A&M 190 - Y11/8208
I will sing the wondrous Story: Hyfrydol (3) A&M 671 - Y38/8741
I will sing the wondrous Story: F. Rowley, R. Prichard (3) - piano - J3/2816
I will sing unto the Lord: arr. M. Evans (1) - piano - O4/2624
I will speak out for those who have no voices: By Dave Bankhead, Ray Goudie, Sue Rinaldi & Steve Bassett (2) - D4/5269
I will worship: By Dave Ruis (2 + ref.) A&M 672 - Y38/8742
I wonder as I wander: John Jacob Niles (3) - I/9128 Amazon, G3/4051
I would be, dear Saviour: Wholly Thine (3) – A1/6115
I'd rather have Jesus: I'd rather have Jesus (3) – T2/3209
Iesu, Iesu, ‘rwyt ti’n ddigon: Llwynbedw (3) - REH429
Iesu roes addewid hyfryd: Bryntirion (4) - CY1/5518
If Christ had not been raised from Death: Kingsfold (3) A&M 204 - Y12/8224
If I were a butterfly: Howard (3) - piano – J/2218
If I were a Butterfly: Brian Howard, arr. Andrew Moore (3 + ref.) - H3/6560
If I were an Astronaut: Susan Sayers, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (3 + ref.) - H3/6561
If you see someone: A&N Simpson, A. Silver (2) - piano - J3/2811
If you want Joy, real Joy: J. Carlson (1) - piano - J2/2711
If your Heart is right with my Heart: G. Perrins (3) - piano - O4/2620
I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve Breath: Monmouth (4) – A&M 673 - Y38/8743n, D1/5108
I'll praise the Lord for ever and ever: Great Cheverell (4 + ref.) A&M 674 - Y38/8744
I'll Sing a Hymn to Mary: Turris Davidica (4) – C/1613
I’m accepted, I’m forgiven: Hayward (1) - piano - O2/2425
I’m accepted, I’m forgiven: Rob Hayward (1) - H3/6565
I’m black, I’m white, I’m short, I’m tall: Christopher Tambling (3 + ref.) - H3/6567
I’m gonna click: Alan J. Price, arr. Noel Rawsthorne (4) - H3/6568
I'm pressing on the upward way: Higher Ground (4+refrain) – A1/6113
I'm redeemed: T.Humphries (1) - piano - I/9098
I’m singing Your Praise, Lord: Mike Burn (4 + ref.) - H3/6569
Immaculate Mary: Lourdes Hymn (4+refrain) – C/1614
Immortal, Invisible: St Denio (4) – A&M 676 - Y38/8746, M1/1124
Immortal Love for ever full: Bishopthorpe (7) A&M 675 - Y38/8745
In a World where People walk in Darkness: Let us light a Candle (3 + ref.) A&M 677 - Y38/8747
In Adam we have all been one: St Nicholas (5) - NS474
In an Age of twisted Values: Kilve (4) - D4/5270
In Bread we bring You, Lord: Kevin Nichols (2) - I/9120
In Christ alone my Hope is found: By Stuart Townend & Keith Getty (4) A&M 678 - Y38/8748
In Christ there is no East or West, in Him no South or North: Kilmarnock (4) UK Tune A&M 679 - Y38/8749
In Christ there is no East or West, in Him no Pride of Birth: McKee (4) US tune A&M 680 - Y38/8750, U3/4318
In Deep Eternal Counsel: Ellacombe (4) – L/9906
In heavenly Love Abiding: Penlan (3) – A&M 681 Y38/8751, M2/1201
In humble Gratitude, O God: Claudius (2) - NS377
In Labour all Creation groans: Morning Song (7) - D4/5271
In Manus Tuas, Pater: Taizé Community (1) A&M 837 - Y47/8931
In my need Jesus found me: G Brattle (2) - piano - J2/2713
In our Darkness Light has shone: Upton Cheyney (4) A&M 101 - Y6/8110, G6/4111
In our Day of Thanksgiving one Psalm let us offer: Was lebet (4) - NS284
In our Work and in our Play: W. G. Wills, B. Milgrove (4) - piano - J3/2813
In the bleak Mid-Winter: Cranham (5) Usual congregational tune – S1/111, X1/706, A&M 68 - Y4/8071, G3/4052
In the bleak Mid-Winter: Darke (5) Alternative choir tune – X2/1310
In the Cross of Christ I glory: Cross of Jesus (5) A&M 682 - Y38/8752
In the Cross of Christ I glory: Wychbold (5) A&M 682 - Y38/8753
In the Cross of Christ I Glory: Rathbun (5) – U1/4120
In the Garden: C. Austin Miles (3) - I/9124
In the Hour of Trial: Penitence (4) – U1/4119
In the Lord I'll be ever thankful: Taizé Community (5 + ref.) A&M 334 - Y19/8368
In the Name of Christ we gather: Grafton (5) A&M 495 - Y28/8544
In the Night, the Sound of Crying: Amplitudo (5) A&M 69 - Y4/8072
In the Night, the Sound of Crying: Sussex (5) A&M 69 - Y4/8073
In the upper Room: You must do for others, Gerard Fitzpatrick, arr. Andrew Moore (2) - H3/6570
In Times Like These: Caye Jones (3) - V1/3508
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly (2) –X2/1309 Amazon, G3/4053
Inspired by Love and Anger: Salley Gardens (6) A&M 652 - Y31/8617
Into the Darkness of this World: By Maggi Dawn (3) A&M 040 - Y3/8042
I’r Arglwydd cenwch lafar glod: Yr Hen Ganfed (4) - CY1/5520
Isn’t it good: Alan J Price, arr. Keith Stent (1) - H3/6572
It came upon the Midnight clear: Noel (4) UK tune – S1/112, A&M 70 - Y4/8074, G3/4054
It came upon the Midnight clear: Noel with descant (4) UK tune – X1/707
It came upon the Midnight clear: Carol (4) US tune – T1/1513
It is a Thing most wonderful: Herongate (7) – S2/203, E2/7205, A&M 145 - Y8/8158
It is a Thing most wonderful: Brookfield (7) – E2/7204
It is a Thing most wonderful: Alstone (7) - NS70ii
It is God who holds the Nations: Vision (Davies) (4) - D4/5272
It passeth Knowledge that dear Love of Thine: It passeth knowledge (5) – D1/5110
It takes an almighty Hand: Ian White, arr. Donald Thompson (4 + ref.) - H3/6575
It’s me, it’s me: Trad. (3+ref) - piano - J3/2814
It’s me, O Lord: Spiritual, arr. Keith Stent (3 + ref.) - H3/6573
It's rounded like an Orange: The Holly and the Ivy (5) A&M 92 - Y5/8099, G6/4118, H3/6574
It's so good to thank You, Lord: B.Trickett (1) - piano - I/9103
I’ve got Peace like a River: Spiritual, arr R. Fudge (1) - piano - J2/2714
I’ve got Peace like a River: Spiritual, arr. Andrew Moore (3) - H3/6576

Jerusalem the Golden: Ewing (4) A&M 683 – Y38/8754, S4/415
Jerusalem, my happy Home: Southwell (Irons) (5) A&M 684 - Y38/8755
Jerusalem, my happy home: Land of Rest (6) – U4/4418
Jesu, grant me this, I pray: Song 13 (4) A&M 126 - Y7/8137
Jesu, Jesu, fill us with Your Love: Chereponi – Ghanaian Folk Song (4 + chorus) - Q4/4687
Jesu, Lover of my Soul: Aberystwyth (3 or 4) – (3) S2/205, (4) A&M 128 - Y7/8139
Jesu, lover of my Soul: Little Heath (4) A&M 128 - Y7/8140
Jesu, Lover of my Soul: Hollingside (3) – S2/204
Jesu, my Lord, my God, my all: Stella (4 + ref.) A&M 685 - Y38/8756
Jesus, my Saviour, look on me: Hanford (6) - I/9205
Jesu, our hope, our hearts’ desire: Metzler’s Redhead (6) A&M 686 - Y38/8757 Amazon, E3/7318
Jesu, our Master, on the Night that they came: Harwich (3) - N2/3118
Jesu, priceless Treasure: Jesu meine Freude (5) A&M 687 - Y38/8758
Jesu Redemptor omnium: Taizé Community (6) A&M 841 - Y47/8935
Jesu, Son of Mary, Fount of Life alone: Eudoxia (8) - NS281i
Jesu, Son of Mary, Fount of Life alone: Casual (8) - NS281ii
Jesu! The very Thought is sweet!: Jesu dulcis (9) - N3/3219
Jesu! The very Thought is sweet!: The rosy Sequence (9) - N3/3220
Jesu, the very Thought of Thee: St Agnes (Dykes) (5) A&M 688 - Y38/8759
Jesu, the very Thought of Thee: Kilmarnock (5) A&M 688 - Y38/8760
Jesu, the very Thought of Thee: Metzler's Redhead (5) – S4/418
Jesu, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts: Maryton (5) – I/9023
Jesu, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts: St Sepulchre (5) A&M 689 - Y39/8761, N1/3013
Jesu, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts: Exultat caelum laudibus (5) - N2/3119
Jesu, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts: Eisenach (5) A&M 689 - Y39/8762, N3/3221
Jesu, we thus obey: Windermere (5) - N2/3120
Jesu, we thus obey: Gildas (5) - N2/3121
Jesus be the centre: Frye (3) - piano - O2/2431
Jesus bids us shine: Warner/Excell (3) - piano – J/2219
Jesus calls us here to meet Him: Jesus calls us (4) A&M 450 - Y25/8496
Jesus calls us o'er the Tumult: St Andrew (5) – M2/1203, A&M 324 - Y18/8356
Jesus calls us: o'er the Tumult: Marching (5) A&M 324 - Y18/8355
Jesus calls us o'er the Tumult: Galilee (4) – T1/1514
Jesus Christ, I think upon your Sacrifice: Once again (3 + ref.) A&M 146 - Y8/8159
Jesus Christ is risen today: Easter Hymn (3) also available as 4 with processional organ interlude between verses 1 and 2 – S3/301, E2/7206, A&M 205 - Y12/8225, (with processional: – U2/4201 ), (4, Episcopal) Q1/4623
Jesus Christ is waiting, waiting in the Streets: Noel Nouvelet (5) A&M 563 - Y31/8618
Jesus Christ the Lord is born: Puer Nobis Nascitur (5) A&M 71 - Y4/8075
Jesus Christ the Lord is born: German trad. Words M. Perry (5) - piano - J2/2716
Jesus, come! for we invite You: Unser Herrscher (Neander) (4) A&M 102 - Y6/8111
Jesus comes with all His Grace: Orientis Partibus (5) – D1/5111
Jesus, good above all other: Quem pastores laudavere (5) A&M 692 – Y39/8766, S4/416
Jesus’ Hands were kind Hands: French trad., M. Cropper (2) - piano - J3/2817
Jesus, how lovely you are: Bolton (4) - piano - O2/2432
Jesus, humble was Your Birth: Buckland (4) A&M 693 - Y39/8767
Jesus, I come: T. Humphries (1) - piano - O4/2625
Jesus, in dark Gethsemane: Somerset (6) A&M 170 - Y10/8187
Jesus, in Your Life we see You: Ebenezer (3) A&M 515 - Y29/8564
Jesus is calling tenderly: Calling today (4) – T2/3210
Jesus is knocking: G. Brattle (1) - piano - J2/2717
Jesus is Lord: D. Mansell (3) - piano - J3/2818, O4/2626
Jesus is Lord. Alleluia!: By James Walsh (3) A&M 251 - Y14/8275
Jesus is Lord! Creation's Voice proclaims it: Jesus is Lord (3 + ref.) A&M 690 - Y39/8763
Jesus is risen, Alleluia!: Mfurahini Haleluya (5 + ref.) A&M 206 - Y12/8226
Jesus keep me near the Cross: Near the Cross (4) – T4/3405
Jesus, lead us to the Father: By Sam Hargreaves (3) A&M 364 - Y21/8402
Jesus lives! Thy terrors now: St Albinus (5) – S3/302, E2/7207, A&M 207 - Y12/8227
Jesus, Lord, we look to Thee: Vienna (4) A&M 694 - Y39/8768
Jesus, Lord we pray: Seelenbräutigam (3) - NS475i
Jesus, Lord we pray: Westron Wynde (3) - NS475ii
Jesus' love is very wonderful: Rattle/Burt (1) - piano – J/2220
Jesus, Lover of My Soul: Aberystwyth (3) – U1/4122
Jesus, lover of my soul: Oakley (1) - piano - O2/2433
Jesus loves me: China (4) – T2/3211
Jesus, my Lord, how rich Thy Grace: St Etheldreda (4) - NS381
Jesus, my Lord, let me be near You: Buriton (3) - NS476i
Jesus, my Lord, let me be near You: Little Venice (3) - NS476ii
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all: Corpus Christi (5+refrain) – C/1615
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all: St Chrysostom (4) – U1/4124
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All: Sweet Sacrament (3) - I/9247 iTunes
Jesus, Name above all Names: N. Heard/P. Cain (1) - piano - O4/2627
Jesus, on the Mountain Peak: Blea Moor (4) A&M 279 - Y16/8304
Jesus, our Lord, our King and our God: Henfield (5) - NS382
Jesus, Prince and Saviour: St Gertrude (3) - E2/7208
Jesus, remember me: Jacques Berthier/Taize (1 or 3) A&M 838 - (1) Y47/8932, (3) I/9144
Jesus, restore to us again: By Graham Kendrick (5 + ref.) A&M 280 - Y16/8305
Jesus shall reign where'er the Sun: Galilee (5) A&M 691 – Y39/8765, S4/417
Jesus shall reign were’er the Sun: Truro (5) A&M 691 - Y39/8764, I/9088
Jesus, thank You, Jesus: F. Chedgey (1) - piano - O4/2628
Jesus the Lord said “I am the Bread”: Yisu Ne Kaha (5) – D2/5213
Jesus, these Eyes have never seen: Nun danket all’ (4) A&M 695 - Y39/8769
Jesus! Thou art coming: W. Pitts (6) - I/9137
Jesus we celebrate Your victory: Gibson (2) - piano - O2/2434
Jesus we enthrone You: Kyle (1) - piano - O2/2435
Jesus, we thus obey: Windermere (5) - NS477
Jesus what a beautiful name: Riches(1) - piano - O2/2436
Jesus, where'er Thy People meet: Wareham (5) A&M 696 - Y39/8770
Jesus, whose all-redeeming Love: Stracathro (5) - NS383
Jesus You are changing me: Bowater (1) - piano - O3/2501
Join all the glorious Names: Croft’s 136th (7) A&M 697 - Y39/8771
Joseph was an old Man - English traditional Carol (7) - G1/4011
Joshua fit the Battle of Jericho: Spiritual (3) - piano - J3/2819
Joy is the flag: E. J. Hume (1) - piano - J2/2718
Joy to the World: Antioch/Handel (3 or 4) – (3) X2/1312 (3) A&M 72 - Y4/8076, (3) G3/4056 , (4) U1/4107
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee: Hymn to Joy (4) – U4/4420
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee, God of Glory, God of Love: Hymn to Joy (3) - Q3/4656
Joyful, joyful, we adore Thee: Alleluia (4) – U5/4508
Jubilate (metrical setting): Ode to Joy (2) - I/9114
Jubilate, Everybody (2) - piano –O/1420, J/2221
Jubilate, Everybody (2) – W2/1024
Judge Eternal, Throned in Splendour: Rhuddlan - UK tune (3) A&M 580 - Y32/8337, R/817
Judge eternal, throned in Splendor: Komm, o komm du Geist des Lebens - US tune (3) - Q4/4685
Just as I am, without one Plea: Saffron Walden (6) – S4/419, A&M 451 - Y25/8497
Just as I am, without one Plea: Woodworth (6) – T1/1515
Just as I am, without one Plea: Misericordia (6) - N1/3014, A&M 451 - Y25/8498
Just over the mountains: We are nearing Home! (4+refrain) – A1/6116

Keep me shining, Lord: K. Wilkinson (1) - piano - J3/2820
Kind Maker of the World: Jesu Dulcis Memoria (5) - U5/4502
Kindle a Flame to lighten the Dark: John L Bell + Graham Maule (1) A&M 839 - Y47/8933
King Jesus hath a Garden, full of divers Flowers: 17th Century Dutch Carol (6) - G3/4057
King of Glory, King of Peace: Gwalchmai (3) A&M 698 – Y39/8772, S4/420
King of Glory, King of Peace: Redland (3) A&M 698 – Y39/8773
King of Kings and Lord of Lords: By Sophie Conty & Naomi Batya (1) A&M 699 - Y39/8774
King of Kings, Majesty: By Jarrod Cooper (2 ref.) A&M 700 - Y39/8775
King of Kings, Majesty: Cooper (2) - piano - O3/2502
King of the Ages: By Stuart Townend & Keith Getty (3 + ref.) A&M 701 - Y39/8776
Kum ba ya my Lord, kum ba ya: Kum Ba Ya (4) – D2/5214
Kum ba yah: Traditional (5) - piano – J/2222
Kyrie eleison (Ghana): (3) A&M 371 - Y21/8409
Kyrie eleison (Ukraine): (3) A&M 372 - Y21/8410

