1. Come, Thou long-expected Jesus: Cross of Jesus (4)
2. Hark, a thrilling Voice is sounding: Merton (5)
3. Hark the glad Sound! The Saviour comes: Bristol (4)
4. Lo, He comes with Clouds descending: Helmsley (4)
5. O come, O come, Emmanuel: Veni Emmanuel (5)
6. On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry: Winchester New (5)
7. The Lord will come and not be slow: St Stephen (5)
8. Angels from the Realms of Glory: Iris (4)
9. Christians awake! Salute the happy Morn: Yorkshire (6)
10. Hark! The Herald Angels sing: Mendelssohn (3)
11. In the bleak Mid-Winter: Cranham (5)
12. It came upon the Midnight clear: Noel (4)
13. O come all Ye Faithful: Adeste fideles (4)
14. Of the Father's Love begotten: Divinum mysterium (3)
15. O little Town of Bethlehem: Forest Green (4)
16. Once in Royal David's City: Irby (6)
17. While Shepherds watched: Winchester Old (6)
18. As with Gladness Men of old: Dix (5)
19. Brightest and best: Epiphany (5 - verse 1 repeated)
20. Earth has many a noble City: Stuttgart (5)
21. Hail to the Lord's anointed: Crüger (6)
22. O worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness: Was lebet (5 - verse 1 repeated)
23. All people that on Earth do dwell: Old 100th (5)
Lent/ Passiontide
1. All Glory, Laud and Honour: St Theodulph (5 & refrains)
2. Forty Days and forty Nights: Aus der Tiefe (6)
3. It is a Thing most wonderful: Herongate (7)
4. Jesu, Lover of my Soul: Hollingside (3)
5. Jesu, Lover of my Soul: Aberystwyth (3)
6. My God, I love Thee; not because: St Francis Xavier (6)
7. My Song is Love unknown: Love Unknown (7)
8. O sacred Head surrounded: Passion Chorale (3)
9. Praise to the Holiest in the Height: Somervell (7)
10. Praise to the Holiest in the Height: Gerontius (7)
11. Ride on, ride on in Majesty: Winchester New (5)
12. There is a green Hill far away: Horsley (5)
13. We sing the Praise of Him who died: Bow Brickhill (5)
14. When I survey the wondrous Cross: Rockingham (4)
15. And did those Feet in ancient Time: Jerusalem (2)
16. Angel-voices ever singing: Angel voices (5)
17. At the Name of Jesus: Evelyns (7)
18. Be Thou my Guardian and my Guide: Abridge (4)
19. Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my Heart: Slane (5)
20. Blessed are the pure in Heart: Franconia (4)
21. Breathe on me Breath of God: Carlisle (4)
22. Christ is our Corner-stone: Harewood (4)
23. Come, let us join our cheerful Songs: Nativity (4)
1. Jesus Christ is risen today: Easter Hymn (3)
2. Jesus lives! Thy terrors now: St Albinus (5)
3. Love's redeeming Work is done: Savannah (5)
4. The day of Resurrection: Ellacombe (3)
5. The Lord is risen indeed: St Michael (5)
6. The Strife is o'er, the Battle done: Gelobt sei Gott (4)
7. The Strife is o'er, the Battle done (with Alleluia!): Victory (4)
8. Thine be the Glory, risen conquering Son: Maccabaeus (3)
9. Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem: St. Fulbert (6)
10. All hail the Power of Jesus' Name: Miles Lane (6)
11. Crown Him with many Crowns: Diademata (5)
12. Hail the Day that sees Him rise: Llanfair (6)
13. Rejoice! the Lord is King: Gopsal (4)
14. The Head that once was crowned with Thorns: St Magnus (6)
