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Modern Set

A mix of traditional hymns and worship songs for the modern church

Sample: Abide with Me
Sample: Shine, Jesus, Shine

A superb value set of hymn and worship song accompaniments as MP3s to download, on memory stick, or preloaded on iPod or iPad (UK addresses only) or on CDs - 186 organ accompaniments to traditional hymns plus all of our piano worship songs accompaniments - 290 tracks - from the four Worship Songs albums and the three Junior Worship Songs albums as MP3s.

The MP3 set is compact and cost effective: once the files are in place on a computer or iPod/MP3 player you can search for an accompaniment by the name of the song. Particularly useful is the ability to set up a playlist for a particular service or event, putting the tracks you need on the day at your fingertips.

The Modern Set on MP3s up around 1.92 Gb.

There are no voices on these recordings, just a playover and the accompaniment.

Click on the appropriate section below to choose download, memory stick, preload or CD:

Hymns and Songs included

The Core set

1. Come, Thou long-expected Jesus: Cross of Jesus (4)
2. Hark, a thrilling Voice is sounding: Merton (5)
3. Hark the glad Sound! The Saviour comes: Bristol (4)
4. Lo, He comes with Clouds descending: Helmsley (4)
5. O come, O come, Emmanuel: Veni Emmanuel (5)
6. On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry: Winchester New (5)
7. The Lord will come and not be slow: St Stephen (5)


8. Angels from the Realms of Glory: Iris (4)
9. Christians awake! Salute the happy Morn: Yorkshire (6)
10. Hark! The Herald Angels sing: Mendelssohn (3)
11. In the bleak Mid-Winter: Cranham (5)
12. It came upon the Midnight clear: Noel (4)
13. O come all Ye Faithful: Adeste fideles (4)
14. Of the Father's Love begotten: Divinum mysterium (3)
15. O little Town of Bethlehem: Forest Green (4)
16. Once in Royal David's City: Irby (6)
17. While Shepherds watched: Winchester Old (6)


18. As with Gladness Men of old: Dix (5)
19. Brightest and best: Epiphany (5 - verse 1 repeated)
20. Earth has many a noble City: Stuttgart (5)
21. Hail to the Lord's anointed: Crüger (6)
22. O worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness: Was lebet (5 - verse 1 repeated)


23. All people that on Earth do dwell: Old 100th (5)

Lent/ Passiontide

1. All Glory, Laud and Honour: St Theodulph (5 & refrains)
2. Forty Days and forty Nights: Aus der Tiefe (6)
3. It is a Thing most wonderful: Herongate (7)
4. Jesu, Lover of my Soul: Hollingside (3)
5. Jesu, Lover of my Soul: Aberystwyth (3)
6. My God, I love Thee; not because: St Francis Xavier (6)
7. My Song is Love unknown: Love Unknown (7)
8. O sacred Head surrounded: Passion Chorale (3)
9. Praise to the Holiest in the Height: Somervell (7)
10. Praise to the Holiest in the Height: Gerontius (7)
11. Ride on, ride on in Majesty: Winchester New (5)
12. There is a green Hill far away: Horsley (5)
13. We sing the Praise of Him who died: Bow Brickhill (5)
14. When I survey the wondrous Cross: Rockingham (4)


15. And did those Feet in ancient Time: Jerusalem (2)
16. Angel-voices ever singing: Angel voices (5)
17. At the Name of Jesus: Evelyns (7)
18. Be Thou my Guardian and my Guide: Abridge (4)
19. Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my Heart: Slane (5)
20. Blessed are the pure in Heart: Franconia (4)
21. Breathe on me Breath of God: Carlisle (4)
22. Christ is our Corner-stone: Harewood (4)
23. Come, let us join our cheerful Songs: Nativity (4)


1. Jesus Christ is risen today: Easter Hymn (3)
2. Jesus lives! Thy terrors now: St Albinus (5)
3. Love's redeeming Work is done: Savannah (5)
4. The day of Resurrection: Ellacombe (3)
5. The Lord is risen indeed: St Michael (5)
6. The Strife is o'er, the Battle done: Gelobt sei Gott (4)
7. The Strife is o'er, the Battle done (with Alleluia!): Victory (4)
8. Thine be the Glory, risen conquering Son: Maccabaeus (3)
9. Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem: St. Fulbert (6)