Lamb of God: Agnus Dei (3) A&M 419 - Y23/8459
Land of my Fathers: Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (1) - I/9117
Last Post (trumpet) – R/801
Last Post + Reveille (trumpet) - continuous R/801A , 1 minute silence R/802A, 2 minute silence R/803A
Laudate omnes Gentes: By Jacques Berthier (1) A&M 844 - Y47/8938
Lay Your healing Hand upon us: Susan (4) A&M 514 - Y29/8563
Lead, Kindly Light: Alberta (3) A&M 703 – Y39/8778 , I/9048
Lead, Kindly Light: Lux Benigna (3) – U1/4123
Lead, Kindly Light: Lux in Tenebris (3) - I/9248
Lead, Kindly Light: Sandon (3) - I/9283
Lead me to Calvary: Duncannon (4) – T3/3306
Lead on, O King Eternal: Lancashire (3) – A1/6117
Lead us heavenly Father: Mannheim (3) A&M 702 – Y39/8777, S4/421, W1/918 , R/818
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms: Showalter (3) – T2/3212
Let all mortal Flesh keep Silence: Picardy (4) – S4/407, A&M 452 - Y25/8499
Let all Creation dance: Darwall’s 148th (4) A&M 539 - Y30/8591
Let all the World in every Corner sing: Luckington (2) A&M 704 – Y39/8779, S4/422
Let All Things Now Living: Ash Grove (2) - I/19192
Let Earth and Heaven agree: Millennium (7) – D1/5112
Let Earth and Heaven combine: St John (Adoration) (5) – D2/5215
Let every Christian pray: Ludgate (4) - NS478
Let every lamp be burning bright: Diligence (4+refrain) – A1/6118
Let God arise: I Smith (1) - piano - O4/2629
Let Him to whom we now belong: Byzantium (4) – D1/5113
Let Saints on Earth in Concert sing: Dundee (5) A&M 304 - Y17/8334
Let the Lord's People, Heart and Voice uniting: Chartres - Angers (4) - NS479
Let there be Love: D. Bilbrough (1) - piano - O4/2630
Let Thy Blood in Mercy Poured: Luise (4) – U3/4302
Let Thy Blood in Mercy Poured: Jesus meine Zuversicht (4) – N3/3222
Let us break Bread together on our Knees: Let us break Bread (3 & ref.) - Q2/4642
Let us Break Bread Together: Break Bread (3) – T4/3406
Let us build a House where Love can dwell: Two Oaks (5) A&M 365 - Y21/8403
Let us employ all Notes of Joy: Mit freuden zart (3) - N2/3122
Let us now our voices raise: Tempus adest floridum (3) – U2/4213
Let us praise God together: Calhoun Melody, J. Seddon (3) - piano - J3/2821
Let us rejoice: God's Gift to us is Peace!: Stogursey (5) A&M 705 - Y39/8780
Let us Talents and Tongues employ: Linstead (3+ref) - NS481
Let us, with a gladsome Mind: Monkland (7 + ref.) A&M 706 - Y40/8781
Let us with a gladsome mind: J. Milton, J. Antes (4) - piano - J3/2822
Life is Great! So sing about it: Litherop (5) - NS482
Life of Ages, richly poured: Culbach (5) - I/9204
Lift High the Cross: Crucifer (11 or 7) A&M 708 – (11) Y40/8782 , (7) I/9049
Lift Him up: Lift Him up (4+refrain) – A1/6119
Lift up your Heads, you might Gates: Truro (4) - NS483
‘Lift up your Hearts!' We lift them, Lord, to Thee: Woodlands (5) A&M 708 - Y40/8783
Lift your Heart and raise your Voice: Marston St Lawrence (4) A&M 73 - Y4/8077
Light of Gladness, Lord of Glory: Quem Pastores (3) A&M 018 - Y1/8019
Light of the Minds that know Him: Aurelia (4) A&M 709 - Y40/8784
Light of the World, true Light divine: Vasey (3) A&M 111 - Y6/8120
Light's Abode, celestial Salem: Regent Square (6 or 4) A&M 710 – (6) Y40/8785, (4) S4/423
Light's glittering Morn bedecks the Sky: Lasst uns erfreuen (5) A&M 208 - Y12/8228
Like a Candle Flame: By Graham Kendrick (4) A&M 74 - Y4/8078
Like a mighty River flowing: Old Yeavering (5) A&M 711 - Y40/8786
Like a mighty River flowing: Quem pastures laudavere (5) A&M 711 - Y40/8787
Like the Murmur of the Dove's Song: Bridegroom (3) A&M 252 - Y14/8276
Listen to the Message that the Angels bring: Traditional Moravian Melody (4) - G3/4058
Little Donkey – X2/1313, G3/4059
Little Jesus Sweetly Sleep (also see Rocking)
Little Jesus, sweetly sleep, do not stir: Czech Cradle Carol (2) - G3/4060
Live, live, live: M. Uzilevsky (3) - piano - J2/2719
Living God, Your Word has called us: Tor Hill (3) A&M 366 - Y21/8404
Lo, from the Desert Homes: Croft's 136th (5) - NS316i
Lo, from the Desert Homes: Darwall's 148th (5) - NS316ii
Lo, He comes with Clouds descending: Helmsley (4) – S1/104 Amazon, U4/4421, A&M 041 - Y3/8043, G1/4012
Lo, He comes from Heaven descending: Regent Square (6) – L/9907
Lo, How a Rose Upspringing: Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (3) – I/9014
Lo, in the Wilderness a Voice: Lindeman (3) - NS384
Lo, round the Throne, a glorious Band: Deus tuorum Militum (5) A&M 305 - Y17/8335
Lo, round the Throne, a glorious Band: Whitehall (Sandys' Psalm 8) (5) - NS303ii
Lo! what a Cloud of Witnesses encompass us around!: St Fulbert (5) - Q3/4677
Long Ago, Prophets Knew: Personet Hodie (4) A&M 75 - Y4/8079, I/9050
Long ago You taught Your People: Hyfrydol (3) A&M 496 - Y28/8545
Longing for Light, we wait in Darkness: Christ be our Light (5) A&M 042 - Y3/8044, G1/4013
Look down, O Mother Mary (Vaughan) (4) - C2/2312
Look, ye Saints, the Sight is glorious: Regent Square (4) A&M 231 - Y13/8252
Lord and Lover of Creation: Westminster Abbey (4) A&M 345 - Y19/8380
Lord, as I wake I turn to you: Bolnhurst (4) A&M 005 - Y1/8005
Lord, as I wake I turn to You: Ainsdale (4) - NS485
Lord, as the Day begins: Little Cornard (4) A&M 006 - Y1/8006
Lord, as we rise to leave the Shell of Worship: Wansbeck (4) - NS385
Lord, be Thy Word my Rule: Eden (2) - NS232
Lord, bring the Day to pass: Lawes’s Psalm 47 (4) A&M 543 - Y30/8595
Lord, by whose Breath all Souls and Seeds are living: Stonegate (3) - NS486
Lord Christ, the Father's mighty Son: Hampton Poyle (4) - NS386
Lord Christ, we praise Your Sacrifice: Abingdon (4) - NS487
Lord Christ, when first Thou came'st to men: Bohemian Brethren (4) – U4/4416
Lord Christ, when first Thou cam'st to Men: Allein Gott (3) - NS387
Lord Christ, who on Thy Heart didst bear: Gonfalon Royal (5) - NS388
Lord dismiss us with Thy Blessing: Sicilian Mariners (3) - I/9086
Lord dismiss us with Thy Blessing: Dismissed (2) – D1/5114
Lord, enthroned in heavenly Splendour: St Helen (5) A&M 453 - Y25/8500, S4/408 , N2/3123
Lord, enthroned in heavenly Splendour: Rhuddlan (5) – N2/3124
Lord for the Years your Love has kept and guided Me: Lord of the Years (5) A&M 715 - Y40/8791, I/9118
Lord for Tomorrow: Providence (6) – C/1616
Lord God, heavenly King: S. Hutchinson (1) - piano - O4/2631
Lord God, Thou art our Maker and our End: Morestead (4) - NS389
Lord God, we give You Thanks for all Your Saints: Cliff Town (3) - NS488
Lord God, we see Thy Power displayed: Ach Herr (3) - NS390
Lord God, Your Love has called us here: Ryburn (5) - NS489
Lord, have Mercy – Mass of the Blessed: John Henry Newman (3) A&M 370 - Y21/8408
Lord, hear our Cry: By John L. Bell (1) A&M 404 - Y23/8444
Lord, I have made Thy Word my Choice: Billing (3) A&M 382 - Y22/8421
Lord, I lift Your Name on high: By Rick Founds (1) A&M 716 - Y40/8792
Lord, I lift your name on high: Founds (2) - piano - O3/2503
Lord I'm Coming Home: Coming Home (4) – T2/3213
Lord, if Faith is disenchanted: Ottery St Mary (5) A&M 528 - Y29/8578
Lord, in this Thy Mercy's Day: Holy Ghost (6) - U5/4503
Lord, in Your Mercy hear our Prayer: By John Harper (1) A&M 405 - Y23/8445
Lord it belongs not to my Care: St Hugh (5) – A&M 306 - Y17/8336, I/9051
Lord Jesus Christ, be present now: Niagara (2) – N3/3223
Lord Jesus Christ, invited Guest and Saviour: Strength and Stay (3) A&M 346 - Y20/8381
Lord Jesus Christ, Lover of all: By Paul Stubbings (1) A&M 516 - Y29/8565
Lord Jesus Christ, You have come to Us: Living Lord (4) A&M 712 – Y40/8788, M2/1204, N1/3015
Lord Jesus Christ, Your Light shines within us: Jacques Berthier (4 + ref.) A&M 840 - Y47/8934
Lord Jesus, once You spoke to Men: Cerne Abbas (3) - NS392
Lord Jesus, think on me: Southwell (4) A&M 127 - Y7/8138
Lord Jesus, think on me: St Paul’s (4) - NS129i
Lord Jesus we enthrone You: P. Kyle (1) - piano - O4/2632
Lord, make us Servants of Your Peace: O Waly Waly - UK tune (5) A&M 717 - Y40/8793
Lord, make us Servants of Your Peace: Dickinson College - US tune (5) - Q4/4684
Lord of all Good, our Gifts we bring to Thee: Magda (3) - NS393
Lord of all Hopefulness: Miniver (4) – I/9052
Lord of all Hopefulness: Slane (4) A&M 713 – Y40/8789, S5/513, W1/919
Lord of all Power, I give You my Will: Miniver (4) A&M 714 - Y40/8790
Lord of all Power, I give You my Will: Slane (4) - NS395
Lord of all, to whom alone: Guarda (5) - NS492i
Lord of all, to whom alone: Huddersfield (5) - NS492ii
Lord of all Worlds, we worship and adore You: Intercessor (5) A&M 540 - Y30/8592
Lord of all Your Love's Creation: Everton (4) A&M 293 - Y16/8318
Lord of Beauty, Thine the Splendour: St Audrey (4) A&M 541 - Y30/8593
Lord of the boundless Curves of Space: San Rocco (6) A&M 542 - Y30/8594
Lord of the boundless Curves of Space: London New (7) - NS493ii
Lord of the Church, we pray for our Renewing: Londonderry Air (3) A&M 497 - Y28/8546
Lord of the Dance: Shaker Tune (5) A&M 667 – Y37/8736, W1/920, NS375
Lord of the Worlds: Croft's 136th (3) – R/819
Lord, now let Your Servant: North Coates (3) A&M 397 - Y22/8437
Lord of Life, we come to You: Eriskay Love Lilt (2) A&M 517 - Y29/8566
Lord of Lords and King eternal: St Helen (5) A&M 581 - Y32/8638
Lord of Lords and King eternal: Lingwood (5) - NS396i
Lord of Lords and King eternal: Obiit (5) - NS396ii
Lord of the Home, Your only Son: Warrington (4) - NS494
Lord, please make Your People one: A. Woodroffe/C. Head (3) - piano - O4/2633
Lord, pour Thy Spirit from on high: Ludborough (5) - NS282
Lord, set Your Servant free: St Paul’s (3) A&M 398 - Y22/8438
Lord, speak to me, that I may speak: The holy Son (6) A&M 718 - Y40/8794
Lord, teach us how to pray aright: St Hugh (6) A&M 129 - Y8/8141
Lord that descendedst, Holy Child: Lanteglos (6) - NS398
Lord the Light of Your Love is Shining - see Shine, Jesus, Shine
Lord, Thy Church on Earth is seeking: Lux Eoi (3) A&M 498 - Y28/8547
Lord, Thy Word abideth: Ravenshaw (6) – S5/514, A&M 383 - Y22/8422
Lord, to You we bring our Treasure: Rex Gloriae (3) - NS495
Lord, we are blind; the World of Sight: Godmanstone (3) - NS399i
Lord, we are blind; the World of Sight: Es ist kein Tag (3) - NS399ii
Lord, we have come at Your own Invitation: O quanta qualia (4) - Q2/4647
Lord we want to thank You: D. Brown (1) - piano - O4/2634
Lord, You are more precious: DeShazo (1) - piano - O3/2504
Lord, You are the Light of Life to me: Fairmead (5) A&M 720 - Y40/8796
Lord, You give the great Commission: Rustington (5) A&M 499 - Y28/8548
Lord, You give the great Commission: Rowthorn (5 + ref.) - Q3/4673
Lord, You’ve been good to me: Kendrick (2) - piano - O3/2505
Love came down at Christmas: Love came down (3) A&M 76 - Y4/8080, G3/4061
Love came down at Christmas: Hermitage (3) A&M 76 - Y5/8081
Love divine all Loves excelling: Love divine (6) UK tune A&M 721 – Y40/8797, S5/515, W1/921
Love divine, all Loves excelling: Blaenwern (3) UK tune A&M 721 – Y40/8798, W1/922
Love divine, all Loves excelling: Beecher (4) Seventh Day Adventist tune – A1/6120
Love divine, all Loves excelling: Hyfrydol (3) US tune – U4/4413
Love is His Word, Love is His Way: Cresswell (Connaugton) (7) A&M 454 - Y26/8501, I/9123
Love is the Touch of intangible Joy: Great Stanmore (4) A&M 722 - Y40/8799
Love, joy, peace and patience: A. Silver (1) - piano - J2/2720
Love lifted me (3) - piano –O/1421
Love Lifted Me: Safety (3) – T3/3307
Love of the Father, Love of God the Son: Song 22 (5) A&M 253 - Y14/8277
Love one another: N. Rose (1) - piano - O4/2635
Love, save Thy World; in bitter Need: Breslau (5) - NS397
Love's redeeming Work is done: Savannah (5) – S3/303, E2/7209, A&M 209 - Y12/8229
Loved with everlasting Love: Calon lân (3) A&M 723 - Y40/8800
Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep: Buckland (5) A&M 724 – Y41/8801
Low in the Grave: Christ Arose (3+refrain) – T1/1516
Lully, lulla (See also Coventry Carol for original version): Coventry Carol (3) A&M 77 - Y5/8082, G4/4063
Mae ffrydiau 'ngorfoledd yn tarddu: Crug-y-bar (3) - CY1/5521 Amazon
Mae'r gwaed a redodd: Brynhyfryd (5) - CY1/5522 Amazon
Maiden, yet a Mother (Une vaine crainte) (4) - C2/2322 Amazon
Majesty (1) - piano –O/1422 Amazon, J/2223 Amazon
Make a joyful Noise: C. Head (2) - piano - O4/2636 Amazon
Make a joyful Noise unto the Lord: Singt dem Herren – Round (1) - Q4/4703 Amazon
Make me a Channel of your Peace: Prayer of St Francis (3) - piano – J/2224 Amazon
Make me a Channel of your Peace: Prayer of St Francis (3) A&M 725 – Y41/8802 Amazon, W1/923 Amazon
Make way, make way (4) - piano –O/1423 Amazon
Make way, make way, for Christ the King: By Graham Kendrick (4) A&M 160 - Y9/8175 Amazon
Man of Sorrows, what a Name: Hallelujah, what a Savior (5) – T1/1517 Amazon
Mary Borned a Baby: Spiritual (1) - V1/3504 Amazon
Mary had a Baby, yes, Lord - African American Carol (7 + ref.) - G4/4064 Amazon
Mary immaculate (Liebster Immanuel) (6) - C2/2314 Amazon
Mary most holy (Traditional Italian) (3) - C2/2318 Amazon
Mary, did you know?: Lowry, Greene (3) - I/9129 Amazon
Mary, how lovely the Light of your Glory! (Epiphany) (4) - C2/2313 Amazon
Mary's Boy Child – X2/1314 Amazon
Mawr oedd Crist yn nhragwyddoldeb: Bryn Myrddin (3) - CY1/5523 Amazon
May Choirs of Angels lead you to Paradise on high: Christus, der ist mein Leben (3) - Q2/4649 Amazon
May the Grace of Christ our Saviour: Waltham/Albert (2 or 3) A&M 726 – (2) Y41/8803 Amazon, (3) N3/3224 Amazon
May the Grace of Christ our Saviour: Gott des Himmels (3) – N3/3225 Amazon
May the mind of Christ my Saviour: St Leonard’s/Barham Gould (5) A&M 727 - Y41/8804 Amazon, I/9081 Amazon
May the Mind of Christ my Saviour: Griffin’s Brook (5) A&M 727 - Y41/8805 Amazon
May we, O Holy Spirit, bear Your Fruit: Lavendon (3) A&M 254 - Y14/8278 Amazon
Meekness and Majesty: By Graham Kendrick (3) A&M 728 - Y41/8806 Amazon, E2/7210 Amazon
Meekness and Majesty (3) - piano –O/1424 Amazon
Meet and right it is to sing: Amsterdam (4) – D2/5216 Amazon
Men of faith: Smith (3) - piano - O3/2506 Amazon
Mi dafla’ ’maich: Arabia (5) - CY1/5524 Amazon
Mi glywaf dyner lais: Gwahoddiad (4 + chorus) - I/9221
Mi wn fod fy Mhrynwr yn fyw: Cleveland (2) - CY1/5525 Amazon
Mine Eyes have seen the Glory: Battle Hymn (4) – M2/1205 Amazon
Mister Noah built an ark: Burt (2+refrains) - piano – J/2225 Amazon, J3/2823 Amazon
Morning Glory, starlit Sky: Emma (6) A&M 544 - Y30/8596 Amazon
Morning Glory, starlit Sky: Song 13 (6) A&M 544 - Y30/8597 Amazon
Morning has broken: Bunessan (2) - piano – J/2226 Amazon
Morning has broken: Bunessan (3) – W1/924 Amazon, A&M 545 - Y30/8598 Amazon
Most glorious Lord of Life, that on this Day: Farley Castle (4) A&M 210 - Y12/8230 Amazon
Mother of Christ, called from above (Mother of Christ) (5) - C2/2309 Amazon
Mother of God's living Word (Orientis Partibus) (7) - C2/2320 Amazon
My country, tis of thee: America (4) – U2/4216 Amazon
My Eyes are dim with Weeping: By Alison Adam + John L. Bell (1) A&M 529 - Y29/8579 Amazon
My Faith has found a resting Place: Landas (4) – T2/3214 Amazon
My Faith is like a Staff of Oak: Swiss trad. Words T. T. Lynch (2) - piano - J2/2721 Amazon
My Faith Looks up to Thee: Olivet (4) – U4/4412 Amazon, T4/3407 Amazon
My Father, for another Night: St Timothy (4) - NS3
My God, accept my Heart this Day: St Peter (5) A&M 335 - Y19/8369 Amazon
My God, and is Thy Table spread: Rockingham (4) – N2/3125 Amazon, A&M 455 - Y26/8502 Amazon
My God, how wonderful Thou art: Westminster (7) A&M 729 - Y41/8807 Amazon
My God, how wonderful Thou art: Windsor (5) US Tune - I/9203 Amazon
My God, I know, I feel thee mine: Warwick (6) – D2/5217 Amazon
My God, I love Thee; not because: St Francis Xavier (6) A&M 730 – Y41/8808 Amazon, S2/206 Amazon
My God, I love Thee; not because: Solomon (6) A&M 730 - Y41/8809 Amazon
My God I thank Thee, who hast made: Wentworth (5) – D2/5218 Amazon
My God is so big: Burt (2) - piano – J/2227 Amazon
My Heart and Voice I raise: Ascalon (5) – D1/5115 Amazon
My Hope rests firm on Jesus Christ: Keith Getty + Richard Creighton (4) A&M 731 - Y41/8810 Amazon
My Jesus, I Love Thee: Gordon (4) - V1/3509 Amazon
My Jesus, my Saviour: By Darlene Zschech (2) A&M 732 - Y41/8811 Amazon
My Jesus, my Saviour: Zschech (2) - piano - O3/2507 Amazon
My Life flows on in endless Song: How can I keep from singing (4 + ref) A&M 733 - Y41/8812 Amazon
My Lord He is the fairest of the fair: J. Parsons (1) - piano - O4/2637 Amazon
My Lord is higher than a Mountain: I. Smale, P. Burt (1) - piano - J3/2824 Amazon
My Lord loves me: trad (2) - E2/7211 Amazon
My Lord, what love is this?: Kendrick (3) - piano - O3/2508 Amazon
My Peace: K. Routlege (3) - piano - O4/2638 < Amazon
My Shepherd will supply my Need: Resignation (3) - Q4/4694 Amazon
My Song is Love unknown: Love Unknown (5 or 7) - (5) E2/7212 Amazon or (7) – S2/207 Amazon, A&M 147 - Y8/8160 Amazon
My Soul be on thy Guard: Heath (4) - U5/4516 Amazon
My Soul bear thou thy Part: Darwall's 148th - NS190
My Soul finds Rest in God alone: By Aaron Keyes + Stuart Townend (3 + ref) A&M 734 - Y41/8813 Amazon, D3/5241 Amazon
My Soul rejoices in God, my Saviour: By Owen Alstott (5 + ref.) A&M 393 - Y22/8233 Amazon
My Soul, there is a Country: Christus der ist mein Leben (5) A&M 735 - Y41/8814 Amazon
My Spirit longs for Thee: Maria jung und zart (4) - N1/3016 Amazon
My Spirit longs for Thee: Amen Court - N1/3017 Amazon
My Spirit longs for Thee: Quam Delecta (4) A&M 130 - Y8/8142 Amazon
My Spirit longs for Thee: Eccles (4) A&M 130 - Y8/8143 Amazon
My troubled Soul, why so weighed down?: By Robert Critchley (2 + ref.) - D3/5243 Amazon
Myfi yw'r Atgyfodiad mawr: Sabbath (4) - CY2/5526 Amazon