15. All Things bright and beautiful: All Things bright and beautiful (refrain, 4+refrain)
16. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind: Repton (5)
17. Eternal Father strong to save: Melita (4)
18. Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless Round: Song 1 (4)
19. Father of Heaven, whose Love profound: Rivaulx (4)
20. Fight the good Fight: Duke Street (4)
21. Fill thou my Life, O Lord my God: Richmond (7)
22. Firmly I believe and truly: Halton Holgate (5)
23. Glorious Things of Thee are spoken: Abbot's Leigh (4)
1. Come down, O Love divine: Down Ampney (4)
2. O Thou who camest from above: Hereford (4)
3. Bright the Vision that delighted: Laus Deo (6)
4. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty: Nicea (4)
Holy Communion
5. Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!: Hyfrydol (4)
6. For the Beauty of the Earth: Dix (5)
7. Let all mortal Flesh keep Silence: Picardy (4)
8. Lord, enthroned in Heavenly Splendour: St Helen (5)
9. For all the Saints: Sine nomine (8)
10. How bright these glorious Spirits shine: Beatitudo (7)
11. Glorious Things of Thee are spoken: Austria (4)
12. God of Mercy, God of Grace: Heathlands (3)
13. Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer: Cwm Rhondda (3)
14. I vow to thee my Country: Thaxted (2)
15. Jerusalem the Golden: Ewing (4)
16. Jesus, good above all other: Quem pastores (5)
17. Jesus shall reign where'er the Sun: Galilee (5)
18. Jesu, the very Thought of Thee: Metzler's Redhead (5)
19. Just as I am, without one Plea: Saffron Walden (6)
20. King of Glory, King of Peace: Gwalchmai (3)
21. Lead us heavenly Father: Mannheim (3)
22. Let all the World in every Corner sing: Luckington (2)
23. Light's Abode, celestial Salem: Regent Square (4)
1. Christ, whose Glory fills the Skies: Ratisbon (3)
2. Forth in Thy Name O Lord I go: Song 34 (5)
3. When Morning gilds the Skies: Laudes Domini (5)
4. Abide with me: Eventide (5)
5. Glory to Thee, my God, this Night: Tallis's Canon (6)
6. God be in my Head: God be in my Head (5)
7. God that madest Earth and Heaven: All through the Night (2)
8. O Strength and Stay: Strength and Stay (3)
9. The Day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended: St Clement (5)
10. Come Ye thankful People: St George (4)
11. Praise O praise our God and King: Monkland (8)
12. We plough the Fields: Wir pflügen (3)
13. Lord of all Hopefulness: Slane (4)
14. Lord, Thy Word abideth: Ravenshaw (6)
15. Love divine all Loves excelling: Love divine (6)
16. Nearer, my God, to Thee: Horbury(4)
17. Now thank we all our God: Nun danket (3)
18. O for a thousand Tongues to sing: Selby (5)
19. Oft in Danger, oft in Woe: University College (5)
20. O Holy Ghost, Thy People bless: St Timothy (6)
21. O God our Help in Ages past: St Anne (6)
22. O Jesus, I have promised: Day of rest (5)
1. O Jesus, I have promised: Wolvercote (5)
2. Onward, Christian Soldiers: St Gertrude (5)
3. O praise Ye the Lord!: Laudate Dominum (4)
4. O Worship the King: Hanover (6)
5. Praise my Soul the King of Heaven: Praise my Soul (4)
6. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty: Lobe den Herren (4)
7. Rock of Ages, cleft for me: Petra (4)