10. All hail the Power of Jesus' Name: Miles Lane (6)
11. Crown Him with many Crowns: Diademata (5)
12. Hail the Day that sees Him rise: Llanfair (6)
13. Rejoice! the Lord is King: Gopsal (4)
14. The Head that once was crowned with Thorns: St Magnus (6)


15. All Things bright and beautiful: All Things bright and beautiful (refrain, 4+refrain)
16. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind: Repton (5)
17. Eternal Father strong to save: Melita (4)
18. Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless Round: Song 1 (4)
19. Father of Heaven, whose Love profound: Rivaulx (4)
20. Fight the good Fight: Duke Street (4)
21. Fill thou my Life, O Lord my God: Richmond (7)
22. Firmly I believe and truly: Halton Holgate (5)
23. Glorious Things of Thee are spoken: Abbot's Leigh (4)


1. Come down, O Love divine: Down Ampney (4)
2. O Thou who camest from above: Hereford (4)


3. Bright the Vision that delighted: Laus Deo (6)
4. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty: Nicea (4)

Holy Communion

5. Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!: Hyfrydol (4)
6. For the Beauty of the Earth: Dix (5)
7. Let all mortal Flesh keep Silence: Picardy (4)
8. Lord, enthroned in Heavenly Splendour: St Helen (5)


9. For all the Saints: Sine nomine (8)
10. How bright these glorious Spirits shine: Beatitudo (7)


11. Glorious Things of Thee are spoken: Austria (4)
12. God of Mercy, God of Grace: Heathlands (3)
13. Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer: Cwm Rhondda (3)
14. I vow to thee my Country: Thaxted (2)
15. Jerusalem the Golden: Ewing (4)
16. Jesus, good above all other: Quem pastores (5)
17. Jesus shall reign where'er the Sun: Galilee (5)
18. Jesu, the very Thought of Thee: Metzler's Redhead (5)
19. Just as I am, without one Plea: Saffron Walden (6)
20. King of Glory, King of Peace: Gwalchmai (3)
21. Lead us heavenly Father: Mannheim (3)
22. Let all the World in every Corner sing: Luckington (2)
23. Light's Abode, celestial Salem: Regent Square (4)


1. Christ, whose Glory fills the Skies: Ratisbon (3)
2. Forth in Thy Name O Lord I go: Song 34 (5)
3. When Morning gilds the Skies: Laudes Domini (5)


4. Abide with me: Eventide (5)
5. Glory to Thee, my God, this Night: Tallis's Canon (6)
6. God be in my Head: God be in my Head (5)
7. God that madest Earth and Heaven: All through the Night (2)
8. O Strength and Stay: Strength and Stay (3)
9. The Day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended: St Clement (5)


10. Come Ye thankful People: St George (4)
11. Praise O praise our God and King: Monkland (8)
12. We plough the Fields: Wir pflügen (3)


13. Lord of all Hopefulness: Slane (4)
14. Lord, Thy Word abideth: Ravenshaw (6)
15. Love divine all Loves excelling: Love divine (6)
16. Nearer, my God, to Thee: Horbury(4)
17. Now thank we all our God: Nun danket (3)
18. O for a thousand Tongues to sing: Selby (5)
19. Oft in Danger, oft in Woe: University College (5)
20. O Holy Ghost, Thy People bless: St Timothy (6)
21. O God our Help in Ages past: St Anne (6)
22. O Jesus, I have promised: Day of rest (5)


