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Uplifting Hymns

Classic spirituals and songs from Lift Every Voice and Sing

Sample: Steal Away
Hear samples of any of the tracks by clicking on the relevent iTunes or Amazon button below.

Taken from the collection of spirituals, hymns and songs Lift Every Voice and Sing II this is a superb album of uplifting tunes to sing along to, played on the organ. There are no voices on these recordings, just a playover and the accompaniment.

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Tracks included

(number after hymn name indicates number of verses)
Uplifting Hymns - Lift Every Voice and Sing
  1. We're Marching to Zion: Lowry (4)
  2. Soon and Very Soon: Crouch (4)
  3. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot: Spiritual (4)
  4. Mary Borned a Baby: Spiritual (1)
  5. Were You There: Spiritual (4)
  6. The Old Rugged Cross: Bennard (4)
  7. Blessed Martin, Pastor, Prophet: Haywood (6)
  8. In Times Like These: Caye Jones (3)
  9. My Jesus, I Love Thee: Gordon (4)
  10. Steal Away: Spiritual (4)
  11. Take My Hand, Precious Lord: Dorsey (3)
  12. Sweet, Sweet Spirit: Akers (3)
  13. I Have Decided to Follow Jesus: Indian Folk Melody (3)
  14. One Bread, One Body: Foley (3)
  15. Taste and See: Moore (3)
  16. Come By Here (Kum bah-ya): Spiritual (3)
  17. Do Lord, Remember Me: Spiritual (4)
  18. I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray: Spiritual (3)
  19. Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen: Spiritual (2)
  20. Blessed Assurance: Knapp (3)
  21. We Shall Overcome: Spiritual (5)
  22. Amen: Spiritual (4)
  23. We Have Come into His House: Ballinger (2)
  24. Holy, Holy, Holy (Sanctus): Warren Brown (1)

Please note the album cover shown is for our online album only. The CD has a different cover.
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