8. Soldiers of Christ arise: St Ethelwald (5)
9. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!: Morning Light(5)
10. Take my Life, and let it be: Innocents (5)
11. Teach me, my God and King: Sandys (5)
12. Tell out, my Soul, the Greatness of the Lord: Woodlands (4)
13. The Church's one Foundation: Aurelia (5)
14. The God of Love my Shepherd is: University (5)
15. The King of Love my Shepherd is: Dominus regit me (6)
16. The Lord's my Shepherd: Crimond (5)
17. Thine forever, God of Love: Newington (5)
18. Thou art the Way: by Thee alone: St James (4)
19. Thou, whose almighty Word: Moscow (4)
20. Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow: Marching (6)
21. Thy Kingdom come, O God: St Cecilia (6)
22. Who would true Valour see: Monks Gate (3)
23. Ye Holy Angels bright: Darwall's 148th (4)
24. Ye Servants of God, your Master proclaim: Paderborn (4)
- A brighter Dawn is breaking: Nun lasst uns Gott (4)
- All for Jesus: All for Jesus (5)
- All through the Night: Ar hyd y nos (2)
- And can it be: Sagina (5)
- As pants the Hart for cooling Streams: Martyrdom (4)
- At the Name of Jesus: Camberwell (5)
- Christian dost thou see them?: St Andrew of Crete (4)
- Come Holy Ghost, our Souls inspire: Veni, Creator Spiritus (4 + extension & Amen)
- Cradled in a Manger: The Song of the Manger/Oran na Prasaich (4)
- Drop, drop slow Tears: Song (3)
- Father, hear the Prayer we offer: Sussex (4)
- Firmly I believe and truly: Shipston (5)
- From Greenland’s icy Mountains: Missionary (3)
- Gall he drinks; his strength subduing: St Thomas (5)
- Glory be to Jesus: Caswall (7)
- God is working His purpose out: Benson (5)
- Great is Thy Faithfulness: Great is Thy Faithfulness (3)
- He who would valiant be: Monks Gate (3)
- Hills of the North, rejoice: Little Cornard (5)
- Holy Jesu, by thy Passion: Holy Jesu (6)
- How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds: St Peter (6)
- I cannot tell: Londonderry Air (4)
- I heard the Voice of Jesus say: Kingsfold (3)
- Immortal, Invisible : St Denio (4)
- In Heavenly Love abiding: Penlan (3)
- [It is a Thing Most Wonderful: Herongate (7) - on download version only]
- Jesus calls us o’er the Tumult: St Andrew (5)
- Lord Jesus Christ: Living Lord (4)
- Mine Eyes have seen the Glory: Battle Hymn (4)
- Now the green Blade riseth: Noel nouvelet (4)
- O God of Bethel, by whose Hand: Martyrdom (4)
- O Lord my God: How Great Thou art (4)
- O Love, how deep, how broad, how high: Eisenach (6)
- O Love that wilt not let me go: Saint Margaret (4)
- On a Hill far away: The old rugged Cross (4)
- Rejoice, O Land, in God thy Might: Wareham (3)
- Round me falls the Night: Seelenbräutigam (3)
- Saviour again to Thy dear Name: Ellers (4)
- Seek ye first the Kingdom of God: Seek ye first (3)
- Sing my Tongue, of Warfare ended: Mannheim (10)
- Strengthen for Service, Lord the Hands: Ach Gott und Herr (3)
- This joyful Eastertide: Vreuchten (3)
- Thou didst leave Thy Throne: Margaret (5)
- Thou whom Shepherds worshipped: Quem Pastores (3)
- Through all the changing Scenes of Life: Wiltshire (6)
- To God be the Glory! Great Things He hath done!: To God be the Glory (3)
- To thee, O Lord, our Hearts we raise: Golden Sheaves (4)