1. O Jesus, I have promised: Wolvercote (5)
2. Onward, Christian Soldiers: St Gertrude (5)
3. O praise Ye the Lord!: Laudate Dominum (4)
4. O Worship the King: Hanover (6)
5. Praise my Soul the King of Heaven: Praise my Soul (4)
6. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty: Lobe den Herren (4)
7. Rock of Ages, cleft for me: Petra (4)
8. Soldiers of Christ arise: St Ethelwald (5)
9. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!: Morning Light(5)
10. Take my Life, and let it be: Innocents (5)
11. Teach me, my God and King: Sandys (5)
12. Tell out, my Soul, the Greatness of the Lord: Woodlands (4)
13. The Church's one Foundation: Aurelia (5)
14. The God of Love my Shepherd is: University (5)
15. The King of Love my Shepherd is: Dominus regit me (6)
16. The Lord's my Shepherd: Crimond (5)
17. Thine forever, God of Love: Newington (5)
18. Thou art the Way: by Thee alone: St James (4)
19. Thou, whose almighty Word: Moscow (4)
20. Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow: Marching (6)
21. Thy Kingdom come, O God: St Cecilia (6)
22. Who would true Valour see: Monks Gate (3)
23. Ye Holy Angels bright: Darwall's 148th (4)
24. Ye Servants of God, your Master proclaim: Paderborn (4)
More Popular Hymns
  1. A brighter Dawn is breaking: Nun lasst uns Gott (4)
  2. All for Jesus: All for Jesus (5)
  3. All through the Night: Ar hyd y nos (2)
  4. And can it be: Sagina (5)
  5. As pants the Hart for cooling Streams: Martyrdom (4)
  6. At the Name of Jesus: Camberwell (5)
  7. Christian dost thou see them?: St Andrew of Crete (4)
  8. Come Holy Ghost, our Souls inspire: Veni, Creator Spiritus (4 + extension & Amen)
  9. Cradled in a Manger: The Song of the Manger/Oran na Prasaich (4)
  10. Drop, drop slow Tears: Song (3)
  11. Father, hear the Prayer we offer: Sussex (4)
  12. Firmly I believe and truly: Shipston (5)
  13. From Greenland’s icy Mountains: Missionary (3)
  14. Gall he drinks; his strength subduing: St Thomas (5)
  15. Glory be to Jesus: Caswall (7)
  16. God is working His purpose out: Benson (5)
  17. Great is Thy Faithfulness: Great is Thy Faithfulness (3)
  18. He who would valiant be: Monks Gate (3)
  19. Hills of the North, rejoice: Little Cornard (5)
  20. Holy Jesu, by thy Passion: Holy Jesu (6)
  21. How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds: St Peter (6)
  22. I cannot tell: Londonderry Air (4)
  23. I heard the Voice of Jesus say: Kingsfold (3)
  24. Immortal, Invisible : St Denio (4)
  1. In Heavenly Love abiding: Penlan (3)
  2. [It is a Thing Most Wonderful: Herongate (7) - on download version only]
  3. Jesus calls us o’er the Tumult: St Andrew (5)
  4. Lord Jesus Christ: Living Lord (4)
  5. Mine Eyes have seen the Glory: Battle Hymn (4)
  6. Now the green Blade riseth: Noel nouvelet (4)
  7. O God of Bethel, by whose Hand: Martyrdom (4)
  8. O Lord my God: How Great Thou art (4)
  9. O Love, how deep, how broad, how high: Eisenach (6)
  10. O Love that wilt not let me go: Saint Margaret (4)
  11. On a Hill far away: The old rugged Cross (4)
  12. Rejoice, O Land, in God thy Might: Wareham (3)
  13. Round me falls the Night: Seelenbräutigam (3)
  14. Saviour again to Thy dear Name: Ellers (4)
  15. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God: Seek ye first (3)
  16. Sing my Tongue, of Warfare ended: Mannheim (10)
  17. Strengthen for Service, Lord the Hands: Ach Gott und Herr (3)
  18. This joyful Eastertide: Vreuchten (3)
  19. Thou didst leave Thy Throne: Margaret (5)
  20. Thou whom Shepherds worshipped: Quem Pastores (3)
  21. Through all the changing Scenes of Life: Wiltshire (6)
  22. To God be the Glory! Great Things He hath done!: To God be the Glory (3)
  23. To thee, O Lord, our Hearts we raise: Golden Sheaves (4)
  24. Were you there?: Were you there (4)
  25. What a Friend we have in Jesus: Converse (3)
Worship Songs Album 1
  1. Abba, Father: Dave Bilbrough (1) SF1
  2. All over the World (3) MP Roy Turner, arr. Roland Fudge
  3. A new Commandment (2) MP Roy Crabtree
  4. Be still and know (3) MP Composer unknown, arr. Roland Fudge
  5. Be still, for the Presence of the Lord (3) MP David J Evans
  6. Bind us together, Lord: Bob Gillman (3 + refrain) SF1
  7. Broken for me (4) MP Janet Lunt
  8. Colours of Day: S. McClellan, J. Pac & K. Rycroft (3) SF1
  9. Come and join the Celebration (3) MP Celebrations Valerie Collison
  10. Come and see the shining Hope (3) MP Marching through Georgia Words: Christopher Idle, arr. David Wilson
  11. Come on and celebrate: P. Morgan & D. Bankhead (1) SF1
  12. Father God, I wonder: Ian Smale (1) SF1
  13. Father I place into your Hands (4) MP Jenny Hewer
  14. Father we adore you (3) MP Carl Tuttle arr. Roland Fudge
  15. From Heaven you came (4) MP Graham Kendrick arr. David Peacock
  16. God is our Strength and Refuge (3) MP Dambusters March E.Coates arr. John Barnard
  17. How lovely on the Mountains (4) MP Leonard E Smith Jnr arr. David Peacock
  18. I, the Lord of Sea and Sky: Daniel L. Schutte (3) SF2
  19. I will enter His Gates (1) MP Leona van Brethorst
  20. Jubilate, everybody: Fred Dunn (2) SF1
  21. Love lifted me (3) MP Love lifted me Words James Rowe, music Howard E. Smith
  22. Majesty (1) MP Jack Hayford
  23. Make way, make way (4) MP Graham Kendrick, arr. David Peacock
  24. Meekness and Majesty (3) MP Graham Kendrick arr. Christopher Norton
  25. O happy Day (4) MP Words P.Doddridge music Ron Jones
  26. Purify my Heart: Brian Doersken (2) SF1
  27. See Him lying on a Bed of Straw (4) MP Calypso Carol Michael Perry, arr. Stephen Coates
  28. Shine, Jesus shine: Graham Kendrick (3) SF1
  29. Silver and Gold (1) MP Anon Arr. Betty Pulkingham
  30. Sing to God new Songs of Worship Ode to Joy Words Psalm 98, music Beethoven
  31. Spirit of Holiness (2 + refrain) MP Trad. Words Christopher Idle
  32. Such Love (5) MP Graham Kendrick
  33. Thank you Jesus (4) MP Alison Huntley
  34. There is a Redeemer (3) MP Melody Green
  35. What Child is this (3) MP Greensleeves Trad., words William Chatterton Dix