Name of all Majesty: Majestas (4) A&M 736 - Y41/8815 Amazon
National Anthem (Australian) – R/805 Amazon
National Anthem (British) – R/804 - choose 1, 2 Amazon or 3 verses - also with Gordon Jacob fanfare - choose 1 or 2 verses – I/9001 (1), I/9002 (2) Amazon
National Anthem (Canadian) – R/806 Amazon
National Anthem (New Zealand) – R/807 Amazon
National Anthem (USA) – R/808 Amazon
Nature with open Volume stands: Warrington (5) A&M 179 - Y10/8196 Amazon
Nature with open Volume stands: Nürnberg (5) - NS497
Nearer, my God, to Thee: Bethany (3) – T1/1518 Amazon
Nearer, my God, to Thee: Horbury(4) – S5/516 Amazon, A&M 352 - Y20/8387 Amazon
New every morning is the love: Melcombe (5 0r 6) – (5) A&M 004 - Y1/8004 < Amazon, (6) U2/4218 Amazon
New every morning: J. Keble, S. Webbe (5) - piano - J2/2722 Amazon
New Light has dawned, the Son of God is here: West Ashton (4) A&M 112 - Y7/8121 Amazon
New Songs of Celebration render: Rendez à Dieu (3) A&M 737- Y41/8816 Amazon
Ni allodd angau du: Liverpool (3) - CY2/5527 Amazon
No other name: Gay (1) - piano - O3/2509 Amazon
No use knocking on the Window: Camden (5 + ref.) - NS400
Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen: Spiritual (2) - V1/3519 Amazon
Not always on the Mount: Mont Richard (5) - U5/4515 Amazon
Not far beyond the Sea, nor high: Cornwall (3) A&M 738 - Y41/8817 Amazon
Not for our Sins alone: Old 120th (5) - NS229
Not for Tongues of Heaven's Angels: Bridegroom (4) A&M 347 - Y20/8382 Amazon
Nothing can ever come between us and the Love of God: Taizé Community (6 + ref.) A&M 842 - Y47/8936 Amazon
Now as the Evening Shadows fall: Blackheath (3) A&M 019 - Y1/8020 Amazon
Now be strong: J. Cansdale (1) - piano - J3/2825 Amazon
Now from the Altar of our Hearts: Glasgow (4) - NS499
Now from the Heavens descending: Stand up (4) A&M 043 - Y3/8045 Amazon
Now from the Heavens descending: King’s Lynn (4) – N3/3226 Amazon
Now in a Song of Grateful Praise: Grateful Praise (4) – L/9908 Amazon
Now is eternal Life: Christchurch (4) A&M 211 - Y12/8231 Amazon
Now join we, to praise the Creator: Harvest (6) - NS500
Now let us all with one Accord: Ex more docti mystico (5) - Q1/4617 Amazon
Now let us from this Table rise: Solothurn (4) – N2/3126 Amazon, A&M 456 - Y26/8504 Amazon
Now let us from this Table rise: Killibegs (4) A&M 456 - Y26/8503 Amazon
Now let us see Thy Beauty, Lord: Edgeware (5) – D2/5219 Amazon
Now let us sing our Praise to God: Solemnis haec festivitas (4) - Q1/4603 Amazon
Now my Tongue, the Mystery telling: Pange Lingua (6) – U3/4306 Amazon, A&M 457 - Y26/8505 Amazon
Now my Tongue, the Mystery telling: St Thomas (6) – U3/4307 Amazon
Now my Tongue, the Mystery telling: Tantum Ergo.- Grafton (6) – N2/3127 Amazon, NS252ii
Now thank we all our God: Nun danket (3) A&M 739 – Y41/8818 Amazon, S5/517 Amazon, W1/925 Amazon, R/820 Amazon
Now thank we all our God: Gracias (3) A&M 739 - Y41/8819 Amazon
Now the Day is Over: Eudoxia (choose 6 or 8) – (8) I/9038 Amazon, (6) I/9054 Amazon
Now the Day is Over: Merrial (6) – U2/4222 Amazon
Now the Green Blade Riseth: Noel nouvelet (4) – M2/1206 Amazon, E2/7213 Amazon, A&M 212 - Y12/8232 Amazon
Now the green Blade riseth: Green Blade: (4 + ref.) - NS501ii
Now the Holly bears a Berry as white as the Milk - Cornish Traditional Melody (4 + ref.) - G4/4066 Amazon
Now yield we Thanks and Praise to Christ enthroned: Was frag’ ich nach der Welt (2) - Q1/4614 Amazon

O! anfon Di yr Ysbryd Glân - Uxbridge (4) - CY2/5528 Amazon
O beautiful for spacious Skies, for amber Waves of Grain: Materna (3) - Q4/4706 Amazon
O Blessed Lord, What Hast Thou Done?: Manoah (6) – L/9909 Amazon
O blest Creator of the light: Bromley (3) – U2/4220 Amazon
O blest Creator of the light: Lucis Creator (5) – U2/4219 Amazon
O Bread of Heaven: Tynemouth (4) – C/1617 Amazon
O Canada! (Canadian National Anthem: 2) – R/806 Amazon
O changeless Christ, for ever new: Wiltshire (6) A&M 740 - Y41/8820 Amazon
O Child of Promise, come!: St Thomas (4) A&M 044 - Y3/8046 Amazon
O Child of Promise, come!: Venice (4) A&M 044 - Y3/8047 Amazon
O Christ, the Healer, we have come: Bow Brickhill (5) A&M 518 - Y29/8567 Amazon
O Christ the same, through all our Story's Pages: Londonderry Air (3) A&M 741 - Y42/8821 Amazon
O Christ the Word incarnate: Ellacombe (3) A&M 384 - Y22/8423 Amazon
O Christmas Tree (O Tannenbaum) – X2/1315 Amazon
O come all Ye Faithful: Adeste fideles (4, 6 and 7) – (4) S1/113 Amazon, (6) A&M 78 - Y5/8083 Amazon,(7 - with Christmas Day verse) A&M 78 - Y5/8084 Amazon, NS326, G4/4067 (descant, Willcocks, v6) Amazon
O come all Ye Faithful: Adeste fideles, Willcocks descant on v3 (4) – X1/708 < Amazon
O come and mourn with me a while: Old Hall Green (7) – C/1618 Amazon
O come divine Messiah: Venez Divin Messie (3) - I/9167 Amazon
O come, O come, Emmanuel: Veni Emmanuel (5) – S1/105 Amazon, A&M045 - Y3/8048 Amazon, G1/4014 Amazon
O Cross of Christ, immortal Tree: Caithness (4) A&M 180 - Y10/8197 Amazon
O Cross of Christ, immortal Tree: Walsall (4) A&M 180 - Y10/8198 Amazon
O crucified Redeemer: Llangloffan (4) - NS404
O Day of God, draw nigh: St Michael (5) - NS405
O Day of God, draw nigh in Beauty and in Power: Bellwoods (5) - Q4/4686 Amazon
O Day of radiant Gladness: Es flog ein kleins Waldvögelein (4) - Q1/4607 Amazon
O day of rest and gladness: Mendebras (3) – A1/6121 Amazon
O dearest Lord, Thy sacred Head: Albano (4) A&M 148 - Y9/8161 Amazon
O dearest Lord, Thy sacred Head: Nun danket all' (4) A&M 148 - Y9/8162 Amazon
O Father, I do love You: D. Bolton (3) - piano - O4/2639 Amazon
O food of Men wayfaring: In allen meinen Thaten (3) - N1/3018 Amazon
O Food to Pilgrims given: Innsbruck (3) – N2/3128 Amazon, A&M 459 - Y26/8507 Amazon
O for a closer Walk with God: Caithness - UK tune (5) A&M 131 - Y8/8144 Amazon
O for a closer Walk with God: Beatitudo - US tune (5) - Q4/4696 Amazon
O for a Heart to praise my God: Stockton (5) A&M 132 - Y8/8145 Amazon
O for a thousand Tongues to sing: Richmond - UK tune (5 or 6) A&M 742 (6) – Y42/8822 Amazon, (5) I/9055 Amazon
O for a thousand Tongues to sing: Selby - alt UK tune (5) – S5/518 Amazon
O for a thousand Tongues to sing: Lyngham/Desert - alt UK tune (5) A&M 742 - Y42/8823 < Amazon
O for a thousand Tongues to sing: Azmon - US tune (4) – T1/1519 Amazon
O! fy Iesu bendigedig - Dim ond Iesu (3) - CY2/5529 Amazon
O give Thanks: J. Pond (1) - piano - O4/2640 Amazon
O gladsome Light, O Grace: Nunc Dimittis (3) A&M 020 - Y2/8021 Amazon
O God, be gracious to me in your Love: Song 24 (5) A&M 133 Y8/8146 Amazon
O God Beyond All Praising: Thaxted (2) A&M 743 – Y42/8824 Amazon
O God, by whose almighty Plan: St Petersburg (3) - NS406
O God in Heaven, whose loving Plan: Melita (4) - NS407
O God of Bethel, by whose hand: Martyrdom (4) A&M 744 – Y42/8825 Amazon, M2/1207 Amazon
O God of Bethel, by whose hand: Burford (4) A&M 744 – Y42/8826 < Amazon
O God of Blessings, all Praise to You!: Soli Deo Gloria (6) A&M 745 - Y42/8827 Amazon
O God of Earth and Altar: King’s Lynn (3) A&M 582 - Y32/8639 Amazon
O God of every Nation, of every Race and Land: Llangloffan (4) - Q4/4689 Amazon
O God of Hope, Your Prophets spoke: Chalfont Park (5) - D4/5273 Amazon
O God of Truth, whose living Word: St Mary (6) - NS222i
O God of Truth, whose living Word: (Old) Martyrs (6) - NS222ii
O God our Father, who dost make us One: Morecambe (4) – D1/5116 Amazon
O God our Help in Ages past: St Anne (6) A&M 746 – Y42/8828 Amazon, S5/521 Amazon, R/821 Amazon
O God to Whom we Turn: Steadfast (5) - I/9190 Amazon
O God, unseen yet ever near: St Flavian (4) - N3/3228 Amazon, Q2/4645 Amazon
O God whose Will is Life and Good: Crucis Victoria (4) - NS408
O God, You search me and You know me: By Bernadette Farrell (5) A&M 747 - Y42/8829 Amazon
O happy Band of Pilgrims: Kocher (7) - NS208
O Happy Day (4) - piano –O/1425 Amazon
O Head Once Full of Bruises: Passion Chorale (3) – L/9910 Amazon
O heavenly Jerusalem: St Alphege (6) - NS322
O holy City, seen of John: Sancta Civitas (4) - NS409i
O holy City, seen of John: Morning Song (4) - NS409ii
O holy Father, God most dear: Sussex Carol (3) - NS410
O Holy Ghost, Thy People bless: St Timothy (6) – S5/520 Amazon
O holy Night! the Stars are brightly shining - Adolphe Adam (2) - G4/4068 Amazon
O Holy Spirit, Lord of Grace: Tallis’s Ordinal (3) A&M 255 - Y14/8279 Amazon
O How He Loves you and me: Patricia (2) – T1/1520 Amazon
O Jesus Christ remember: Aurelia (3) – C/1619 Amazon
O Jesus, Crucified for Men: Intercession (5) – U1/4118 Amazon
O Jesus, I have promised: Day of rest (5) – S5/522 Amazon
O Jesus, I have promised: Hatherop Castle (5) - the 'modern' tune – W2/1009 Amazon
O Jesus, I have promised: Thornbury (5) – W2/1008 Amazon
O Jesus, I have promised: Wolvercote (5) A&M 748 – Y42/8830 Amazon, S6/601 Amazon
O Jesus, I have promised: Nyland - US tune (3) - Q4/4693 Amazon
O Jesus, King most wonderful: St Botolph (Slater) (7) A&M 749 - Y42/8831 Amazon
O Jesus, King most wonderful: Metzler’s Redhead No. 66 (7) A&M 749 - Y42/8832 Amazon
O Jesus, Thou art standing: St Hilda (3) - U5/4510 Amazon
O Jesus, we adore Thee: Fulda Melody (5) - I/9149 Amazon
O King enthroned on High: Amen Court (3) A&M 256 - Y14/8280 Amazon
O King enthroned on high: Temple (3) A&M 256 - Y15/8281 Amazon
O Lady, full of God's own Grace (Crüger) (4) - C2/2308 Amazon
O leave your Sheep - Quittez Pasteurs (4) - G4/4069 Amazon
O let the Son of God enfold you: Wimber (2) - piano - O3/2510 Amazon
O Little One Sweet, O Little One Mild – X2/1316 Amazon, G4/4070 Amazon
O little Town of Bethlehem: Forest Green (4) - UK tune – S1/115 Amazon, A&M 79 - Y5/8085 Amazon, G4/4071 Amazon
O Little Town of Bethlehem: Forest Green UK tune with descant (Carols for Choirs) (4) – X1/709 > Amazon
O Little Town of Bethlehem: St Louis (4) - US tune – T1/1521 Amazon
O Little Town of Bethlehem: Christmas Carol (4) - less common UK tune – X2/1317 Amazon, NS40ii
O Lord, I am not worthy: Non Dignus (4) - I/9169 Amazon
O Lord, listen to my Prayer: By Margaret Rizza (1) A&M 406 - Y23/8446 Amazon
O Lord most holy God: W. Churchill (2) - piano - O4/2641 Amazon
O Lord My God, When I in awesome Wonder: How Great Thou Art (4) same track as How Great Thou Art – M2/1208 Amazon, A&M 546 - Y30/8599 Amazon
O Lord, my Heart is not proud: By Margaret Rizza (2) A&M 843 - Y47/8937 Amazon
O Lord, my Lord: D. Fung (1) - piano - O4/2642 Amazon
O Lord of every shining Constellation: Highwood (5) A&M 547 - Y30/8600 Amazon
O Lord of every shining Constellation: St Osyth (5) - NS411
O Lord of Heaven and Earth and Sea: Almsgiving (8) A&M 750 - Y42/8833 Amazon
O Lord of Life: Pro Patria (4) – A2/6201 Amazon
O Lord, we long to see Your Face: Surrey (4) - NS412
O Lord, We Would Delight in Thee: Merton (6) – L/9911 Amazon
O Lord, You are the Centre of my Life: By Paul Inwood (4 + ref.) A&M 500 - Y28/8549 Amazon
O Lord, You’re beautiful: Green (1) - piano - O3/2511 Amazon
O Love divine, how sweet Thou art!: Cornwall (5) A&M 751 - Y42/8834 Amazon
O Love, how deep, how broad, how high: Deus Tuorum (6) US tune – U4/4403 Amazon
O Love, how deep, how broad, how high: Eisenach (6) UK tune – M2/1209 Amazon, A&M 149 - Y9/8163 Amazon
O Love that casts out Fear: Mosley (4) - Q4/4702 Amazon
O Love that will not Let Me Go: St Margaret (4) A&M 752 – Y42/8835 Amazon, M2/1210 Amazon, A2/6202 Amazon, D3/5244 Amazon
O Mary, when our God chose you (Swiss folk melody) (6) - C2/2321 Amazon
O most merciful!: Schonster Herr Jesu (1) – N2/3129 Amazon
O Most Mighty! O Most Holy!: Steiner (3) – U1/4106 Amazon
O Mother Blest: St Ursula (5+refrain) – C/1620 Amazon
O Mother I could weep for Mirth (Immaculate, Immaculate) (9) - C2/2323 Amazon
O my Saviour, lifted: North Coates (5) - NS248
O! nefol addfwyn Oen: Rhosymedre (3) - CY2/5530 Amazon
O now I see the crimson wave: The cleansing wave (4+refrain) – A1/6122 Amazon
O Perfect Love: Strength and Stay (3) – I/9041 Amazon
O perfect Love, all Human Thought transcending: O perfect Love (3) A&M 348 - Y20/8383 Amazon
O perfect Love, all human Thought transcending: Felix (3) - NS280
O Praise Ye the Lord! Praise Him in the Height: Laudate Dominum (4) A&M 753 – Y42/8836 Amazon, S6/603 Amazon
O Praise Ye the Lord! Praise Him in the Height: Laudate Dominum, Gauntlett (4) - NS203ii
O purest of Creatures! (Maria zu Lieben) (3) - C2/2316 Amazon
O radiant Light: Jesu Dulcis Memoria (3) - I/9166 Amazon
O raise your Eyes on high and see: Crediton (4) - NS502
O Sacred Head surrounded/once wounded: Passion Chorale (3 or 4) – (3) S2/208 Amazon, A&M 181 - Y10/8199 Amazon, (4) - E2/7216 Amazon
O Salutaris: Duguet (2) - I/9240
O Salutaris: Werner (2) - I/9241
O Salutaris Hostia: Melcombe (2) – C/1621 Amazon
O Sanctissima: Sicilian Mariners (4) - I/9163 Amazon
O saving Victim: Herr Jesu Christ (2) - Q2/4638 Amazon
O saving Victim: Verbum supernum prodiens (2) - Q2/4639 Amazon
O Saving Victim, opening wide: St Vincent (2) – U3/4310 Amazon
O Saviour, bless us ere we go: St Mattias (5) – U2/4225 Amazon
O Saviour, precious Saviour: Watermouth (4) – U4/4404 Amazon
O sing a Song of Bethlehem: Kingsfold (4) - NS413
O sleep Thou Heaven-born Treasure Thou - German Carol Schlaf wohl (3) - G4/4072 Amazon
O Son of Man, our Hero strong and tender: Charterhouse (4) – U4/4406 Amazon
O Sons and Daughters, let us sing!: O Filii et Filiae (9) A&M 213 - Y12/8233 Amazon
O Sons and Daughters, let us sing!: O filii et filiae (Antiphon & 5) - Q1/4622 Amazon
O Sorrow deep! Who would not weep: O Traurigkeit (4) - Q1/4620 Amazon
O Spirit of the living God: Gonfalon Royal (5) A&M 257 - Y15/8282 Amazon
O Strength and Stay: Strength and Stay (3) – S5/508 Amazon, A&M 021 - Y2/8022 Amazon
O the bitter Shame and Sorrow: All of Thee (4) – D1/5117 Amazon
O the Love that drew Salvation’s Plan: W. Newall, D. Towner (1) - piano - J2/2723 Amazon
O Thou not made with Hands: Old 120th (5) - NS174
O Thou, who at the Eucharist didst pray: Song 1 (4) - N1/3020 Amazon, A&M 460 - Y26/8508 Amazon
O Thou who camest from above: Hereford (4) – S4/402 Amazon, A&M 258 - Y15/8283 Amazon
O Trinity, most blessèd Light: O Lux beata Trinitas (3) - NS5i
O Trinity, most blessèd Light: Westminster (3) - NS5ii
O! tyn y gorchudd: William / Maesglasau (4) - CY2/5532 Amazon
O! tyred i'n gwaredu: Bro Aber (3) - CY2/5533 Amazon
O Valiant Hearts: The Supreme Sacrifice (7) – R/823 Amazon
O What a Wonder it is: Ledoux (4) – T4/3408 Amazon
O what their Joy and their Glory must be: O quanta qualia (7) - NS186
O When the Saints go Marching in: Wilson (5) - piano – J/2230 Amazon
O Word immortal of eternal God: Song 24 (2) - N1/3021 Amazon
O Word, that goest forth on High: Verbum Supernum (5) – U1/4103 Amazon
O Worship the King, all glorious above: Hanover - UK tune (6) A&M 754 – Y42/8837 Amazon, S6/604 Amazon
O Worship the King: Lyons - US tune (4) – T1/1522 Amazon
O worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness: Was lebet (5 - verse 1 repeated) – S1/122 Amazon, A&M 103 - Y6/8112 Amazon, G6/4112 Amazon
O Zion, haste, thy Mission high fulfilling: Tidings (4 + ref.) - Q3/4676 Amazon
Of all the Spirit’s Gifts to me: Ripponden (5) - D4/5274 Amazon, NS503
Of the Father's Heart begotten: Divinum mysterium (6) A&M 80 - Y5/8086 Amazon, G4/4073 Amazon
Of the Father's Love begotten: Divinum mysterium (3, 5 or 8) – S1/114 (3) Amazon, (5) U1/4105 Amazon, (8) NS325
Of the glorious Body telling: Pange lingua (6+amen) - N1/3019 Amazon
Of the glorious Body telling: Grafton (6+amen) - N3/3227 Amazon
Ofertorio Nicaraguense: Nicaraguan Offering (5) - I/9226
Oft in Danger, oft in Woe: University College (5) A&M 755 – Y42/8838 Amazon, S5/519 Amazon