- Were you there?: Were you there (4)
- What a Friend we have in Jesus: Converse (3)
- Abba, Father: Dave Bilbrough (1) SF1
- All over the World (3) MP Roy Turner, arr. Roland Fudge
- A new Commandment (2) MP Roy Crabtree
- Be still and know (3) MP Composer unknown, arr. Roland Fudge
- Be still, for the Presence of the Lord (3) MP David J Evans
- Bind us together, Lord: Bob Gillman (3 + refrain) SF1
- Broken for me (4) MP Janet Lunt
- Colours of Day: S. McClellan, J. Pac & K. Rycroft (3) SF1
- Come and join the Celebration (3) MP Celebrations Valerie Collison
- Come and see the shining Hope (3) MP Marching through Georgia Words: Christopher Idle, arr. David Wilson
- Come on and celebrate: P. Morgan & D. Bankhead (1) SF1
- Father God, I wonder: Ian Smale (1) SF1
- Father I place into your Hands (4) MP Jenny Hewer
- Father we adore you (3) MP Carl Tuttle arr. Roland Fudge
- From Heaven you came (4) MP Graham Kendrick arr. David Peacock
- God is our Strength and Refuge (3) MP Dambusters March E.Coates arr. John Barnard
- How lovely on the Mountains (4) MP Leonard E Smith Jnr arr. David Peacock
- I, the Lord of Sea and Sky: Daniel L. Schutte (3) SF2
- I will enter His Gates (1) MP Leona van Brethorst
- Jubilate, everybody: Fred Dunn (2) SF1
- Love lifted me (3) MP Love lifted me Words James Rowe, music Howard E. Smith
- Majesty (1) MP Jack Hayford
- Make way, make way (4) MP Graham Kendrick, arr. David Peacock
- Meekness and Majesty (3) MP Graham Kendrick arr. Christopher Norton
- O happy Day (4) MP Words P.Doddridge music Ron Jones
- Purify my Heart: Brian Doersken (2) SF1
- See Him lying on a Bed of Straw (4) MP Calypso Carol Michael Perry, arr. Stephen Coates
- Shine, Jesus shine: Graham Kendrick (3) SF1
- Silver and Gold (1) MP Anon Arr. Betty Pulkingham
- Sing to God new Songs of Worship Ode to Joy Words Psalm 98, music Beethoven
- Spirit of Holiness (2 + refrain) MP Trad. Words Christopher Idle
- Such Love (5) MP Graham Kendrick
- Thank you Jesus (4) MP Alison Huntley
- There is a Redeemer (3) MP Melody Green
- What Child is this (3) MP Greensleeves Trad., words William Chatterton Dix
1. All Heaven declares: Richards (2)
2. All I once held dear: Kendrick (3)
3. As the Deer: Nystrom (3)
4. Before the Throne of God above: Bancroft/Cook (3)
5. Be still and know: Unknown (3)
6. Blessing and Honour: Harvill/Sadler (1)
7. By Your Side: Richards (2)
8. Come, now is the Time: Doerksen (1)
9. Creation is awaiting: Bowater/Taylor (3)
10. Faithful One: Doerksen (1)
11. Father of Creation: Ruis (3)
12. From the Ends of the Earth: Harris/Sadler (2)
13. Give Thanks: Smith (2)
14. Glory: Daniels (1)
15. Hallelujah, Hosanna: DuPlessis (1)
16. Hear these Praises: Fragar (2)
17. He is exalted: Paris (1)
18. Here I am, once again: Musseau (2)
19. Hold me closer to You: Richards (3)
20. Holiness: Daniels (2)
21. Hosanna: Tuttle (2)
22. I am a new Creation: Bilbrough (2)
23. I believe in Jesus: Nelson (2)
24. I give You all the Honour: Tuttle (3)
25. I'm accepted, I'm forgiven: Hayward (1)
26. I sing Praises: MacAlmon (2)
27. I walk by Faith: Falson (1)
28. I will celebrate: Baloche (1)