Worship Songs Album 2
1. All Heaven declares: Richards (2)
2. All I once held dear: Kendrick (3)
3. As the Deer: Nystrom (3)
4. Before the Throne of God above: Bancroft/Cook (3)
5. Be still and know: Unknown (3)
6. Blessing and Honour: Harvill/Sadler (1)
7. By Your Side: Richards (2)
8. Come, now is the Time: Doerksen (1)
9. Creation is awaiting: Bowater/Taylor (3)
10. Faithful One: Doerksen (1)
11. Father of Creation: Ruis (3)
12. From the Ends of the Earth: Harris/Sadler (2)
13. Give Thanks: Smith (2)
14. Glory: Daniels (1)
15. Hallelujah, Hosanna: DuPlessis (1)
16. Hear these Praises: Fragar (2)
17. He is exalted: Paris (1)
18. Here I am, once again: Musseau (2)
19. Hold me closer to You: Richards (3)
20. Holiness: Daniels (2)
21. Hosanna: Tuttle (2)
22. I am a new Creation: Bilbrough (2)
23. I believe in Jesus: Nelson (2)
24. I give You all the Honour: Tuttle (3)
25. I'm accepted, I'm forgiven: Hayward (1)
26. I sing Praises: MacAlmon (2)
27. I walk by Faith: Falson (1)
28. I will celebrate: Baloche (1)
29. I will come and bow down: Nystrom (1)
30. I will offer up my Life: Redman (2)
31. Jesus, be the Centre: Frye (3)
32. Jesus, how lovely You are: Bolton (4)
33. Jesus, Lover of my Soul: Oakley (1)
34. Jesus, we celebrate Your Victory: Gibson (2)
35. Jesus, we enthrone You: Kyle (1)
36. Jesus, what a beautiful Name: Riches (1)