Oh Freedom, Oh Freedom, Oh Freedom: Freedom is coming (3) D4/5264 Amazon
Oh Maria, Madre mia: O Mary, my Mother (7+ref) - I/9230
Oh, the Life of the World is a Joy and a Treasure: Life of the World (4) A&M 548 - Y31/8601 Amazon
Oh, the Mercy of God, the Glory of Grace: By Geoff Bullock (3 + ref) A&M 756 - Y42/8839 Amazon
Oh, to see the Dawn of the darkest Day: The Power of the Cross (4 + ref.) A&M 182 - Y10/8200 Amazon
On a hill far away: The old rugged Cross (4) – M2/1211 Amazon, E2/7214 Amazon
On Christmas Night: Sussex Carol, congregational version (3 or 4) – (4) X2/1318 Amazon, (3) G4/4074 Amazon
On Eagles Wings: Joncas (1) - I/9231 Amazon
On God alone I wait silently: Strong Tower (1) A&M 407 - Y23/8447 Amazon
On His Father's Throne is Seated: Regent Square (4) – L/9912 Amazon
On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry: Winchester New (5) – S1/106 Amazon, A&M046 - Y3/8049 Amazon, G1/4015 Amazon
On our Way rejoicing: Hermas (3) - I/9207 Amazon
On the Day of Pentecost: Whitsun Carol (5) - NS504
On this Day, O beautiful Mother: Beautiful Mother (2 + refrain) - I/9249 Amazon
On this day, the first of days: Lubeck (4) - E2/7215 Amazon
Once in Royal David's City: Irby (6) – S1/116 Amazon, A&M 81 - Y5/8087 Amazon, G4/4075 (descant, Willcocks v6) Amazon
Once in Royal David's City: with descant (6) – X1/710 Amazon
Once, only once, and once for all: Albano (7) – N2/3130 Amazon
One bread, one body: John Foley (3) - I/9125, V1/3514 Amazon, A&M 461 - Y26/8509 Amazon
One day when Heaven: J. Chapman, C. Marsh (5) - piano - J3/2826 Amazon
One is the Body and one is the Head: Peacock (4) A&M 501 - Y28/8550 Amazon
One More Step Along the World I go: Southcote (5) A&M 757 – Y42/8840 Amazon, I/9056 Amazon
One More Step Along the World: One More Step (5) - piano – J/2228 Amazon
One Star shone across the Eastern Sky - Malcolm Archer (3) - G6/4113 Amazon
One who is all unfit to count: Fingal (7) – D2/5220 Amazon
Only a boy called David: Stringer (1) - piano – J/2229 Amazon
Only begotten, Word of God eternal: Rouen (6) - Q2/4651 Amazon
Only by grace: Gustafson (1) - piano - O3/2512 Amazon
Only Trust Him: Stockton (4) – T2/3215 Amazon
Onward, Christian Soldiers: St Gertrude (5) – A&M 758 Y43/8841 Amazon, S6/602 Amazon, R/822 Amazon
Open my Eyes that I may see: Scott (3) – T3/3308 Amazon
Open our eyes, Lord: Cull (1) - piano - O3/2513 Amazon
Open our Eyes, Lord: Open our Eyes (2) – T2/3216 Amazon
Open your Ears, O faithful People: Torah Song (4 + ref.) - Q3/4675 Amazon
Os gwelir fi, bechadur – Clawdd Madog (3) - CY2/5531 Amazon
O'th flaen, O! Dduw, 'rwy'n dyfod: Wilton Square (3) - CY2/5534 Amazon
Our Blest Redeemer: St Cuthbert (5) – I/9042 Amazon
Our Father see The Lord's Prayer
Our Father - Praceptis: Vatican II Hymnal - I/9178a Amazon
Our Father - Pater Noster: Vatican II Hymnal - I/9178b Amazon
Our Father - Quia Tuum: Vatican II Hymnal - I/9178c Amazon
Our Father, by whose Name: Rhosymedre (3) - NS505
Our Father God in Heaven: Ellacombe (4) A&M 138 - Y8/8151 Amazon
Our God Reigns: see How lovely on the Mountains
Our God stands like a Fortress Rock: Ein’ feste Burg (4) A&M 759 - Y43/8842 Amazon
Our God to whom we turn: Steadfast (5) - I/9186 Amazon
Our Lord, His Passion ended: Naphill (4) - NS91
Our Saviour's infant Cries were heard: Soll’s sein (2) A&M 564 - Y31/8619 Amazon
Over all the earth: Brown (2) - piano - O3/2514 Amazon

Palms of Glory, Raiment bright: Palms of Glory (5) A&M 307 - Y17/8337 Amazon
Pan daena’r nos o’m cylch: Sarah (4) - I/9222
Pan fo'n blynyddoedd ni'n byrhau: Ombersley (4) - CY2/5535 Amazon
Pan oedd Iesu dan yr hoelion: Coedmor (3) - CY2/5536 Amazon
Panis Angelicus (see Voluntaries for Franck version): Lambillotte (2) - I/2950
Paschal Feast! Upon the Cross: St Albinus (4) A&M 214 - Y12/8234 Amazon
Pass me not, O Gentle Saviour: Pass me not (4) – T3/3309 Amazon
Past Three O'Clock (London Waits) (7 or 8) – (7) X2/1319 Amazon, (8) G4/4076 Amazon
Pater Noster - see Our Father
Peace I give you: G. Kendrick, C. Norton (4) - piano - J2/2724 Amazon
Peace, perfect Peace is the Gift of Christ our Lord: By Kevin Mayhew (5) - D4/5275 Amazon
Peace, perfect Peace, in this dark World of Sin?: Song 46 (5) A&M 764 - Y43/8849 Amazon
Pechadur wyf, O! Arglwydd: Whitford (3) - CY2/5537 Amazon
People look East: Besancon Carol (4 or 5) - (4) A&M 047 - Y3/8050 Amazon, G1/4016 Amazon,(5) I/9168 Amazon
People Need the Lord: People need the Lord (2) – T4/3409 Amazon
Perfect Love: P. Lawson Johnston (2) - piano - O4/2643 Amazon
Pescador de Hombres: Lord You have come (4) - I/9225
Peter and James and John: Anon., P. Burt (6) - piano - J3/2827 Amazon
Peter and John went to pray: Pulkingham (1) - piano – J/2231 Amazon
Peter feared the Cross for himself and his Master: Confession (7) - NS414
Pleasant are Thy Courts Above: Maidstone (4) – I/9043 Amazon
Praise and Thanksgiving: Bunessan (4) A&M 287 - Y16/8312 Amazon
Praise and Thanksgiving be to our Creator: Coelites plaudant (Rouen) (3) - NS506
Praise God for Harvest-Time: Madrid (6) A&M 288 - Y16/8313 Amazon
Praise God from Whom all Blessings flow: Old 100th (1) - I/9154 - choose a) chord + amen, b) intro + amen, c) chord, d) intro
Praise Him, praise Him all you little Children: Anon, E. Bailey (3) - piano - J2/2725 Amazon
Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him in the Morning: Anon., P. Burt (4) - piano - J3/2828 Amazon
Praise my Soul the King of Heaven: Praise my Soul (5 or 4) A&M 766 – (5) Y43/8851 Amazon, (4) S6/605 Amazon, W2/1010 Amazon
Praise my Soul the King of Heaven: Lauda Anima (4) – I/9130 Amazon
Praise O praise our God and King: Monkland (8) – S5/511 Amazon, A&M 286 - Y16/8311 Amazon
Praise the God of all Creation: Word of Truth and Life (4 + ref.) A&M 385 - Y22/8424 Amazon
Praise the Lord of Heaven: Vicars’ Close (3) A&M 760 - Y43/8843 Amazon
Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing: Evangelists (3) - N1/3022 Amazon
Praise the Lord through every Nation: Wachet auf (2) - Q3/4669 Amazon
Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore Him: Austria (2) A&M 761 - Y43/8844 Amazon
Praise the One who breaks the Darkness: Nettleton (3) A&M 762 - Y43/8845 Amazon
Praise the Saviour, Ye who know Him: Acclaim (5) – L/9913 Amazon
Praise to the Holiest in the Height: Gerontius (7) – A&M 763 Y43/8846 Amazon, S2/210 Amazon
Praise to the Holiest in the Height: Somervell (7) – A&M 763 Y43/8847 Amazon, S2/209 Amazon
Praise to the Holiest in the Height: Billing (7) A&M 763 Y43/8848 < Amazon
Praise to the Holiest in the Height: Newman (4) - I/9162 Amazon
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty: Lobe den Herren (4) A&M 765 – Y43/8850 Amazon, S6/606 Amazon, W2/1011 Amazon, R/824 Amazon
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty: Praise to the Lord (4) Alternative US tune – U3/4322 Amazon
Praise to you, O Christ our Saviour: By Bernadette Farrell (4) A&M 134 - Y8/8147 Amazon
Praise we now the Word of Grace: Savannah (2) - N3/3229 < Amazon, A&M 386 - Y22/8425 < Amazon
Praise we now the Word of Grace: Boyce (2) - N3/3230 Amazon, A&M 386 - Y22/8426 Amazon
Praise ye the Lord! Tis good to raise: Galilee (6) – D2/5221 Amazon
Praise You Lord: N. Rose (4) - piano - O4/2644 Amazon
Praise Your Name Lord Jesus: T. Humphries (1) - piano - O4/2645 Amazon
Pray for the Church afflicted and oppressed: Unde et memores (3) A&M 565 - Y31/8620 Amazon
Pray for the Church, afflicted and oppressed: Song 1 (3) - D4/5276 Amazon
Pray that Jerusalem may have: York (3) - I/9224 Amazon
Prayer is the Soul's sincere Desire: Beatitudo (7) A&M 767 - Y43/8852 Amazon
Precious Lord, take my Hand: Precious Lord (2) – T3/3310 Amazon
Prepare a Room for me: Narenza (6) A&M 171 - Y10/8188 Amazon
Prepare the Way, O Zion: Bereden väg för Herran (3 + ref.) - Q1/4609 Amazon
Przybieżeli do Betlejem (Merrily to Bethlehem): Traditional Polish (4) - I/9079 Amazon
Purify my Heart (2) - piano –O/1426 Amazon
Purify my Heart: by Brian Doerksen (2) – W2/1025 Amazon, A&M 373 - Y21/8411 Amazon
Put Peace into each other's Hands: St Columba (5) A&M 566 - Y32/8621 Amazon
Put thou thy Trust in God: Doncaster (6) A&M 768 - Y43/8853 Amazon
Put thou thy Trust in God: St Thomas (6) A&M 768 - Y43/8854 Amazon
Pwy a'm dwg i'r Ddinas gadarn: Tyddyn Llwyn (4) - CY2/5538 Amazon
Reap me the Earth as a Harvest to God: Worlebury (3 + ref.) - NS507
Redeemed: Ada (3) – T4/3410 Amazon
Regina Caeli (Plainsong) (1) - C2/2319 Amazon
Reign in me: Bowater (1) - piano - O3/2515 Amazon
Rejoice and be Merry (4) – X2/1320 Amazon, G4/4077 Amazon
Rejoice in God's Saints, today and all Days!: Hannover (4) A&M 308 - Y17/8338 Amazon
Rejoice in God's Saints, today and all Days: Old 104th (4) - NS508
Rejoice in the Lord always: arr. M. Evans (1) - piano - O4/2646 Amazon
Rejoice, O Land, in God thy Might: Wareham (3) A&M 583 - Y32/8640 Amazon, M2/1212 Amazon
Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers: Greenland (4) - U5/4501 Amazon
Rejoice! rejoice, Believers: Llangloffan (3) - Q1/4611 Amazon
Rejoice! the Lord is King: Gopsal (4) A&M 769 – Y43/8855 Amazon, S3/313 Amazon, E3/7319 Amazon
Rejoice, the Lord of Life ascends: Parker (4) - Q1/4625 Amazon
Rejoice, ye pure in Heart!: Marion (7 + ref.) - Q4/4681 Amazon
Remember all the People: Tyrolese trad. P Dearmer (3) - piano - J2/2726 Amazon
Restore in us, O God: Narenza (4) A&M 770 - Y43/8856 Amazon
Restore, O Lord, the Honour of Your Name!: By Graham Kendrick + Chris Rolinson (4) A&M 502 - Y28/8551 Amazon
Resucito: He is risen (4+ref) - I/9229
Reveille (trumpet) – R/803 (for downloads see Last Post + Reveille)
Ride on, ride on in Majesty: Winchester New (5) – S2/211 Amazon, E2/7217 Amazon, A&M 161 - Y9/8176 Amazon
Ride on, ride on in Majesty!: St Drostane (5) A&M 161 - Y9/8177 Amazon
Ride on! ride on in Majesty!: The King’s Majesty (5) US Tune - Q1/4618 Amazon
Ride on triumphantly! Behold, we lay: Farley Castle (2) - NS62
Ring out the Bells, and let the People know: Woodlands (4) A&M 771 - Y43/8857 Amazon
Rise and hear! The Lord is speaking: Sussex (4) – N2/3131 Amazon, A&M 387 - Y22/8427 Amazon
Rise and hear! The Lord is speaking: Great Wilkins (4) - NS509ii
Rise my Soul! Behold, tis Jesus: Safety (6) – L/9914 Amazon
Rise up O Church/Saints of God: Festal Song (5) – I/9058 Amazon
Rise up, O Men of God: Falcon Street (Silver Street) (4) - NS418

Riu riu chiu, la Guarda Ribera - Mateo Flecha (6 +ref.) - G4/4078 Amazon
River wash over me: D. Brown (3) - piano - O4/2647 Amazon
Rock of Ages, cleft for me: Petra (4) UK tune A&M 772 – Y43/8858 Amazon, S6/607 Amazon
Rock of Ages, cleft for me: Toplady (3) and (4) US tune – (3) T1/1523 Amazon, (4) L/9915 Amazon
Rocking (Little Jesus, Sweetly Sleep) – X2/1321 Amazon
Round me falls the Night: Seelenbräutigam (3) – M2/1213 Amazon
'Rwy'n llefain o'r anialwch: Jabez Ceiriog (4) - CY2/5539 Amazon