29. I will come and bow down: Nystrom (1)
30. I will offer up my Life: Redman (2)
31. Jesus, be the Centre: Frye (3)
32. Jesus, how lovely You are: Bolton (4)
33. Jesus, Lover of my Soul: Oakley (1)
34. Jesus, we celebrate Your Victory: Gibson (2)
35. Jesus, we enthrone You: Kyle (1)
36. Jesus, what a beautiful Name: Riches (1)
1. Jesus, You are changing me: Bowater (1)
2. King of Kings, Majesty: Cooper (2)
3. Lord, I lift Your Name on high: Founds (2)
4. Lord, You are more precious: DeShazo (1)
5. Lord, You've been good to me: Kendrick (2)
6. Men of Faith: Smith (3)
7. My Jesus, my Saviour: Zschech (2)
8. My Lord, what Love is this: Kendrick (3)
9. No other Name: Gay (1)
10. O, let the Son of God enfold you: Wimber (2)
11. O Lord, You're beautiful: Green (1)
12. Only by Grace: Gustafson (1)
13. Open our Eyes, Lord: Cull (1)
14. Over all the Earth: Brown (2)
15. Reign in me: Bowater (1)
16. Thank You for saving me: Smith (2)
17. There is none like You: LeBlanc (1)
18. These are the Days: Mark (2)
19. This Grace is mine: Bullock (3)
20. This is my Desire: Morgan (2)
21. To be in Your Presence: Richards (2)
22. We are here to praise You: Kendrick (1)
23. We believe in God the Father: Kendrick (2)
24. We bow down: Grafstrom (2)
25. Welcome, King of Kings: Richards (2)
26. We want to see Jesus lifted high: Horley (1)
27. What Kind of Love is this: Haworth (3)
28. When I feel the Touch: Jones/Matthew (1)
29. When I look into Your Holiness: Perrin (1)
30. When the Music fades: Redman (1)
31. Who can sound the Depths: Kendrick (5)
32. Worthy, O worthy are You, Lord: Kinzer (1)
33. Worthy, You are worthy: Moen (3)
34. You are beautiful: Altrogge (1)
35. You are my Hiding Place: Ledner (1)
36. You are the Vine: Daniels (2)
1. Ascribe to the Lord: C.Govier (3)
2. As the Sun is high: P. Lawson Johnston (1)
3. Break forth into Joy, O my Soul: arr. M.Evans (1)
4. But ye are washed: P.Simmons (1)
5. Cause me to come: R.Edward Miller (3)
6. City, O City: L.E.Smith (3)
7. Come and praise Him, royal Priesthood: A.Carter (1)
8. Come, walk with me: P.Ive (2)
9. Cover me: R.Edward Miller
10. Delight yourselves in the Lord: D.Bolton (1)
11. Draw near to God: Achor (1)
12. Father, we love You: arr. M.Evans (1)
13. Fellowship sweet: M.Wilkinson/R.Turner (5)
14. For as truly as I live: arr. M.Evans (1)
15. For I'm building a People of Power: D.Richards (1)
16. Great and marvellous: B.Pitcher (1)
17. Hallelujah, praise the Name of the Lord: A.Carter (1)
18. He holds the Key: J.Parsons (4)
19. How great is our God: arr. M.Evans (1)
20. If your Heart is right with my Heart: G.Perrins (3)
21. I give Thanks, O Lord: P.Lawson Johnston (3)
22. I love You, Lord: L.Klein (1)
23. I will run after You: A.Denton (1)
24. I will sing unto the Lord: arr. M.Evans (1)
25. Jesus I come: T.Humphries (1)
26. Jesus is Lord!: D.Mansell (3)
27. Jesus, Name above all Names: N.Hearn/P.Cain (1)
28. Jesus, thank You, Jesus: F.Chedgey (1)
29. Let God arise: I.Smith (1)
30. Let there be Love: D.Bilbrough (1)
31. Lord God, heavenly King: S.Hutchinson (1)
32. Lord Jesus we enthrone You: P.Kyle (1)
33. Lord, please make Your People one: A.Woodroffe/C.Head (3)
34. Lord we want to Thank You: D.Brown (1)