Worship Songs Album 3
1. Jesus, You are changing me: Bowater (1)
2. King of Kings, Majesty: Cooper (2)
3. Lord, I lift Your Name on high: Founds (2)
4. Lord, You are more precious: DeShazo (1)
5. Lord, You've been good to me: Kendrick (2)
6. Men of Faith: Smith (3)
7. My Jesus, my Saviour: Zschech (2)
8. My Lord, what Love is this: Kendrick (3)
9. No other Name: Gay (1)
10. O, let the Son of God enfold you: Wimber (2)
11. O Lord, You're beautiful: Green (1)
12. Only by Grace: Gustafson (1)
13. Open our Eyes, Lord: Cull (1)
14. Over all the Earth: Brown (2)
15. Reign in me: Bowater (1)
16. Thank You for saving me: Smith (2)
17. There is none like You: LeBlanc (1)
18. These are the Days: Mark (2)
19. This Grace is mine: Bullock (3)
20. This is my Desire: Morgan (2)
21. To be in Your Presence: Richards (2)
22. We are here to praise You: Kendrick (1)
23. We believe in God the Father: Kendrick (2)
24. We bow down: Grafstrom (2)
25. Welcome, King of Kings: Richards (2)
26. We want to see Jesus lifted high: Horley (1)
27. What Kind of Love is this: Haworth (3)
28. When I feel the Touch: Jones/Matthew (1)
29. When I look into Your Holiness: Perrin (1)
30. When the Music fades: Redman (1)
31. Who can sound the Depths: Kendrick (5)
32. Worthy, O worthy are You, Lord: Kinzer (1)
33. Worthy, You are worthy: Moen (3)
34. You are beautiful: Altrogge (1)
35. You are my Hiding Place: Ledner (1)
36. You are the Vine: Daniels (2)

Worship Songs Album 4
1. Ascribe to the Lord: C.Govier (3)
2. As the Sun is high: P. Lawson Johnston (1)
3. Break forth into Joy, O my Soul: arr. M.Evans (1)
4. But ye are washed: P.Simmons (1)
5. Cause me to come: R.Edward Miller (3)
6. City, O City: L.E.Smith (3)
7. Come and praise Him, royal Priesthood: A.Carter (1)
8. Come, walk with me: P.Ive (2)
9. Cover me: R.Edward Miller
10. Delight yourselves in the Lord: D.Bolton (1)
11. Draw near to God: Achor (1)
12. Father, we love You: arr. M.Evans (1)
13. Fellowship sweet: M.Wilkinson/R.Turner (5)
14. For as truly as I live: arr. M.Evans (1)
15. For I'm building a People of Power: D.Richards (1)
16. Great and marvellous: B.Pitcher (1)
17. Hallelujah, praise the Name of the Lord: A.Carter (1)
18. He holds the Key: J.Parsons (4)
19. How great is our God: arr. M.Evans (1)
20. If your Heart is right with my Heart: G.Perrins (3)
21. I give Thanks, O Lord: P.Lawson Johnston (3)
22. I love You, Lord: L.Klein (1)
23. I will run after You: A.Denton (1)
24. I will sing unto the Lord: arr. M.Evans (1)
25. Jesus I come: T.Humphries (1)
26. Jesus is Lord!: D.Mansell (3)
27. Jesus, Name above all Names: N.Hearn/P.Cain (1)
28. Jesus, thank You, Jesus: F.Chedgey (1)
29. Let God arise: I.Smith (1)
30. Let there be Love: D.Bilbrough (1)
31. Lord God, heavenly King: S.Hutchinson (1)
32. Lord Jesus we enthrone You: P.Kyle (1)
33. Lord, please make Your People one: A.Woodroffe/C.Head (3)
34. Lord we want to Thank You: D.Brown (1)
35. Love one another: N.Rose (1)
36. Make a joyful Noise: C.Head (2)
37. My Lord He is the fairest of the fair: J.Parsons (1)
38. My Peace: K.Routlege (3)
39. O Father, I do love You: D.Bolton (3)
40. O give Thanks: J.Pond (1)
41. O Lord most holy God: W.Churchill (2)
42. O Lord, my Lord: D.Fung (1)
43. Perfect Love: P. Lawson Johnston (2)
44. Praise You Lord: N.Rose (4)
45. Praise Your Name Lord Jesus: T.Humphries (1)
46. Rejoice in the Lord always: arr. M.Evans (1)
47. River wash over me: D.Brown (3)
48. Sing Praises to the Lord: J.Parsons (1)
49. The Church of God: M.Ray (1)
50. The Joy of my Salvation: R.Hawkins (4)
51. The promised Land: P.Iszatt (3)
52. Unto Thee do I lift my Eyes: P.Simmons (3)
53. Victory: D.Fung (1)
54. We are chosen, we are redeemed: J.Parsons (3)
55. We are moving on: I.Trayner (2)
56. Worthy art Thou: D.Richards (1)
Junior Worship Songs Album 1
  1. Abba, Father (x 2) Dave Bilborough
  2. Ask! Ask! Ask (1) Phil Burt
  3. Behold, what Manner of Love (1) Patricia van Tine
  4. Behold, what Manner of Love (as a round) Patricia van Tine
  5. Colours of Day (3) S.McLellan, J.Paculabo, K.Ryecroft, D.Coombes
  6. Come, listen to my Tale (1) Phil Burt
  7. Deep and wide (1) S.E.Cox, A.Silver
  8. Don't build your House on the sandy Land (2) Karen Lafferty
  9. Father I place into Your Hands (4) Jenny Hewer
  10. Father, we adore You (3) Terry Coelho
  11. Give me Oil in my Lamp (4) A.Sevison, B.Pulkingham
  12. God who made the Earth (5) S.Betts Rhodes, H. von Muller
  13. Go, tell it on the Mountain (5) G.Marshall-Taylor, D.Coombes
  14. Hallelu! Hallelu! (1) E.J.Hume
  15. Have you heard the Raindrops? (3) Christian Strover
  16. He's got the whole wide World (4) Phil Burt
  17. How did Moses cross the Red Sea? (1) Hugh Mitchell, Phil Burt
  18. If I were a Butterfly (3) Brian Howard
  19. Jesus bids us shine (3) Susan Warner, Edwin Othello Excell
  20. Jesus’ Love is very wonderful (1) H.W.Rattle, Phil Burt
  21. Jubilate, everybody (x2) Fred Dunn
  22. Kum ba yah (5) Traditional
  23. Majesty (1) Jack Hayford
  24. Make me a Channel of Your Peace (3) Sebastian Temple, Betty Pulkingham
  25. Mister Noah built an Ark (2 + refrains) Phil Burt
  26. Morning has broken (2) Eleanor Farjeon, Noel Tredinnick
  27. My God is so big (2) Phil Burt
  28. One more Step along the World (5) Sydney Carter, Douglas Coombes
  29. Only a Boy called David (1) J.H.Stringer
  30. O when the Saints go marching in (5) David Wilson
  31. Peter and John went to pray (1) Betty Pulkingham
  32. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God (3) Karen Lafferty, Roland Fudge
  33. Soon and very soon (4) Andrae Crouch
  34. Spirit of the Living God (1) Daniel Iverson, W.G.Hathaway
  35. Thank You, Jesus (4) Alison Huntley, Roland Fudge
  36. The wise Man built his House (2) Phil Burt
  37. Think of a World without any Flowers (3) D.Newport, G.Westcott, D.Coombes
  38. This is the Day (3) Les Garrett, Roland Fudge
  39. We have a King who rides a Donkey (4) Fred Kaan
  40. When I needed a Neighbour (6) Sydney Carter
  41. Wide, wide as the Ocean (1) C. Austin Miles
  42. Who put the Colours in the Rainbow? (2) J.A.P.Booth, Douglas Coombes
  43. Who's the King of the Jungle? (1) Annie Bush, Andy Silver
  44. Zaccheus was a very little Man (1) J.W