Safe in the Hands of God who made me: Bunillidh (4) A&M 773 - Y43/8859 Amazon
Safe in the Shadow of the Lord: Creator God (6) A&M 774 - Y43/8860 Amazon
Safely through another week: Sabbath (4) – A1/6123 Amazon
Said Judas to Mary: S. Carter (6) - piano - J2/2727 Amazon
Salve Regina Mater Misericordiae: Salve Regina (1) - I/9142 Amazon
Sanna, sannanina: South African music (1) A&M 162 - Y9/8178 Amazon
Sans Day Carol: Carols for Choirs – X1/717 Amazon
Sans Day Carol: Carols Ancient and Modern - see Now the Holly Bears a Berry
Saviour Again to Thy Dear Name: Ellers (4) – M2/1214 Amazon, A&M 022 - Y2/8023 Amazon
Saviour, blessed Saviour: Norfolk Part (4) – D1/5118 Amazon
Savior, breathe an evening blessing: Vesper Hymn (2) – U2/4223 Amazon
Saviour like a Shepherd lead us: Bradbury (4) – T2/3217 Amazon
Savior of the Nations, come: Komm Der Heiden Heiland (4) - I/9251 Amazon
Saviour, when in Dust to Thee: Spanish Chant (4) – U1/4117 Amazon
See Amid the Winter's Snow: Humility, Oxford (5 or 6) - (5)A&M 83 - Y5/8089 Amazon, G4/4079 Amazon, (6) X1/711 Amazon
See, Christ was wounded for our Sake: Agincourt (Deo Gracias) (5) A&M 150 - Y9/8164 Amazon
See Him lying on a bed of Straw: Calypso Carol (4) A&M 82 - Y5/8088 Amazon, G4/4080 Amazon
See Him lying on a bed of Straw: Calypso Carol (4) - piano –O/1427 Amazon
See Israel’s gentle Shepherd stand: Dublin (Howard) (3) – D1/5119 Amazon
See the Conqueror mounts in triumph: Rex Gloriae (3) – E3/7320 UK tune Amazon
See the Conqueror mounts in triumph: In Babilone (3) – U2/4204 US tune Amazon
See, what a Morning, gloriously bright: By Stuart Townend & Keith Getty (3) A&M 215 - Y12/8235 Amazon
Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God: Seek Ye First (3) A&M 775 – Y44/8861 Amazon, M2/1215 Amazon
Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God: Seek Ye First (3) - piano – J/2232 Amazon
Send me, Lord: Thuma mina (3) A&M 481 - Y27/8530 Amazon
Send, O God, Your Holy Spirit: Laus Deo (4) A&M 503 - Y28/8552 Amazon
Sent by the Lord am I: Folk Melody (2) A&M 482 - Y27/8531 Amazon
Sent forth by God's Blessing, our true Faith confessing: The Ash Grove (2) - NS510
Sevenfold Amen - see Amens
Shall we gather at the river: Hanson Place (4) – T3/3311 Amazon
She sits like a Bird: Thainaky (4) A&M 259 -Y15/8284 Amazon
Shepherd divine, our Wants relieve: St Etheldreda (6) - NS228
Shepherd of Souls, refresh and bless: St Agnes (4) – U3/4312 Amazon
Shepherd of Souls: Ice Will Dich Lieben (6) - I/9252 iTunes Amazon
Shepherds came, their Praises bringing - Quem Pastores (3) - G5/4081 Amazon
Shine, Jesus, Shine (3) - piano –O/1428 Amazon
Shine, Jesus, Shine: Lord, the Light of Your Life is Shining (3) A&M 719 – Y40/8795 Amazon, W2/1026 Amazon
Show me how to stand for Justice: Dim Ond Jesu (3) - D4/5277 Amazon
Silent Night: Stille Nacht (3) – X1/712 Amazon, G5/4082 Amazon, U1/4108 Amazon, A&M 84 - Y5/8090 Amazon
Silent, surrendered: By Margaret Rizza (2) A&M 408 - Y23/8448 Amazon
Silver and Gold (1) - piano –O/1429 Amazon
Sing all Creation, sing to God in Gladness: Ad te Domine (4 + ref.) A&M 367 - Y21/8405 Amazon
Sing Alleluia forth in duteous Praise: St Sebastian (9) - NS188
Sing alleluia forth ye Saints on high: Martins (8) A&M 776 - Y44/8862 Amazon
Sing Choirs of Heaven! Let Saints and Angels sing!: Scampston (3) A&M 188 - Y11/8206 Amazon
Sing Lullaby (4) – X2/1322 Amazon, G4/4083 Amazon
Sing, my Soul, when Hope is sleeping: Cross of Jesus (4) A&M 779 - Y44/8866 Amazon
Sing my tongue of Warfare Ended: Mannheim (10) – M2/1216 Amazon
Sing my tongue the Glorious Battle: Pange Lingua (5) - E2/7218 Amazon or (6) – U1/4115 Amazon, A&M 151 - Y9/8165 < Amazon
Sing, my Tongue, the glorious Battle: St Thomas (4 + Doxology) - NS59ii
Sing of Mary, pure and lowly: Pleading Saviour (3) – U2/4208 Amazon
Sing of Mary, pure and lowly: Raquel (3) - Q2/4635 Amazon
Sing of the Lord's Goodness, Father of all Wisdom: Sing of the Lord’s Goodness (4 + ref.) A&M 777 - Y44/8863 Amazon
Sing Praise to God who reigns above: Palace Green (3) A&M 778 - Y44/8864 Amazon
Sing Praise to God who reigns above: Luther's Hymn (3) A&M 778 - Y44/8865 Amazon
Sing Praise to God who reigns above: Mit Freuden Zart (4) – D1/5120 Amazon
Sing praise to our Creator: Gott Vater Sei gepriesen (3) - I/9150 Amazon
Sing Praises to the Lord: J. Parsons (1) - piano - O4/2648 Amazon
Sing the Gospel of Salvation: Pleading Saviour (3) A&M 567 - Y32/8622 Amazon
Sing to God new songs of worship: Ode to Joy - piano –O/1430 Amazon
Sing we a song of high Revolt: Cannons (4) - NS419
Sing we of the blessed Mother (Abbot's Leigh) (4) - C2/2325 Amazon, A&M 315 - Y18/8345 Amazon
Sing we of the Kingdom, giving Thanks to God: Powerstock (4) A&M 048 - Y3/8051 Amazon
Sing we the Praises of the great Forerunner: Lobet den Herren (3) - NS315
Sing we the King who is coming to reign: The Glory Song (5) - I/9176 Amazon
Sing we the King who is coming to reign: Sing we the King (5) – D1/5121 Amazon
Sing we the Praises of the great Forerunner: Diva servatrix (3) A&M 319 - Y18/8350 Amazon
Sion, Praise thy Saviour, singing: Lauda Sion/Bone Pastor (4+6) – U3/4303 Amazon
Sion, Praise thy Saviour, singing: Weman (6) – U3/4304 Amazon
Sleepers, wake! the Watch-cry pealeth: Wachet auf (3) - NS32
Softly and Tenderly: Thompson (4) – T4/3411 Amazon
Soldiers of Christ arise: St Ethelwald (5) or (6) A&M 780 – (6) Y44/8867 Amazon, (5) S6/608 Amazon
Soldiers of Christ, arise: From Strength to Strength (3) A&M 780 - Y44/8868 Amazon, D3/5245 Amazon
Soldiers of Christ, arise: Silver Street (5) - Q3/4678 Amazon
Soldiers, who are Christ's below: Orientis Partibus (5) A&M 309 - Y17/8339 Amazon
Someone’s brought a Loaf of Bread: Anon., P. Burt (5) - piano - J3/2829 Amazon
Something for Thee: Something for Jesus (4) – T3/3312 Amazon
Sometimes a light surprises: Offertorium (4) A&M 519 - Y29/8568 Amazon, - I/9093 Amazon
Son of God, Eternal Saviour: Everton (4) A&M 781 – Y44/8869 Amazon, R/825 Amazon
Son of God, Eternal Saviour: Supplication (5) – U5/4512 Amazon
Son of the Lord most high: Lawes’ Psalm 47 (5) - NS420
Songs of Praise the Angels sang: Northampton (6) A&M 782 - Y44/8870 Amazon
Songs of Thankfulness and Praise: St Edmund (5) A&M 104 - Y6/8113 Amazon, G6/4114 Amazon, I/9174 Amazon
Soon and very soon: Soon and very soon (3) A&M 049 - Y3/8052 Amazon
Soon and Very Soon: Crouch (4) - V1/3502 Amazon
Soon and very soon: Crouch (4) - piano – J/2233 Amazon
Soul of My Saviour: Anima Christi (3) – C/1622 Amazon, N3/3231 Amazon, A&M 462 - Y26/8510 Amazon
Souls of Men, why will ye scatter: Gott will's machen (8) - NS251
Sound the battle cry: Battle Cry (3+refrain) – A2/6203 Amazon
Source and Fount of all Creation: Blaenwern (4) A&M 337 - Y19/8371 Amazon
Speak, O Lord, as we come to You: By Keith Getty (3) A&M 388 - Y22/8428 Amazon
Spirit divine, attend our Prayers: Billing (5) A&M 260 - Y15/8285 Amazon
Spirit divine, attend our Prayers: Graefenberg (5) I/9180 Amazon
Spirit of God, unseen as the Wind: Skye Boat Song (2 + ref.) A&M 389 - Y22/8429 Amazon
Spirit of Holiness (2+refrain) - piano –O/1431 Amazon
Spirit of Holiness, Wisdom and Faithfulness: Blow the Wind southerly (3 + ref.) A&M 261 - Y15/8286 Amazon
Spirit of Mercy, Truth, and Love: Melcombe (3) A&M 262 - Y15/8287 Amazon
Spirit of Mercy, Truth, and Love: Warrington (3) - NS89
Spirit of Mercy, Truth and Love: Cornish (3) - Q2/4629 Amazon
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me: By Daniel Iverson (1) A&M 263 - Y15/8288 Amazon
Spirit of the Living God: Iverson/Hathaway (1) - piano – J/2234 Amazon
Spread, O spread thou mighty Word: Gott sei Dank (5) - Q3/4674 Amazon
Stainless the Maiden: Serdeczna Matko (4) - I/9253 Amazon
Stand up, and bless the Lord: Carlisle (5) A&M 783 - Y44/8871 Amazon
Stand up, clap hands: R. Dyer, A. Forest (3+refrain) - piano - J2/2728 Amazon
Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!: Morning Light(4 or 5) A&M 784 – (4) Y44/8872 Amazon, (5) S6/609 (usual tune) Amazon
Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!: Geibel (4) - I/9080 (alternative tune) Amazon
Standing by a purpose true: Daniel (4+refrain) – A2/6204 Amazon
Standing on the Promises: Promises (4) – T4/3412 Amazon
Star of Sea and Ocean (Ave Maris Stella) (7) - C2/2315 Amazon
Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright: Trisagion (5 or 6) –(5) NS319,(6) U2/4209 Amazon
Stay with me, remain here with me: Taize Community (7) A&M 172 - Y10/8189 Amazon
Steal Away: Spiritual (4) - V1/3510 Amazon
Still, still, still - Austrian Traditional Carol (2) - G5/4084 Amazon
Strengthen for Service, Lord the Hands: Ach Gott und Herr (3) – M2/1212 Amazon, A&M 463 - Y26/8511 Amazon
Strengthen for Service, Lord the Hands: Malabar (3) – U5/4506 Amazon
Such Love, pure as the Whitest Snow: Kendrick (3) A&M 785 - Y44/8873 Amazon, E2/7219 Amazon
Such Love: Kendrick (3) - piano –O/1432 Amazon
Summer Suns are Glowing (Ruth) 4 – I/9061 Amazon
Summoned by the God who made us: Holy Manna (5 + ref.) A&M 504 - Y28/8553 Amazon
Sun of my Soul, Thou Saviour Dear: Abends (6) – I/9062 Amazon, A&M 023 - Y2/8024 Amazon
Sun of my Soul, Thou Saviour Dear: Hursley (6) – U2/4221 Amazon
Sussex Carol: Carols for Choirs see On Christmas Night for congregational version – X1/718 Amazon
Sweet Heart of Jesus: Fons amoris (4+refrain) – C/1623 Amazon
Sweet Hour of Prayer: Sweet Hour (3) – T3/3313 Amazon
Sweet is the Work, my God, my King: Deep Harmony (5) A&M 786 - Y44/8874 Amazon
Sweet promise is given: Hold fast till I come (3+refrain) – A2/6205 Amazon
Sweet Sacrament Divine: Divine Mysteries (4) – C/1624 Amazon, A&M 464 - Y26/8512 Amazon
Sweet Saviour bless us ere we go: Sunset (St Philip) (5+refrain) – I/9063 Amazon
Sweet, Sweet Spirit: Akers (3) - V1/3512 Amazon
Sweet was the Song the Virgin sang - Anonymous song from William Ballet’s Lute Book (3) - G5/4085 Amazon
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot: Spiritual (4) - V1/3503 Amazon