35. Love one another: N.Rose (1)
36. Make a joyful Noise: C.Head (2)
37. My Lord He is the fairest of the fair: J.Parsons (1)
38. My Peace: K.Routlege (3)
39. O Father, I do love You: D.Bolton (3)
40. O give Thanks: J.Pond (1)
41. O Lord most holy God: W.Churchill (2)
42. O Lord, my Lord: D.Fung (1)
43. Perfect Love: P. Lawson Johnston (2)
44. Praise You Lord: N.Rose (4)
45. Praise Your Name Lord Jesus: T.Humphries (1)
46. Rejoice in the Lord always: arr. M.Evans (1)
47. River wash over me: D.Brown (3)
48. Sing Praises to the Lord: J.Parsons (1)
49. The Church of God: M.Ray (1)
50. The Joy of my Salvation: R.Hawkins (4)
51. The promised Land: P.Iszatt (3)
52. Unto Thee do I lift my Eyes: P.Simmons (3)
53. Victory: D.Fung (1)
54. We are chosen, we are redeemed: J.Parsons (3)
55. We are moving on: I.Trayner (2)
56. Worthy art Thou: D.Richards (1)
- Abba, Father (x 2) Dave Bilborough
- Ask! Ask! Ask (1) Phil Burt
- Behold, what Manner of Love (1) Patricia van Tine
- Behold, what Manner of Love (as a round) Patricia van Tine
- Colours of Day (3) S.McLellan, J.Paculabo, K.Ryecroft, D.Coombes
- Come, listen to my Tale (1) Phil Burt
- Deep and wide (1) S.E.Cox, A.Silver
- Don't build your House on the sandy Land (2) Karen Lafferty
- Father I place into Your Hands (4) Jenny Hewer
- Father, we adore You (3) Terry Coelho
- Give me Oil in my Lamp (4) A.Sevison, B.Pulkingham
- God who made the Earth (5) S.Betts Rhodes, H. von Muller
- Go, tell it on the Mountain (5) G.Marshall-Taylor, D.Coombes
- Hallelu! Hallelu! (1) E.J.Hume
- Have you heard the Raindrops? (3) Christian Strover
- He's got the whole wide World (4) Phil Burt
- How did Moses cross the Red Sea? (1) Hugh Mitchell, Phil Burt
- If I were a Butterfly (3) Brian Howard
- Jesus bids us shine (3) Susan Warner, Edwin Othello Excell
- Jesus’ Love is very wonderful (1) H.W.Rattle, Phil Burt
- Jubilate, everybody (x2) Fred Dunn
- Kum ba yah (5) Traditional
- Majesty (1) Jack Hayford
- Make me a Channel of Your Peace (3) Sebastian Temple, Betty Pulkingham
- Mister Noah built an Ark (2 + refrains) Phil Burt
- Morning has broken (2) Eleanor Farjeon, Noel Tredinnick
- My God is so big (2) Phil Burt
- One more Step along the World (5) Sydney Carter, Douglas Coombes
- Only a Boy called David (1) J.H.Stringer
- O when the Saints go marching in (5) David Wilson
- Peter and John went to pray (1) Betty Pulkingham
- Seek ye first the Kingdom of God (3) Karen Lafferty, Roland Fudge
- Soon and very soon (4) Andrae Crouch
- Spirit of the Living God (1) Daniel Iverson, W.G.Hathaway
- Thank You, Jesus (4) Alison Huntley, Roland Fudge
- The wise Man built his House (2) Phil Burt
- Think of a World without any Flowers (3) D.Newport, G.Westcott, D.Coombes
- This is the Day (3) Les Garrett, Roland Fudge
- We have a King who rides a Donkey (4) Fred Kaan
- When I needed a Neighbour (6) Sydney Carter
- Wide, wide as the Ocean (1) C. Austin Miles
- Who put the Colours in the Rainbow? (2) J.A.P.Booth, Douglas Coombes
- Who's the King of the Jungle? (1) Annie Bush, Andy Silver
- Zaccheus was a very little Man (1) J.W
1. Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord: D.Fishel (5)