Junior Worship Songs Album 2
1. Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord: D.Fishel (5)
2. Behold what Manner of Love: P. van Tine (1)
3. Blessed Assurance: F.J.Crosby, P.P.Knapp (3)
4. Children of Jerusalem: J.Henley (3)
5. Come let us sing: R.Walmsley, F.L.Wiseman (4)
6. Father lead me Day by Day: J.P.Hopps (5)
7. God is our Guide: C.Porteous, J.Sibelius (4)
8. God whose Son was once a Man: P.Horrobin (3)
9. Hushed was the Evening Hymn: J.D.Burns, A.J.Sullivan (5)
10. I do not know what lies ahead: A.B.Smith, E.Clarke (3)
11. If you want Joy, real Joy: J.Carlson (1)
12. I met Jesus at the Crossroads: Anon, arr. P.Burt (1)
13. In my Need Jesus found me: G.Brattle (2)
14. I've got Peace like a River: Spiritual, arr. R.Fudge (1)
15. I was lost but Jesus found me: Anon, arr. P.Burt (2)
16. Jesus Christ the Lord is born: German trad., words M.Perry (5)
17. Jesus is knocking: G.Brattle (1)
18. Joy is the Flag: E.J.Hume (1)
19. Live, live, live: M.Uzilevsky (3)
20. Love, Joy, Peace and Patience: A.Silver (1)
21. My Faith is like a Staff of Oak: Swiss trad., words T.T.Lynch (2)
22. New every Morning: J.Keble, S.Webbe (5)
23. O the Love that drew Salvation's Plan: W.Newell, D.Towner (1)
24. Peace I give to you: G.Kendrick, C.Norton (4)
25. Praise Him, praise Him all you little Children: Anon, E.Bailey (3)
26. Remember all the People: Tyrolese trad., P.Dearmer (3)
27. Said Judas to Mary: S.Carter (6)
28. Stand up, clap Hands: R.Dyer, A.Forest (3 + ref.)
29. The best Book to read: P.Bilhorn (3)
30. The greatest Thing: M.Penergrass (3)
31. The Lord has Need of me: C.J.Allen (1)
32. There's new Life in Jesus: Anon, A.Silver (3)
33. The Wise may bring: Tyrolese trad. (3)
34. We love to praise You: M.Parker, P.Burt (3)
35. We've a Story to tell: C.Sterne, H.Nichol (4)
36. When Israel was in Egypt's Land: Spiritual, Smith/Metcalf (5)
37. Wherever I am I will praise You: M.Parker, G.Leavers (4)
38. Will your Anchor hold: P.J.Owens, W.J.Kirkpatrick (4)
39. Yes, God is good: J.H.Gurney (6)
40. You are the King of Glory: M.Ford (1)