Take My Hand, Precious Lord: Dorsey (3) - V1/3511 Amazon
Take my Life and let it be: Nottingham - UK tune (6) - Y44/8875 Amazon
Take my Life and let it be: St Bees - UK tune (6) - Y44/8876 Amazon
Take my Life, and let it be: Innocents - UK tune (5) – S6/610 Amazon
Take my Life, and let it be: Consecration - UK tune (6) - NS249ii
Take my Life and let it be: Hendon - US tune (4) – T2/3218 Amazon
Take, O take me as I am: By John L. Bell (1) A&M 336 - Y19/8370 Amazon
Take the Name of Jesus with You: Precious Name (4) – T4/3413 Amazon
Take this Moment, Sign and Space: Take this Moment (5) A&M 788 - Y44/8877 Amazon
Take time to be Holy: Holiness (4) – T4/3414 Amazon
Take up the Song, and sing the Praise of God: Woodlands (4) A&M 568 - Y32/8623 Amazon
Take up thy Cross: Breslau (6) - E2/7220 Amazon, A&M 134 - Y8/8147 Amazon
Tantum ergo sacramentum: Pange Lingua (2) – C/1625 Amazon
Take up your Cross, the Savior said: Bourbon (5) - Q4/4695 Amazon
Taste and See: Moore (3) - V1/3515 Amazon
Teach me, my God and King: Sandys (5) A&M 790 – Y44/8879 Amazon, S6/611 Amazon
Teach me to dance: By Graham Kendrick + Steve Thompson (2 + ref.) A&M 789 - Y44/8878 Amazon
Tell all the World of Jesus: Thornbury (3) A&M505 - Y28/8554 Amazon
Tell me the old, old Story: Tell me (4) – D2/5222 Amazon
Tell me the Stories of Jesus: Stories of Jesus (6) – D2/5223 Amazon
Tell out, my Soul, the Greatness of the Lord: Woodlands (4) – S6/612 Amazon, W2/1012 Amazon, A&M 394 - Y22/8434 Amazon
Ten thousand Times ten thousand: Alford (4) - NS189
Thank You for saving me: Smith (2) - piano - O3/2516 Amazon
Thank You, Jesus (4) - piano –O/1433 Amazon, J2235 Amazon, or (3) - organ - E3/7301 Amazon
Thank You, Lord, for this fine Day: D. Davis Andrew (4) - piano - J3/2830 Amazon
Thanks be to God for His Saints of each past Generation: Lobe den Herren (4) A&M 310 - Y17/8340 Amazon
Thanks be to God whose Love has gathered us today: Charis (5 + ref.) A&M 368 - Y21/8406 Amazon
Thanks to God whose Word was spoken: St Helen (5) A&M 390 - Y22/8430 Amazon
Thanks to God whose Word was spoken: Kingley Vale (5) - NS423
That Bright and Blessed Morn is Near: Meribah (5) – L/9916 Amazon
The Advent of our King: Franconia (5) - NS25
The Advent of our King: St Thomas (5) A&M 050 - Y3/8053 Amazon
The Angel Gabriel: Gabriel's Message, Basque traditional (4) – X2/1323 Amazon, A&M 85 - Y5/8091 Amazon, G1/4017 Amazon
The best Book to read: P. Bilhorn (3) - piano - J2/2729 Amazon
The Church of God: M. Ray (1) - piano - O4/2649 Amazon
The Church of God a Kingdom is: University (6) - N1/3023 Amazon
The Church of God a Kingdom is: Crediton (6) - N3/3232 Amazon
The Church's one Foundation: Aurelia (5) – S6/613 Amazon, A&M 506 - Y28/8555 Amazon
The Church's one Foundation: King’s Lynn (5) - NS170ii
The coming King is at the door: Even at the door (4+refrain) – A2/6206 Amazon
The darkest hour Lord Jesus: Passion Chorale (4) - E3/7302 Amazon
The day of Resurrection: Ellacombe (3) – S3/304 Amazon, E3/7303 Amazon, A&M 216 - Y12/8236 Amazon
The Day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended: St Clement (5) – S5/509 Amazon, A&M 024 - Y2/8025 Amazon
The duteous Day now closeth: Innsbruck (4) - NS17ii
The eternal Gifts of Christ the King: Aeterna Christi Munera (5) - NS297i
The eternal Gifts of Christ the King: Illsley - Bishop (5) - NS297ii
The Fields are white: M. Baughen (4) - piano - J3/2831 Amazon
The first Day of the Week: St Thomas (6) - NS424
The first good Joy that Mary had - English Traditional Carol (7 + ref.) - G5/4086 Amazon
The First Nowell: The First Nowell (4) A&M 86 - Y5/8092 Amazon, G5/4087 Amazon
The First Nowell: Carols for Choirs (6) – X1/719 Amazon
The first song of Isaiah: Jack Noble White (1) - I/9134 Amazon
The Glory of these forty Days: Erhalt Uns Herr (5) - I/9138 Amazon
The God of Abraham praise: Leoni (10) A&M 791 - Y44/8880 Amazon
The God of Love my Shepherd is: University (5) A&M 792 – Y45/8881 Amazon, S6/614 Amazon
The God who rules this Earth: Harewood (5) - NS425
The God who sings a new World into being: Chanson (5) - D4/5278 Amazon
The God whom Earth and Sea and Sky: Puer nobis nascitur (4) A&M 316 - Y18/8346 Amazon
The golden morning is fast approaching: Gleams of the golden morning (4+refrain) – A2/6207 Amazon
The golden Sun lights up the Sky: Verbum supernum prodiens (4) - Q1/4602 Amazon
The Grace of Life is theirs: Darwall’s 148th (4) A&M 349 - Y20/8384 Amazon
The great Creator of the Worlds: Haresfield (6) - NS511
The great Forerunner of the Morn: Vom Himmel hoch (4) A&M 311 - Y18/8351 Amazon
The great God of Heaven is come down to Earth - Alan Ridout (6 + ref.) - G5/4088 Amazon
The great Physician now is near: The great Physician (4+refrain) – A2/6208 Amazon
The greatest thing: M. Penergrass (3) - piano - J2/2730 Amazon
The Head that once was crowned with Thorns: St Magnus (6) – S3/314 Amazon, E3/7321 Amazon, A&M 232 - Y13/8253 Amazon
The Head that once was crowned with Thorns: Clonmel (3) - I/9254 Amazon
The heavenly Child in Stature grows: Tallis's Ordinal (5) - NS50
The heavenly Word, proceeding forth: Solemnis haec festivitas (6) - N1/3025 Amazon, NS253ii
The heavenly Word, proceeding forth: Verbum supernum (6) - N2/3132 Amazon
The Heavens declare Thy Glory, Lord: Church triumphant (6) A&M 549 - Y31/8602 Amazon
The Heavens declare Thy Glory, Lord: Alfreton (5) - NS168
The Heavens proclaim God's Glory: Stand up (3) A&M 793 - Y45/8882 Amazon
The Holly and the Ivy (3 or 6) – (6) X2/1324 Amazon, (3) G5/4089 Amazon
The Holy City: Maybrick (2) - I/9187 Amazon
The Joy of my Salvation: R. Hawkins (4) - piano - O4/2650 Amazon
The Joy of the Lord is my Strength: A. Vale, N. Warren (4) - piano - J3/2832 Amazon
The judgement has set: The Judgement (3+refrain) – A2/6209 Amazon
The King of Love my Shepherd is: Dominus regit me (6) A&M 794 – Y45/8883 Amazon, W2/1013 Amazon
The King of Love my Shepherd is: St Columba (6) A&M 794 – Y45/8884 Amazon, W2/1014 Amazon
‘The Kingdom is upon you!': Wolvercote (3) A&M 795 - Y45/8885 Amazon
The Kingdom of God is Justice and Joy: Paderborn (4) A&M 569 - Y32/8624 Amazon
The Kingdom of God is Justice and Joy: Tetherdown (4) A&M 569 - Y32/8625 Amazon
The Lord at first did Adam make - West of England Traditional Carol (4 + ref.) - G1/4018 Amazon
The Lord has Need of me: C. J. Allen (1) - piano - J2/2731 Amazon
The Lord is here - He finds us as we seek: Beacon Hill (4), A&M 465 - Y26/8513 Amazon
The Lord is King! lift up thy Voice: Church triumphant (5) A&M 796 - Y45/8886 Amazon
The Lord is King! lift up thy Voice: Niagara (5) A&M 796 - Y45/8887 Amazon
The Lord is King! He set the Stars in Space: Yanworth (4) A&M 797 - Y45/8888 Amazon
The Lord is King! lift up thy Voice: Ivyhatch (5) - NS107
The Lord is my Shepherd: Andy Silver (2-part round) - I/9220 Amazon
The Lord is risen indeed: St Michael (5) – S3/305 Amazon
The Lord my Pasture shall prepare: Surrey (4) A&M 798 - Y45/8889 Amazon
The Lord will come and not be slow: St Stephen Newington(5) – S1/107 Amazon, A&M 051 - Y3/8054 Amazon
The Lord's my Shepherd: Crimond (5) A&M 799 – Y45/8890 Amazon, S6/616 Amazon, W2/1015 Amazon, R/826 Amazon
The Lord's my Shepherd: Brother James' Air (5) A&M 799 – Y45/8891 Amazon
The Lord's my Shepherd: By Stuart Townend (3 + ref.) A&M 800 – Y45/8892 Amazon
The Lord's Prayer: Langdon – I/9053 Amazon
The Lord's Prayer: Malotte – T4/3415 Amazon
The Lord's Prayer - also see Settings
The Love of God comes close: Melanie (5) A&M 466 - Y26/8514 Amazon
The Master Hath Come: Ash Grove (3) - I/9191 Amazon
The Mother of Jesus gave birth to her Lord - Lourdes (5 + ref.) - G5/4090 Amazon
The Old Rugged Cross: Bennard (4) - V1/3506 Amazon also see On a hill far away
The Peace of the Earth: Traditional Guatemalan melody (1) A&M 845 - Y47/8939 Amazon
The People that in Darkness sat: Dundee (7) A&M 052 - Y3/8055 Amazon
The promised Land: P. Iszatt (3) - piano - O4/2651 Amazon
The Prophets spoke in Days of old: Jackson (3) - N1/3026 Amazon, A&M 391 - Y22/8431 Amazon
The Prophets spoke in Days of old: Forgive our Sins (3).- NS513
The right Hand of God is writing in our Land: The right Hand of God (6) - D4/5279 Amazon
The royal Banners forward go: Vexilla Regis (6) - NS58i
The royal Banners forward go: Gonfalon Royal (6) - NS58ii
The Saviour is Waiting: Carmichael (2) – T3/3315 Amazon
The Shepherds' Farewell: Carols for Choirs – X1/720 Amazon
The sinless One to Jordan came: Solothurn (6) A&M 107 - Y6/8116 Amazon
The Snow lay on the Ground: Venite Adoramus (4) - I/9200 Amazon
The Solid Rock: Solid Rock (4) – T4/3417 Amazon
The Son of God goes forth to War: All Saints New (4) - I/9181 Amazon
The Son of God his Glory hides: This endris Nyght (4) A&M 801 - Y45/8893 Amazon
The Son of God proclaim: Mount Ephraim (4) - N1/3027 Amazon, A&M 467 - Y26/8515 Amazon
The spacious Firmament on high: Addison’s (London) (3) A&M 550 - Y31/8603 Amazon
The Spirit lives to set us free: Walk in the Light (6) A&M 264 - Y15/8289 Amazon
The Star Spangled Banner (US National Anthem: 3) – R/808 Amazon
The steadfast Love: E. McNeil (1) - piano - J3/2834 Amazon
The Strife is o'er, the Battle done (with Alleluia!): Victory (4, Antiphon+5) – (4) S3/307 Amazon, E3/7306 Amazon, A&M 217 - Y12/8237 Amazon (Antiphon+5) Q1/4624 Amazon
The Strife is o'er, the Battle done: Gelobt sei Gott (4) – S3/306 Amazon, E3/7307 Amazon
The Sun is sinking fast: St Columba (Irons) (7) - NS14
The thirteenth of May (A treize de Maio) (6) - C2/2324 Amazon
The Tree of Life my Soul hath seen: Elizabeth Poston (5) - G3/4055 Amazon
The Virgin Mary had a Baby Boy (3) – X2/1325 Amazon, G5/4091 Amazon
The wise man built his house: Burt (2) - piano – J/2236 Amazon
The Wise may bring: Tyrolese trad. (3) - piano - J2/2733 Amazon
The Works of the Lord are created in Wisdom: Streets of Laredo (5) A&M 551 - Y31/8604 Amazon
Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, Thee: Sheldonian (4) - N1/3024 Amazon
Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, Thee: Ellers (4) - N2/3233 Amazon
Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, Thee: Adoro te devote (4) - N3/3233 Amazon, A&M 468 - Y26/8516 Amazon
Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, Thee: Radcliffe Square (4), A&M 468 - Y26/8517 Amazon
There are Hundreds of Sparrows: J. Gowans, J. Larsson (4) - piano - J3/2833 Amazon
There are no Strangers to God’s Love: Pater Omnium (3) - D4/5280 Amazon
There in God's Garden stands the Tree of Wisdom: Diva Servatrix (5) A&M 152 - Y9/8166 Amazon
There is a Balm in Gilead: Balm in Gilead (2) - I/9225 Amazon
There is a green Hill far away: Horsley (5) – S2/212 Amazon, E3/7304 Amazon, A&M 153 - Y9/8167 Amazon
There is a green Hill: Meditation (5) - I/9202 Amazon
There is a higher Throne: By Keith & Kristyn Getty (2 + ref.) A&M 802 - Y45/8894 Amazon
There is a Hope: By Stuart Townend + Mark Edwards (3) A&M 803 - Y45/8895 Amazon
There is a Land of pure Delight: Beulah (6) A&M 804 - Y45/8896 Amazon
There is a Longing in our Hearts, O Lord: By Anne Quigley (4) A&M 409 - Y23/8449 Amazon
There is a Name We Love to Hear: Belmont (5) – L/9917 Amazon
There is a Redeemer (3) - piano – O/1434 Amazon
There is a Redeemer: By Keith + Melody Green (3 + ref.) A&M 805 - Y45/8897 Amazon, E3/7305 Amazon
There is a river that flows: Trad. arr S. Dean (5+refrain) – I/9064 Amazon
There is no Rose of such Virtue – John Joubert (4) - G1/4019 Amazon
There is none like You: LeBlanc (1) - piano - O3/2517 Amazon
There shall be Showers of Blessing: Showers of Blessing (4) – T4/3416 Amazon
There’ll be a new World beginnin’ from tonight! - Cecil Arthur Broadhurst (1 + ref.) - G5/4092 Amazon
There's a Land that is fairer than Day: Sweet by and by (3) – A2/6210 Amazon, T3/3314 Amazon
There’s a Light upon the Mountain: There’s a Light upon the Mountain (4) – D1/5122 Amazon
There's a man riding in on a Donkey: Sing Hosanna (3 + ref.) A&M 163 - Y9/8179 Amazon
There’s a Spirit in the Air: Lauds (7) – D2/5224 Amazon, A&M 265 - Y15/8290 Amazon
There’s a Star in the East on Christmas Morn - African-American Spiritual (2 + ref.) - G5/4093 Amazon
There’s a Voice in the Wilderness crying: Ascension (3) - Q1/4613 Amazon
There's a Wideness in God's Mercy: Corvedale (4) UK Tune A&M 806 - Y45/8898 Amazon
There's a wideness in God's mercy: Beecher (3) US Tune – U4/4401 Amazon
There’s new life in Jesus: Anon, A. Silver (3) - piano - J2/2732 Amazon
There's no other name like Jesus: There's no other name (5+refrain) – A2/6211 Amazon
There's sunshine in my soul today: There's Sunshine (4+refrain) – A2/6212 Amazon
These are the days: Mark (2) - piano - O3/2518 Amazon
They cast their Nets in Galilee: Georgetown (4) - U5/4511 Amazon
Thine Arm, O Lord, in Days of old: St Matthew (3) A&M 520 - Y29/8569 Amazon
Thine be the Glory, risen conquering Son: Maccabaeus (3) – S3/308 Amazon, R/827 Amazon, E3/7308 Amazon, A&M 218 - Y12/8238 Amazon
Thine forever, God of Love: Newington (5) A&M 807 – Y45/8899 Amazon, S6/617 Amazon
Think of a world without any flowers: Newport/Westcott/Coombes (3) - piano – J/2237 Amazon
Think of a World without any Flowers: Genesis (3 + ref.) A&M 552 - Y31/8605 Amazon
This Day at Thy creating Word: Rushford (4) - Q1/4608 Amazon
This Day God gives me: Addington (4) - NS516
This grace is mine: Bullock (3) - piano - O3/2519 Amazon
This is my Body: Jimmy Owens (5): I/9121 Amazon
This is my desire: Morgan (2) - piano - O3/2520 Amazon
This is my Father’s World: Mercer Street (2) - Q4/4692 Amazon
This is my father's world: Terra beata (3) – A2/6213 Amazon
This is my Will: James Quinn/unknown Irish melody (5) - I/9122 Amazon
This is the Body of Christ: By John L. Bell (1) A&M 469 - Y26/8518 Amazon
This is the Day: Garrett/Fudge (3) - piano – J/2238 Amazon
This is the Day of Light: Dominica (5) - NS21
This is the Day the Lord hath made: Bishopthorpe (5) A&M 007 - Y1/8007 Amazon
This is the Feast: Festival Canticle (5 + refrain) - I/9255
This is the Image of the Queen (Iver) (3) - C2/2301 Amazon
This is the Night, dear Friends, the Night for weeping: Intercessor (5) A&M 173 - Y10/8190 Amazon
This is the Night of new Beginnings: Christ be our Light (5 + ref.) A&M 189 - Y11/8207 Amazon
This is the Truth sent from above – English traditional Carol, arr. R. Vaughan Williams (5) - G1/4020 Amazon
This is Your Coronation: Passion Chorale (3) A&M 183 - Y11/8201 Amazon
This Joyful Eastertide: Vreuchten (3) – M2/1218 Amazon, E3/7309 Amazon, A&M 219 - Y12/8239 Amazon
This little Light of mine: Popular American Melody (2 + ref.) A&M 808 - Y45/8900 Amazon, G6/4119 Amazon
Thorns in the Straw: Graham Kendrick (5) - I/9216 iTunes Amazon
Thou art the Christ, O Lord: Love unknown (4) A&M 321 - Y18/8352 Amazon
Thou art the Way: by Thee alone: St James (4) A&M 809 – Y46/8901 Amazon, S6/618 Amazon
Thou didst leave Thy Throne and thy kingly Crown: Margaret (5) A&M 811 – Y46/8903 Amazon, M2/1219 Amazon
Thou must leave Thy lowly Dwelling - Hector Berlioz (3) - G5/4094 Amazon
Thou, who at Thy first Eucharist did Pray: Sacramentum Unitatis (4) - U5/4505 Amazon
Thou who wast rich beyond all Splendour: Fragrance (3) A&M 87 - Y5/8093 Amazon, G5/4095 Amazon
Thou whom Shepherds Worshipped: Quem pastores (3) – M2/1220, NS54 Amazon
Thou, whose almighty Word: Moscow (4) A&M 810 – Y46/8902 Amazon, S6/619 Amazon
Though Hope desert my Heart: Homeward (5) A&M 521- Y29/8570 Amazon
Though Hope desert my Heart: Southwell (5) A&M 521- Y29/8571 Amazon
Threefold Amen - see Amens
Three Kings from Persian Lands afar - Chorale Melody by Philipp Nicolai (3 + ref.) - G6/4115 Amazon
Through all the Changing Scenes of Life: Wiltshire (6) A&M 812 – Y46/8904 Amazon, M2/1221 Amazon, D3/5246 Amazon
Through our Lives and by our Prayers: By John L. Bell (1) A&M 410 - Y23/8450 Amazon
Through the Love of God our Saviour: Ar hyd y nos (3) - D3/5247 Amazon
Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow: Marching (8 or 6) A&M 813 – (8) Y46/8905 Amazon, (6) S6/620 Amazon
Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow: Rustington (4) - NS211i
Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow: St Oswald (8) - NS211ii
Thy Hand, O God, has guided: Thornbury (6 or 5) A&M 814 – (6) Y46/8906 Amazon, (5) I/9068 Amazon
Thy holy Sabbath, Lord: Badea (4) – A2/6214 Amazon
Thy Kingdom come, O God: St Cecilia (6) A&M 816 – Y46/8908 Amazon, S6/621 Amazon, R/828 Amazon
Thy Kingdom come, O God: Netherlands (6) A&M 816 – Y46/8909 Amazon
Thy Kingdom come! On bended Knee: Irish (5) A&M 815 - Y46/8907 Amazon
“Thy Kingdom come!” on bended Knee: St Flavian - US tune (5) - Q4/4691 Amazon
Timeless Love! We sing the Story: Patrixbourne (3) A&M 817 - Y46/8910 Amazon
Timeless Love! We sing the Story: All Saints (3) A&M 817 - Y46/8911 Amazon
Tis almost time for the Lord to come: The breaking of the day (4+refrain) – A2/6215 Amazon
Tis good, Lord, to be here: Carlisle (5) A&M 281 - Y16/8306 Amazon
Tis good Lord to be Here: Swabia (5) - I/9139 Amazon
Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus: Tis so sweet (4+refrain) – A2/6216 Amazon
Tis the Gift to be simple: Simple Gifts (1) - Q3/4680 Amazon
To be in Your presence: Richards (2) - piano - O3/2521 Amazon
To Christ, the Prince of Peace: St George (5) - NS127
To God be the Glory! Great Things He hath Done: To God be the Glory (3) A&M 818 – Y46/8912 Amazon, M2/1222 Amazon, E3/7310 Amazon
To Jesus Christ our sovereign King: Ich glaub an Gott (3) - I/9170 Amazon
To Jesus' Heart all burning: Cor Jesu (5+refrain) – I/9067 Amazon
To mock Your Reign, O dearest Lord: St Mary / Wigtown (3) - NS517i
To mock your Reign, O dearest Lord: Third Mode Melody (3) A&M 154 - Y9/8168 Amazon
To the Name of our Salvation: Oriel (5) A&M 819 - Y46/8913 Amazon
To Thee before the close of day: Jam Lucis (3) – U2/4226 Amazon
To Thee, O Lord, Our Hearts we Raise: Golden Sheaves (4) – M2/1223 Amazon, A&M 289 - Y16/8314 Amazon
To Thee our God we fly: Croft’s 136th (9 + ref.) - NS330
To us a Child of royal Birth: Invitation (Devonshire) (4) - NS45
To us in Bethle’m City – Kölner Psalter (4) - G5/4096 Amazon
To You, O Christ, the Prince of Peace: Bugeilio’r Gwenith Gwyn (4) A&M 570 - Y32/8626 Amazon
Today I awake and God is before me: Slithers of Gold (4) A&M 008 - Y1/8008 Amazon
Tomorrow shall be my dancing Day - English Carol Melody (11 + ref.) - G5/4097 Amazon
Torches: Carols for Choirs – X1/721 Amazon, G5/4098 Amazon
Touch the Earth lightly: Tenderness (4) A&M 553 - Y31/8606 Amazon
Touch the Earth lightly: by Tony Alonso (4) A&M 553 - Y31/8607 Amazon
Trust and Obey: Trust and Obey (4) - I/9197 Amazon
Tú Reinarás: Moreau (4) - I/9161 Amazon
Turn Back, O Man: Old Hundred 24th (3) – U5/4514 Amazon
Turn Your Eyes upon Jesus: Lemmel (3) – T3/3316 Amazon (also faster version T3/3316a)
Two little Eyes: C. Kerr (1) - piano - J3/2835 Amazon
Tydi, a roddaist: Tydi a roddaist (3) - CY2/5540 Amazon
Tydi a wnaeth y wyrth: Pantyfedwen (3) - CY2/5541 Amazon
Tyrd, Ysbryd Glân, i'n c'lonnau ni: Arennig (5) - CY2/5542 Amazon
Tyred, Ysbryd yr addewid: Tanymarian (2) - CY2/5543 Amazon

Ubi Caritas et Amor: Jacques Berthier/Taize (3) - I/9145 Amazon
Un fendith dyro im: Sirioldeb (4) - CY2/5544 Amazon
Under His wings: Under His wings (3+refrain) – A2/6217 Amazon
Unless a Grain of Wheat shall fall: By Bernadette Farrell (6) A&M 155 - Y9/8169 Amazon
Unto Thee do I lift my Eyes: P. Simmons (3) - piano - O4/2652 Amazon
Unto us is Born a Son (5) – X1/713 Amazon, G5/4099 Amazon
Upon Thy Table, Lord, we place: Brockham (3) - NS429
Veni Creator Spiritus: Plainsong (7) - I/9242
Veni Sancte Spiritus: Plainsong (10) - I/9243
Veni Sancte Spiritus, tui Amoris Ignem accende: Taizé Community (6 + ref.) A&M 266 - Y15/8291 Amazon
Veni, veni: By Peter Nardone (4 + ref.) A&M 267 - Y15/8292 Amazon
Venite (metrical setting): Was lebet (4) - I/9113
Victim divine, thy Grace we claim: Song 9 (3) - N1/3028 Amazon
Victim divine, thy Grace we claim: Coleraine (3) - N1/3029 Amazon
Victory: D. Fung (1) - piano - O4/2653 Amazon
Victory in Jesus: Hartford (3) – T4/3418 Amazon
Virgin-born, we bow before Thee: Mon dieu, prête-moi l’oreille (4) A&M 317 - Y18/8347 Amazon
Virgin-born, we bow before Thee: Quem pastures laudavere (4) A&M 317 - Y18/8348 Amazon