2. Behold what Manner of Love: P. van Tine (1)
3. Blessed Assurance: F.J.Crosby, P.P.Knapp (3)
4. Children of Jerusalem: J.Henley (3)
5. Come let us sing: R.Walmsley, F.L.Wiseman (4)
6. Father lead me Day by Day: J.P.Hopps (5)
7. God is our Guide: C.Porteous, J.Sibelius (4)
8. God whose Son was once a Man: P.Horrobin (3)
9. Hushed was the Evening Hymn: J.D.Burns, A.J.Sullivan (5)
10. I do not know what lies ahead: A.B.Smith, E.Clarke (3)
11. If you want Joy, real Joy: J.Carlson (1)
12. I met Jesus at the Crossroads: Anon, arr. P.Burt (1)
13. In my Need Jesus found me: G.Brattle (2)
14. I've got Peace like a River: Spiritual, arr. R.Fudge (1)
15. I was lost but Jesus found me: Anon, arr. P.Burt (2)
16. Jesus Christ the Lord is born: German trad., words M.Perry (5)
17. Jesus is knocking: G.Brattle (1)
18. Joy is the Flag: E.J.Hume (1)
19. Live, live, live: M.Uzilevsky (3)
20. Love, Joy, Peace and Patience: A.Silver (1)
21. My Faith is like a Staff of Oak: Swiss trad., words T.T.Lynch (2)
22. New every Morning: J.Keble, S.Webbe (5)
23. O the Love that drew Salvation's Plan: W.Newell, D.Towner (1)
24. Peace I give to you: G.Kendrick, C.Norton (4)
25. Praise Him, praise Him all you little Children: Anon, E.Bailey (3)
26. Remember all the People: Tyrolese trad., P.Dearmer (3)
27. Said Judas to Mary: S.Carter (6)
28. Stand up, clap Hands: R.Dyer, A.Forest (3 + ref.)
29. The best Book to read: P.Bilhorn (3)
30. The greatest Thing: M.Penergrass (3)
31. The Lord has Need of me: C.J.Allen (1)
32. There's new Life in Jesus: Anon, A.Silver (3)
33. The Wise may bring: Tyrolese trad. (3)
34. We love to praise You: M.Parker, P.Burt (3)
35. We've a Story to tell: C.Sterne, H.Nichol (4)
36. When Israel was in Egypt's Land: Spiritual, Smith/Metcalf (5)
37. Wherever I am I will praise You: M.Parker, G.Leavers (4)
38. Will your Anchor hold: P.J.Owens, W.J.Kirkpatrick (4)
39. Yes, God is good: J.H.Gurney (6)
40. You are the King of Glory: M.Ford (1)
1. Be bold, be strong: M. Chapman, A.Silver (1)
2. Big Man: G.Kendrick, A.Burt (2)
3. Brothers and Sisters: R.Jones (3)
4. Christ triumphant: M.Saward, M.Baughen (5)
5. Daniel was a Man of Prayer: Anon, P.Burt (1)
6. Father, we love You: D.Adkins (3)
7. God forgave my Sin: C.Owens (2)
8. God, whose Farm is all Creation: J.Arlott, R.Vaughan Williams (3)
9. He gave me Eyes so I could see: A.Pinnock (3)
10. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life: Trad., D.Crawshaw (1)
11. If you see someone: A&N.Simpson, A.Silver (2)
12. I have seen the golden Sunshine: C.Chester, B.Litchfield (2)
13. In our Work and in our Play: W.G.Wills, B.Milgrove (4)
14. It's me, it's me: Trad. (3 + ref.)
15. I want to walk with Jesus: Swiss tune, C.Simmonds (5)
16. I will sing the wondrous Story: F.Rowley, R.Prichard (3)
17. Jesus' Hands were kind Hands: French trad., M.Cropper (2)
18. Jesus is Lord: D.Mansell (3)
19. Joshua fit the Battle of Jericho: Spiritual (3)
20. Keep me shining, Lord: K.Wilkinson (1)
21. Let us praise God together: Calhoun melody, J.Seddon (3)
22. Let us with a gladsome Mind: J.Milton, J.Antes (4)
23. Mister Noah built an Ark: Anon., P.Burt (2)
24. My Lord is higher than a Mountain: I.Smale, P.Burt (1)
25. Now be strong: J.Cansdale (1)
26. One day when Heaven: J.Chapman, C.Marsh (5)
27. Peter and James and John: Anon., P.Burt (6)
28. Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him in the Morning: Anon., P.Burt (4)
29. Someone's brought a Loaf of Bread: Anon., P.Burt (5)
30. Thank You, Lord, for this fine Day: D. Davis Andrew (4)
31. The Fields are white: M.Baughen (4)
32. The Joy of the Lord is my Strength: A.Vale, N.Warren (4)
33. There are Hundreds of Sparrows: J.Gowans, J.Larsson (4)
34. The steadfast Love: E.McNeill (1)
35. Two little Eyes: C.Kerr (1)
36. We have heard a joyful Sound: P.Owens, J.Booth (3)
37. What a wonderful Saviour: Anon., B.Pulkingham (3)
38. When the Road is rough and steep: N.Clayton (1)
39. Whether you're one: G.Kendrick, P.Burt (2)
40. With Jesus in the Boat: Anon., P.Burt (1)
41. Yesterday, today, forever: A.Simpson, J.Burke (1)
42. You can't stop Rain from falling down: J.Gowan, J.Larsson (3)
43. You shall go out with Joy: S.Dauermann, S.Rubin (1)