Junior Worship Songs Album 3
1. Be bold, be strong: M. Chapman, A.Silver (1)
2. Big Man: G.Kendrick, A.Burt (2)
3. Brothers and Sisters: R.Jones (3)
4. Christ triumphant: M.Saward, M.Baughen (5)
5. Daniel was a Man of Prayer: Anon, P.Burt (1)
6. Father, we love You: D.Adkins (3)
7. God forgave my Sin: C.Owens (2)
8. God, whose Farm is all Creation: J.Arlott, R.Vaughan Williams (3)
9. He gave me Eyes so I could see: A.Pinnock (3)
10. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life: Trad., D.Crawshaw (1)
11. If you see someone: A&N.Simpson, A.Silver (2)
12. I have seen the golden Sunshine: C.Chester, B.Litchfield (2)
13. In our Work and in our Play: W.G.Wills, B.Milgrove (4)
14. It's me, it's me: Trad. (3 + ref.)
15. I want to walk with Jesus: Swiss tune, C.Simmonds (5)
16. I will sing the wondrous Story: F.Rowley, R.Prichard (3)
17. Jesus' Hands were kind Hands: French trad., M.Cropper (2)
18. Jesus is Lord: D.Mansell (3)
19. Joshua fit the Battle of Jericho: Spiritual (3)
20. Keep me shining, Lord: K.Wilkinson (1)
21. Let us praise God together: Calhoun melody, J.Seddon (3)
22. Let us with a gladsome Mind: J.Milton, J.Antes (4)
23. Mister Noah built an Ark: Anon., P.Burt (2)
24. My Lord is higher than a Mountain: I.Smale, P.Burt (1)
25. Now be strong: J.Cansdale (1)
26. One day when Heaven: J.Chapman, C.Marsh (5)
27. Peter and James and John: Anon., P.Burt (6)
28. Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him in the Morning: Anon., P.Burt (4)
29. Someone's brought a Loaf of Bread: Anon., P.Burt (5)
30. Thank You, Lord, for this fine Day: D. Davis Andrew (4)
31. The Fields are white: M.Baughen (4)
32. The Joy of the Lord is my Strength: A.Vale, N.Warren (4)
33. There are Hundreds of Sparrows: J.Gowans, J.Larsson (4)
34. The steadfast Love: E.McNeill (1)
35. Two little Eyes: C.Kerr (1)
36. We have heard a joyful Sound: P.Owens, J.Booth (3)
37. What a wonderful Saviour: Anon., B.Pulkingham (3)
38. When the Road is rough and steep: N.Clayton (1)
39. Whether you're one: G.Kendrick, P.Burt (2)
40. With Jesus in the Boat: Anon., P.Burt (1)
41. Yesterday, today, forever: A.Simpson, J.Burke (1)
42. You can't stop Rain from falling down: J.Gowan, J.Larsson (3)
43. You shall go out with Joy: S.Dauermann, S.Rubin (1)
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