Wait for the Lord, whose Day is near: Taize Community (1) A&M 053 - Y3/8056 Amazon
Wake, awake, for Night is flying: Sleepers Wake (3) – U1/4101 Amazon
Wake, O wake! With Tidings thrilling: Wachet Auf (3) A&M 054 - Y3/8057 Amazon
Walking in a Garden at the Close of Day: Au Clair de la Lune (3) - NS518
Wassail Song – X2/1326 Amazon
Watch, ye saints: Jesus comes (5+refrain) – A2/6218 Amazon
Water of Life, cleanse and refresh us: By Stephen Dean (4 + ref.) A&M 338 - Y19/8372 Amazon
We are chosen, we are redeemed: J. Parsons (3) - piano - O4/2654 Amazon
We are here to praise You: Kendrick (1) - piano - O3/2522 Amazon
We are marching in the Light of God: Siyahamba (3) A&M 483 - Y27/8532 Amazon
We are moving on: I. Traynor (2) - piano - O4/2655 Amazon
Walking in a Garden at the Close of Day: Au Clair de la Lune (3) - NS519
We ask You, Lord: By Paul Inwood (1) A&M 411 - Y23/8451 Amazon
We believe in God the Father: Lux Eoi (3) A&M 403 - Y23/8443 Amazon
We believe in God the Father: Kendrick (2) - piano - O3/2523 Amazon
We bow down: Grafstrom (2) - piano - O3/2524 Amazon
We bring our Children, Lord, today: Angelus (3) A&M 339 - Y19/8373 Amazon
We bring You, Lord, our Prayer and Praise: Wiltshire (6) A&M 571 - Y32/8627 Amazon
We bring You, Lord, our Prayer and Praise: Liverpool (6) A&M 571 - Y32/8628 Amazon
We cannot care for you the Way we wanted: Jennifer (5) A&M 353 - Y20/8388 Amazon
We cannot care for you the Way we wanted: Jennifer, spoken with chords (5) A&M 353 - Y20/8389 Amazon
We cannot measure how You heal: Ye Banks and Braes (3) A&M 522 - Y29/8572 Amazon
We come to this your Table, Lord: Grandchildren (4) - N3/3234 Amazon, A&M 470 - Y26/8519 Amazon
We come unto our Fathers' God: To God on High (4) – U3/4323 Amazon
We do not hope to ease our Minds: St Patrick’s Breastplate (3) A&M 572 - Y32/8629 Amazon
We do not hope to ease our Minds: Before the Throne of God above (3) - D4/5281 Amazon
We find Thee, Lord, in Others' Need: Wilford (4) - NS430
We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing: Kresmer (3) – U2/4214 Amazon
We give God Thanks for those who knew: Cross Deep (4) A&M 523 - Y29/8573 Amazon
We give immortal Praise: Croft’s 136th (4) A&M 278 - Y16/8303 Amazon
We hail Thy Presence glorious: Offertorium (5) - NS266
We have a Gospel to proclaim: Fulda (6) - A&M 507 - Y28/8556 Amazon, I/9171 Amazon
We have a King who rides a donkey: Traditional (4) - piano – J/2239 Amazon
We Have Come into His House: Ballinger (2) - V1/3523 Amazon
We Have Come into His House: Worship Him (2) – T3/3317 Amazon
We have heard a joyful Sound: P. Owens, J. Booth (3) - piano - J3/2836 Amazon
We know not the hour: We know not the hour (3+refrain) – A2/6219 Amazon
We lay our broken World in sorrow: Sorrow (6) - D4/5282 Amazon
We Love the Place, O God: Quam Dilecta (7) – I/9046 Amazon, A&M 294 - Y16/8319 Amazon
We love to praise You: M. Parker, P. Burt (3) - piano - J2/2734 Amazon
We need each other's Voice to sing: Checkendon (4 + ref.) A&M 508 - Y28/8557 Amazon
We pledge to one another: Thaxted (2) - A&M 350 - Y20/8385 Amazon, I/9108 Amazon
We plough the fields and scatter: Wir pflügen (3) UK tune – S5/512 Amazon, A&M 290 - Y16/8315 Amazon
We plow the fields and scatter: Claudius (3) US tune – U2/4215 Amazon
We praise you, Father, for your Gift: Gonfalon Royal (3) A&M025 - Y2/8026 Amazon
We praise You, Lord, for Jesus Christ: St Timothy (4) A&M 340 - Y19/8374 Amazon
We praise You, Lord, for Jesus Christ: St Fulbert (4) A&M 340 - Y19/8375 Amazon
We praise You, Lord, for Jesus Christ: Crucis Victoria (4) - NS521
We pray for Peace: Herstmonceux (6) A&M 573 - Y32/8630 Amazon
We pray for Peace: Hounsfield (6) - D4/5283 Amazon
We pray Thee, heavenly Father: Dies dominica (4) - N1/3030 Amazon
We pray Thee, heavenly Father: Meirionydd (4) - N1/3031 Amazon
We pray Thee, heavenly Father: Offertorium (4) A&M 471 - Y26/8520 Amazon
We shall draw Water joyfully: By Paul Inwood (3 + ref.) A&M 191 - Y11/8209 Amazon
We Shall Overcome: Spiritual (5) - V1/3521 Amazon
We shall see Him in the Morning: Heanish (2) A&M 354 - Y20/8390 Amazon
We sing for all the unsung Saints: Ladywell (3) A&M 311 - Y18/8341 Amazon
We sing of God, the mighty Source: Magdalen College (4) – U4/4402 Amazon
We sing the glorious Conquest: Munich (4) – U2/4207 Amazon
We sing the glorious Conquest: Ellacombe (4) - NS313
We sing the Praise of Him who died: Bow Brickhill (5) – S2/213 Amazon, E3/7312 Amazon, A&M 156 - Y9/8170 Amazon
We sing Your Praise, eternal God: This Endris Nyght (5) A&M 574 - Y32/8631 Amazon
We speak of the realms of the blest: Contrast (4) – A2/6220 Amazon
We Three Kings (5) – X1/714 Amazon, A&M 105 - Y6/8114 Amazon, G6/4116 Amazon
We turn to Christ anew: Leoni (3) A&M 341 - Y19/8376 Amazon
We turn to God when we are sorely pressed: The Cost of Discipleship (3) - D3/5248 Amazon
We turn to You O God of every Nation: Highwood (5) - D4/5284 Amazon
We turn to You, O God of every Nation: Intercessor (5) - NS522i
We turn to You, O God of every Nation: Harding (5) - NS522ii
We want to see Jesus lifted high: Horley (1) - piano - O3/2526 Amazon
We will extol You, ever-blessed Lord: Old 124th (3) - Q3/4661 Amazon
We will walk with God: Sizohamba naye (1) A&M 846 - Y47/8940 Amazon
We Wish You a Merry Christmas (4+ref) – X2/1327 Amazon, G5/4100 Amazon
We Worship at Thy Holy Feet: French (5) – L/9918 Amazon
Weary of Earth, and Laden with my Sin: Langran (4) – U1/4114 Amazon
Welcome Happy Morning!: Fortunatus (6) - U5/4504 Amazon
Welcome, King of Kings: Richards (2) - piano - O3/2525 Amazon
Wele'n sefyll rhwng y myrtwydd: Cwm Rhondda (3) - CY2/5545 Amazon
Wele'r dydd yn gwawrio draw: Innocents (5) - CY2/5546 Amazon
Were You There When they Crucified my Lord: Where you there (3, 4 or 6) – (3) A&M 184 Y11/8202 Amazon, (4) M2/1224 Amazon, (4) V1/3505 Amazon, or (6) - E3/7311 Amazon
We're Marching to Zion: Lowry (4) - V1/3501 Amazon
We’ve a story to tell: C. Sterne, H. Nichol (4) - piano - J2/2735 Amazon
We've no abiding city here: Andre (4) – A2/6221 Amazon
What a fellowship: Leaning on the everlasting Arms (3+refrain) – A2/6222 Amazon
What a Friend we Have in Jesus: Converse (3) – M2/1225 Amazon, L/9919 Amazon
What a wonderful Saviour: Anon., B. Pulkingham (3) - piano - J3/2837 Amazon
What Adam's Disobedience cost: Hermon (4) - NS524
What Child is this: Greensleeves (3) - piano – O/1435 Amazon
What Child is this: Greensleeves (3) A&M 88 - Y5/8094 Amazon, G6/4101 Amazon, U1/4109 Amazon
What does the Lord require: Sharpthorne (5) -
What kind of love is this?: Haworth (3) - piano - O3/2527 Amazon
What Rich Eternal Bursts of Praise: Ariel (3) – L/9920 Amazon
What shall our Greeting be?: Glanhafren (3) A&M 509 - Y28/8558 Amazon
What shall we pray for those who died: Kingston (6) - D4/5285 Amazon
What Star is this with Beams so Bright: Puer Nobis (5) – U1/4111 Amazon
What Was it Blessed God: Lennox (4) – L/9921 Amazon
What Wondrous Love is This, O my Soul: Wondrous Love (3) - I/9215 iTunes Amazon
When all Thy Mercies, O my God: Contemplation (6) A&M 820 - Y46/8914 Amazon
When Candles are lighted on Candlemas Day: Lourdes (13) A&M 113 - Y7/8122 Amazon
When Christ was lifted from the Earth: San Rocco (4) - Q4/4688 Amazon
When Christ was lifted from the Earth: Rodmell (3) - NS525
When Christ’s Appearing was made known: Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar (5) - Q1/4616 Amazon
When Circumstances make my Life: Martyrdom (Fenwick) (4) - D3/3249 Amazon
When God of old came down from Heaven: Winchester Old (7) - NS90
When human Voices cannot sing: Barbara Allen (4) A&M 355 - Y20/8391 Amazon
When human Voices cannot sing: Jacob's Well (4) A&M 355 - Y20/8392 Amazon
When I feel the Touch: Jones/Matthew (1) - O3/2528 Amazon
When I look into Your Holiness: Perrin (1) - O3/2529 Amazon
When I needed a Neighbour: Neighbour (6 + ref.) A&M 575 - Y32/8632 Amazon
When I needed a neighbour: Carter (6) - piano – J/2240 Amazon
When I survey the wondrous Cross: Hamburg (4) – T2/3219 Amazon (usually US tune)
When I survey the wondrous Cross: Rockingham (4 or 5) – (4) S2/214 Amazon, (4) E3/7313 Amazon, (5) A&M 157 - Y9/8171 Amazon (usually UK tune)
When I survey the wondrous Cross: Sutheran (5) A&M 157 - Y9/8172 Amazon
When I’m feeling down and sad: When I’m feeling down and sad (4) - D3/3250 Amazon
When, in our Music, God is glorified: Engelberg (5) A&M 821 - Y46/8915 Amazon
When Israel was in Egypt’s land: Spiritual, Smith/Metcalf (5) - piano - J2/2736 Amazon
When Jesus came to Jordan: Offertorium (3) A&M 108 - Y6/8117 Amazon
When Jesus comes to be baptised: Herongate (4) A&M 109 - Y6/8118 Amazon
When Jesus shall gather the nations: He will gather the wheat (5+refrain) – A2/6223 Amazon
When Memory fades: Finlandia (3) A&M 524 - Y29/8574 Amazon
When Morning gilds the Skies: Laudes Domini (5 or 6) – (5) S5/503 Amazon, (6) A&M 009 - Y1/8009 Amazon
When Morning gilds the Skies: Ludgate (6) - NS146
When Mountains that we thought secure: Vox dilecti (3) - D4/5286 Amazon
When, O God, our Faith is tested: Fortunatus new (3) - D3/3251 Amazon
When our Confidence is shaken: New Malden (McCarthy) (4) - D3/3252 Amazon
When righteous Joseph wedded was – West of England Carol (3 + ref.) - G2/4021 Amazon
When the Angel came to Mary (Sans Day Carol) (4) - C2/2302 Amazon
When the King shall come again: St John Damascene (4) A&M 055 - Y3/8058 Amazon
When the music fades: Redman (1 or 2) - piano - (1) O3/2530 Amazon, (2) I/9193
When the Road is rough and steep: N. Clayton (1) - piano - J3/2838 Amazon
When the Roll is called up Yonder: Roll Call (3) – T4/3419 Amazon
When to our World the Saviour came: Fossebridge (5) A&M 525 - Y29/8575 Amazon
When we all get to Heaven: Heaven (4) – I/9069 Amazon
When we sit down with You: Imray (3) - I/9147 < Amazon
When you prayed beneath the Trees: Widford (4) A&M 158 - Y9/8173 Amazon
Whence is the goodly Fragrance flowing - Quelle est cette odeur (3) - G6/4102 Amazon
Where are you bound, Mary (Glynn) (3) - C2/2303 Amazon
Where Charity and Love prevail: Benoit (6) - I/9153 Amazon
Where Charity and Love prevail: Cheshire (5) - I/9140 Amazon
Where cross the crowded ways of life: Gardiner (6) – U4/4414 Amazon
Where high the heavenly Temple stands: Wareham (5) -
Where is this stupendous Stranger?: Sheet (4) - NS527i
Where is this stupendous Stranger?: Halton Colgate (4) - NS527ii
Where Love and Loving-kindness dwell: Maisemore (6) - NS528
Where the appointed Sacrifice: Schutz (4) - N2/3234 Amazon
Wherefore, O Father, we thy humble Servants: Christe fons jugis (2) - N1/3032 Amazon
Wherever He leads I'll go: Falls Creek (4) – I/9070 Amazon
Wherever I am I will praise You: M. Parker, G. Leavers (4) - piano - J2/2737 Amazon
Whether you’re one: G. Kendrick, P. Burt (2) - piano - J3/2839 Amazon
While Shepherds watched: Winchester Old (6) – S1/117 , A&M 89 - Y5/8095 Amazon, G6/4103 < Amazon
While Shepherds watched: Winchester Old with descant (6) – X1/715 Amazon
While Shepherds watched their Flocks by Night: Cranbrook (6) A&M 89 - Y5/8096 Amazon, G6/4104 Amazon
Whiter than Snow: Fischer (3) – I/9071 Amazon
Who are these like stars appearing: All Saints (5) – U2/4212 Amazon
Who are we who stand and sing: People of God (3) - NS529
Who can measure Heaven and Earth?: Lucerna Laudoniae (4) A&M 822 - Y46/8916 Amazon
Who can sound the depths?: Kendrick (5) - piano - O3/2531 Amazon
Who can sound the Depths of Sorrow?: By Graham Kendrick (5) A&M 530 - Y29/8580 Amazon
Who is on the Lord’s Side: Armageddon (4) – D1/5123 Amazon
Who put the colours in the rainbow: Booth/Coombes (2) - piano – J/2242 Amazon
Who would think that what was needed: Scarlet Ribbons (3) A&M 90 - Y5/8097 Amazon, G6/4105 Amazon
Who would true Valour see: Monks Gate (3) A&M 822 – Y46/8917 Amazon, S6/622 Amazon
Who would true Valour see: Bunyan (3) - NS212
Who's the King of the Jungle: Bush/Silver (1) - piano – J/2243 Amazon
Wide, wide as the ocean: Miles (1) - piano – J/2241 Amazon
Will you come and follow me: Kelvingrove (5) A&M 510 - Y28/8559 Amazon, I/9172 Amazon
Will your Anchor hold: P. J. Owens, W. J. Kirkpatrick (4) - piano - J2/2738 Amazon
Will your Anchor hold in the Storms of Life: Will your Anchor hold (4) - D3/3253 Amazon
Wind beneath my Wings: Silbar and Henley (5) - I/9177 Amazon
Wind who makes all Winds that blow: Born of the Spirit (3) - I/9195 Amazon
Wise Men seeking Jesus: Worship (Mann) (7) – D2/5225 Amazon
Wise Men, they came to look for Wisdom: Bremen (Neumark) (4) A&M 106 - Y6/8115 Amazon
With Gladness we worship, rejoice as we sing: Datchet (4) – D2/5226 Amazon
With Jesus in the Boat: Anon., P. Burt (1) - piano - J3/2840 Amazon
With Joy we meditate the Grace: Arden (5) A&M 824 - Y46/8918 Amazon
With Joy we meditate the Grace: Salzburg (5) - NS530
With Mary let my Soul rejoice: North Bailey (5) A&M 395 - Y22/8435 Amazon
With solemn Faith we offer up: Meyrick Park (2) - N2/3235 Amazon
With Wonder, Lord, we see Your Works: Es ist kein Tag (5) A&M 554 - Y31/8608 Amazon
With Wonder, Lord, we see Your Works: Wadham College (5) - NS531
Within our darkest Night: Jacques Berthier (1) A&M 847 - Y47/8941 Amazon
Without Him: Without Him (2) – T3/3318 Amazon
Wonderful Grace of Jesus: Wonderful Grace (3) – T3/3319 Amazon
Word of God, come down on Earth: Liebster Jesu (Dessau) (3) A&M 825 - Y46/8919 Amazon
Word of God, renew your People: Word of God (5) A&M 342 - Y19/8377 Amazon
Word of Justice, alleluia: Litany of the Word (12) - A&M 056 - Y3/8059 Amazon
Word of the Father, source of all things living: Ad tuum nomen (3) - N1/3033 Amazon
Word that formed Creation, Earth and Sea and Sky: Noël nouvelet (4) A&M 220 - Y12/8240 Amazon
Worthy art Thou: D. Richards (1) - piano - O4/2656 Amazon
Worthy, O worthy are You Lord: Kinzer (1) - piano - O3/2532 Amazon
Worthy of Worship: Judson (3) – T2/3220 Amazon
Worthy, You are worthy: Moen (3) - piano - O3/2533 Amazon
Wrth gofio'i riddfannau'n yr ardd: Trewen (1) - CY2/5547 Amazon

Y mae'r ymdrech yn parhau: Aberystwyth (2) - CY2/5548 Amazon
Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem: St. Fulbert (6) – S3/309 Amazon, E3/7314 Amazon, A&M 221 - Y13/8241 < Amazon
Ye Holy Angels bright: Darwall's 148th (4) A&M 826 – Y46/8920 Amazon, S6/623 Amazon
Ye Servants of God, your Master proclaim: Paderborn (4) A&M 827 – Y47/8921 Amazon, S6/624 Amazon
Ye Servants of the Lord: Narenza (5) A&M 057 - Y3/8060 Amazon
Ye Sons and Daughters: O Filii et Filiae (12) - I/9141 Amazon
Ye that know the Lord is gracious: Hyfrydol (3) A&M 828 - Y47/8922 Amazon
Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones: Lasst uns erfreuen (4) UK tune – I/9072 Amazon, A&M 302 - Y18/8342 Amazon
Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones: Vigiles et sancti (4) US tune – U4/4419 Amazon
Ye who own the Faith of Jesus: Daily daily (7) A&M 318 - Y18/8349 Amazon
Year by Year, from Past to Future: Ebenezer (Ton-y-Botel) (3) A&M 829 - Y47/8923 Amazon
Yes, God is good: J. H. Gurney (6) - piano - J2/2739 Amazon
Yesterday, today, forever: A. Simpson, J. Burke (1) - piano - J3/2841 Amazon
Yn Eden, cofiaf hynny byth: Buddugoliaeth (2) - CY2/5549 Amazon
You are beautiful: Altrogge (1) - piano - O3/2534 Amazon
You are my hiding place: Ledner (1) - piano - O3/2535 Amazon
You are the King of Glory: M. Ford (1) - piano - J2/2740 Amazon
You are the King of Glory: By Mavis Ford (1) A&M 164 - Y9/8180 Amazon
You are the Vine: Daniels (2) - piano - O3/2536 Amazon
You are the Vine and we are the Branches: Golden Lane (3) A&M 472 - Y27/8521 Amazon
You can’t stop Rain from falling down: J. Gowan, J. Larsson (3) - piano - J3/2842 Amazon
You laid aside Your majesty: Richards (Intro+1) - E3/7315 Amazon
You, living Christ, our Eyes behold: Palace Green (3) - N1/3034 Amazon, A&M 473 - Y27/8522 Amazon
You shall go out with Joy: Darwin Close (4) A&M 222 - Y13/8242 Amazon
You shall go out with Joy: S. Dauermann, S. Rubin (1) - piano - J3/2843 < Amazon

You shall go out with Joy: By Stuart Dauermann (1) A&M 484 - Y27/8533 Amazon
Your Voice, O God, outsings the Stars of Morning: Heslington (4) A&M 511 - Y28/8560 Amazon
Your Will be done on Earth, O Lord: Mayenziwe (1) A&M 412 - Y23/8452 Amazon
Yr Arglwydd a feddwl amdanaf: Eirinwg (2) - CY2/5550 Amazon

Zaccheus was a very little man: JW (1) - piano – J/2244 Amazon
Zion, praise thy Savior: Lauda Sion Salvatorem (6) - Q2/4641 Amazon

Voluntaries and anthems

A Memorial Piece: H.Parry - P3/2109 Amazon
A Stronghold sure, Martin Luther - P5/2171 Amazon
A Whiter Shade of Pale: Procul Harum - P2/2003 Amazon
Adagietto, Symphony no. 5 Gustav Mahler arr. Quentin Thomas - P5/2155 Amazon
Adagio: Albinoni - P2/2005 Amazon
Adagio: Barber (arr. Strickland) - I/9194
Adagio, Clarinet Concerto: W.A.Mozart - P3/2121 Amazon
Adagio - Violin concerto no. 1: M.Bruch - P3/2106 Amazon
Air & Gavotte: Samuel Wesley – W1/906 Amazon
Air from Suite No 3 (Air on a G string): J. S. Bach – B/1717 Amazon
Allegro – Symphony in D op. 2 no. 5, William Boyce arr. Robert Gower - P5/2163 Amazon
Andante piano Concerto no. 21: W.A.Mozart - P3/2102 Amazon
Andante Religioso from Organ Sonata No 4: Mendelssohn – P/1915 Amazon
Andante, String Quartet 13: F.Schubert - P3/2110 Amazon
Andante tranquillo (Capriol Suite): P.Warlock - P3/2120 Amazon
Angel's Farewell, Dream of Gerontius: E.Elgar - P3/2122 Amazon
Aria in F BWV 587: J. S. Bach – B/1725 Amazon
Arrival of the Queen of Sheba: Handel – W2/1001 Amazon
Aus der Tiefe: Kenneth Leighton - P7/1856 Amazon
Aus der Tiefe rufe ich: C.P.E. Bach - P7/1851 Amazon
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu Dir: Max Reger - P7/1852 Amazon
Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu Dir: Christian Geist - P7/1853 Amazon
Austrian Hymn, Joseph Haydn - P5/2172 Amazon
Ave Maria: Bach/Gounod – P/1902 Amazon
Ave Maria: Schubert – P2/2007 Amazon
Ave Verum Corpus: Mozart – P/1922 Amazon
Badinerie, Johann Sebastian Bach arr. Richard Lloyd - P5/2170 Amazon
Bist du bei mir: J.S.Bach - P3/2107 Amazon
Bourrée – French Overture in B minor, Johann Sebastian Bach - P5/2173 Amazon
Canon in D minor: Pachelbel – P2/2008 Amazon
Cantique de Jean Racine, Gabriel Fauré arr. Martin Setchell - P5/2161 Amazon
Capriccio "Cucu": Kerll – F/1802 Amazon
Carillon: Herbert Murrill – P6/1740 Amazon
Cebell, Henry Purcell arr. Gerard Brookes - P5/2164 Amazon
Ceremonial March:Herbert Sumsion - P6/1738 Amazon
Choral opus 68, Robert Schumann - P5/2174 Amazon
Choral Song: S. S. Wesley - I/9094
Chorale Improvisation on "Freue Dich Sehr, O Meine Seele": Karg-Elert – P/1912 Amazon
Chorale Prelude - Caswall: Peter Hurford - P7/1866 Amazon
Chorale Prelude - Martyrdom: C. Hubert H. Parry - P7/1857 Amazon
Chorale Prelude - Rockingham: C. Hubert H. Parry - P7/1870 Amazon
Chorale Prelude on Melcombe: Parry – P/1919 Amazon
Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves – Nabucco, Giuseppe Verdi - P5/2160 Amazon
Christe, aller Welt Trost, BWV 670: J. S. Bach – F/1806 Amazon
Christe, du Lamm Gottes BWV 619: J.S. Bach - P7/1859 Amazon
Colonel Bogey: Kenneth Alford - P2/2001 Amazon
Concerto in D Op 7 No 8 – Allegro: Albinoni – P2/2009 Amazon
Concerto in D minor BWV 596 - Largo e spiccato: J. S. Bach (arrangement of Vivaldi) – P2/2010 Amazon
Cradle Song (Wiegenlied), Franz Schubert - P5/2175 Amazon
Crucifixus - Mass in B minor, Johann Sebastian Bach arr. Martin Setchell - P5/2153 Amazon
Cujus animam, Goachino Rossini - P5/2169 Amazon
Dambusters’ March: Coates - P2/2021 Amazon
Danny Boy: Traditional Irish - P3/2116 Amazon
Dresden Amen – Parsifal, Richard Wagner - P5/2166 Amazon
Elegy: H. Parry - P3/2111 Amazon
Elevation (tierce en Taille) Messe pour les convents: Francois Couperin - F/1811 Amazon
Fanfare: William Mathias - P6/1736 Amazon
Fantasia: Gibbons - P3/2108 < Amazon
Fantasia in D minor: Abraham van der Kerckhoven - I/9133
Finale from Sonata No 1: Alexandre Guilmant - P6/1742 Amazon
Finlandia: J.Siblelius - P3/2103 Amazon
Flötenuhr No 23 in C - Haydn – P2/2011 Amazon
Flower Duet - Lakmé, Léo Delibes arr. Colin Hand - P5/2156 Amazon
Fugue in A minor BWV 559 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1714 Amazon
Fugue in B flat major BWV 560 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1716 Amazon
Fugue in C major BWV 553 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1702 Amazon
Fugue in C major BUX 147: D. Buxtehude - P2/2013 Amazon
Fugue in D minor BWV 554 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1704 Amazon
Fugue in D minor. BWV 565: J. S. Bach – F/1804 Amazon
Fugue in E minor BWV 555 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1706 Amazon
Fugue in F major BWV 556 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1708 Amazon
Fugue in G BWV 576: J. S. Bach – B/1726 Amazon
Fugue in G major BWV 557 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1710 Amazon
Fugue in G minor BWV 558 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1712 Amazon
Grand Choeur in D major, Op 18: A Guilmant – P/1921 Amazon
Grand March from Aida: Verdi – W1/907 Amazon
Grand Solemn March in E flat major: Henry Smart – P6/1737 Amazon
Herzlich tut mich verlangen: J.G. Walther - P7/1867 Amazon
Herzlich tut mich verlangen BWV 727: J.S. Bach - P7/1869 Amazon
Hosanna Filio David: J.M.M. Demessieux - P7/1861 Amazon
I know that my Redeemer liveth, Messiah: G.F.Handel - P3/2105 Amazon
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring: J. S. Bach – B/1722 Amazon
Komm süßer Tod: J.S.Bach - P3/2115 Amazon
Kyrie, Gott Heiliger Geist, BWV 671: J. S. Bach – F/1807 Amazon
Kyrie. Gott Vater in Ewigkeit, BWV 669: J. S. Bach – F/1805 Amazon
La Marche: Handel – P/1904 Amazon
Land of Hope and Glory: Elgar, Pomp & Circumstance - P2/2019 Amazon
Largo (Xerxes): Handel – P2/2012 Amazon, P3/2113 Amazon
Largo, New World Symphony: Dvorak - P2/2004 Amazon, P3/2012 Amazon
Lascia ch’io pianga: Handel (Rinaldo) - P2/2017 Amazon
Laudate Dominum, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart arr. Quentin Thomas - P5/2152 Amazon
Lied: 24 pieces en style libre: Vierne – W2/1007 Amazon
Les Sauvages from Les Indes Galantes: Jean-Philippe Rameau (arr. Machella) - I/9223
March (Occasional Oratorio): Handel – W1/903 Amazon
March (Overture: Occasional Oratorio): Handel – P/1907 Amazon
March in C: Purcell – P/1920 Amazon
March on a theme of Handel from Pieces in Different Styles: Alexandre Guilmant - P6/1735 Amazon
March – Scipio, Georg Frideric Handel - P5/2176 Amazon
Marche Pontificale from Symphony Number One: Widor – P/1906 Amazon
Marcia Eroica from Four Intermezzi: Charles Villiers Stanford - P6/1733 Amazon
Meditation- Love unknown: Francis Jackson - P7/1865 Amazon
Menuet Gothique from Suite Gothique: Leon Boellman - P6/1734 Amazon
Minuet – Berenice, Georg Frideric Handel arr. Norman Warren - P5/2165 Amazon
New World Symphony: A.Dvorak - P3/2112 Amazon
Nun Danket Alle Gott: J. S. Bach – P/1901 Amazon
Nun Danket Alle Gott: Karg Elert – W1/905 Amazon
O du mein holder – Tannhäuser, Richard Wagner arr. Colin Hand - P5/2159 Amazon
O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden (Herzlich tut mich verlangen): Max Reger - P7/1868 Amazon
O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig BWV 618: J.S. Bach - P7/1858 Amazon
O Mensch bewein dein Sünde gross BWV 622: J.S. Bach - P7/1860 Amazon
O mio babbino caro – Gianni Schicchi, Giacomo Puccini arr. Andrew Gant - P5/2158 Amazon
O my Soul rejoice the Gladness: S.Karg-Elert - P3/2119 Amazon
O rest in the Lord, Elijah: F.Mendelssohn - P3/2118 Amazon
Overture - Occasional Oratorio: George Frideric Handel - P6/1739 < Amazon
Panis angelicus: C.Franck - P3/2117 Amazon
Pastorale in F BWV 590 part 1: J. S. Bach – B/1718 Amazon
Pastorale in F BWV 590 part 2: J. S. Bach – B/1719 Amazon
Pastorale in F BWV 590 part 3: J. S. Bach – B/1720 Amazon
Pastorale in F BWV 590 part 4: J. S. Bach – B/1721 Amazon
Pavane: G.Fauré - P3/2114 Amazon
Pavane pour une infante défunte: M.Ravel - P3/2104 Amazon
Pilgrims’ Chorus – Tannhäuser, Richard Wagner - P5/2177 Amazon
Plaisir d’Amour: Martini - P2/2014 Amazon
Postlude in D major: Henry Smart - P6/1741 Amazon
Prelude in A minor BWV 559 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1713 Amazon
Prelude in B flat major BWV 560 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1715 Amazon
Prelude in C major BWV 553 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1701 Amazon
Prelude in D minor BWV 554 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1703 Amazon
Prelude in D minor BUX 140: D. Buxtehude - P2/2006 Amazon
Prelude in E minor BWV 555 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1705 Amazon
Prelude in F major BWV 556 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1707 Amazon
Prelude in G major BWV 557 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1709 Amazon
Prelude in G minor BWV 558 from Eight Short Preludes and Fugues: J. S. Bach – B/1711 Amazon
Prelude: Te Deum: Charpentier – W2/1004 Amazon
Prelude on Rhosymedre: Vaughan Williams – W2/1006 Amazon
Priere a Notre Dame, Suite Gothique: Boellmann – P/1903 Amazon
Processional: Grayston Ives - P6/1731 Amazon
Rule, Britannia: Arne (4) - P2/2002 <Amazon
Rondeau from Abdelazar: Henry Purcell - I/9218
Saint Anthony Chorale: Haydn – P/1917 Amazon
Sanctify us by Thy Goodness: J. S. Bach – B/1724 Amazon
Schmücke dich o liebe Seele BWV 654: J S Bach - I/9244
Second movement (Allegretto) from Symphony no. 7, Ludwig van Beethoven arr. James Patten - P5/2162 Amazon
Sheep May Safely Graze: J. S. Bach – B/1723 Amazon
Siegfried – Idyll, Richard Wagner arr. Malcolm McKelvey - P5/2151 Amazon
Soave sia il vento – Così fan tutte Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart arr. Richard Lloyd - P5/2157 Amazon
Solemn March – Joshua, Georg Frideric Handel - P5/2167 Amazon
Sonata in C minor Op 65 no 2: Fugue (Allegro moderato): Mendelssohn – F/1809 Amazon
Sonata in C minor Op 65 no 2: Grave, Adagio, Allegro maestoso e vivace: Mendelssohn – F/1808 Amazon
Sonata in A major Op. 65 No. 3, 1st movement: Felix Mendelssohn - P7/1854 - Amazon
Sonata in A major Op. 65 No. 3, 2nd movement: Felix Mendelssohn - P7/1855 - Amazon
Sonata in D minor, BWV 527 - Adagio e dolce: J. S. Bach – P2/2016 Amazon
Song 13 (Orlando Gibbons): Percy Whitlock - P7/1871 - Amazon
Sortie in E flat: Lefebure-Wely – F/1810 Amazon
Spring from the Four Seasons: Vivaldi – P/1914 Amazon
Swan - Carnival of the Animals, Camille Saint-Saëns arr. Andrew Moore - P5/2154 Amazon
Thaïs - Meditation: J.Massenet - P3/2101 Amazon
There’ll always be an England: Parker & Charles - P2/2020 Amazon
Toccata duodecima et ultima: Muffat – F/1801 Amazon
Toccata from Organ Symphony 5: Widor – W2/1005 Amazon
Toccata in D minor. BWV 565: J. S. Bach – F/1803 Amazon
Toccata in G major from 12 Pieces for Organ: Theodore Dubois – P6/1732 Amazon
Trumpet Tune: Purcell – W2/1003 Amazon
Trumpet Voluntary from Op 6 No 5: Stanley – P/1908 Amazon
Trumpet Voluntary from Op 6 No 6: Stanley – P/1909 Amazon
Trumpet Voluntary in D: Boyce – P/1918 Amazon
Trumpet Voluntary: attrib. Clarke – W2/1002 Amazon
Tuba Tune: C. S. Lang – P/1905 Amazon
Valet will ich dir geben: Max Reger - P7/1862 Amazon
Valet will ich dir geben: G. F. Kauffmann - P7/1863 Amazon
Valet will ich dir geben BWV 735: J. S. Bach - P7/1864 Amazon
Variations from Organ Concerto No 4: Handel – P/1916 Amazon
Vater unser in Himmelreich: Georg Bohm - I/9219
Voluntary 3: William Boyce - I/9111
Voluntary 10 August 1647: Tomkins - I/9097
Voluntary no 19 of 30: J. Blow - P2/2015 Amazon
Water Music: Air: Handel – P2/2018 Amazon
Water Music: Bouree: Handel – P/1910 Amazon
Water Music: Finale: Handel – P/1911 Amazon
Water Music: Hornpipe: Handel – W1/904 Amazon
Wedding March: Mendelssohn – W1/902 Amazon
Wedding March: Wagner – W1/901 Amazon
Zadok the Priest, Georg Frideric Handel - P5/2168 Amazon

Anthem Accompaniments

A Gaelic Blessing: Rutter * Note contains an unaccompanied gap - good timing required! * - Z/7001 Amazon
Ave Verum Corpus: Elgar - Z/7002 Amazon
Ave Verum Corpus: Mozart- Z/7003 Amazon
Blessed be the God and Father: S. S. Wesley * Note contains an unaccompanied gap - good timing required! * - Z/7004 Amazon
Come Holy Ghost: Attwood - Z/7005 Amazon
Come Ye Faithful: Thatcher - Z/7006 Amazon
Evening Hymn: Balfour Gardiner * Note contains an unaccompanied gap - good timing required! * - Z/7007 Amazon
From the Rising of the Sun: Gore Ouseley - Z/7008 Amazon
Give us the Wings of Faith: Bullock - Z/7009 Amazon
The King of Love my Shepherd is: Harry Rowe Shelley - Z/7010 Amazon
God so loved the World: Stainer - Z/7011 < Amazon
God is living, God is here: Bach - Z/7012 Amazon
I sat down under his Shadow: Bairstow - Z/7013 Amazon
Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring: Bach - Z2/7021
Lead me, Lord: Wesley - Z/7014 Amazon
Lord, I trust Thee: Handel - Z/7015 Amazon
O come ye Servants of the Lord: Tye - Z/7016 Amazon
O for a closer Walk with God: Stanford - Z/7017 Amazon
Pie Jesu: Lloyd Webber - Z2/7202
Teach me, O Lord: Attwood - Z/7018 Amazon
Up! Up! my Heart: Bach - Z/7019 Amazon
Ave Maria: Schubert - Z/7020 Amazon

Service Settings (see the Settings page for details and downloads)

A New People's Mass - Dom Gregory Murray - 5 tracks
Anglican Folk Mass - Martin Shaw - 9 tracks
Catholic Hymnal Mass VIII - 4 tracks
Catholic Hymnal Mass XVIII - 5 tracks
Mass of St Thomas, David Thorne - 8 tracks
Merbecke (traditional) - 8 tracks
Merbecke for Common Worship - 26 tracks
Music for Common Worship 1 - 46 tracks
Rutter Series 3 Communion - 13 tracks
Episcopal Hymnal Service Music - 41 tracks

Angiican Chant canticle accompaniments (see the Anglican Chant page for details and downloads)

Magnificat - 10 chants
Nunc Dimittis - 10 chants
Venite - 2 chants
Te Deum - 2 chants
Benedicite - 2 chants (1 not on CD)
Benedictus - 2 chants
Psalm 67 (Deus Misereatur)
Psalm 130 (De Profundis)
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