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Individual Tracks Albums - Hymns and Praise Organ Accompaniments

Only available to download or on Master set - a miscellany of tracks

Sample: Going Home (New World)
Hear samples of any of the tracks by clicking on the relevant Apple Music track below.

This is a bit of an oddity - these are tracks that we have recorded but were not available on a CD (they may now be on other albums). You can download the tracks or whole albums, and they are all included on the Master Set.

There are no voices on these recordings, just a playover and the accompaniment.

Click on the appropriate section below to choose download or CD:

Hymns and voluntaries included

(number after hymn name indicates number of verses)
Volume 1
  1. A Noble Flow'r of Juda: Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (3) – I/9014
  2. Afar from where the Sun doth Rise: St Venantius (7) – I/9003
  3. Agnus Dei: 1940 Episcopal Hymn Book S-164 (1) - I/9135
  4. All Glory, Laud and Honor: R. Proulx (5) - I/9151
  5. All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name: Diadem (5) – I/9131
  6. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!: Victory (4) – I/9024
  7. Angels from the Realms of Glory: Regent Square (5) - US tune – I/9004
  8. Attende Domino - Hear us almighty Lord: R Proulx (5) - I/9148
  9. Be joyful Mary heavenly Queen: Regina Caeli Jubila (1) - I/9143
  10. Be still my soul: Finlandia (2) – I/9009
  11. Bóg Się Rodzi (God is Born): Traditional Polish (2) - I/9078
  12. Breathe on Me Breath of God: Dominica (4) – I/9027
  13. Calon Lan (3) - I/9116
  14. Christ of the upward Way: Adsum (5) - I/9126
  15. Christ of the upward Way: Sursum Corda (5) - I/9127
  16. Come Holy Ghost: Lambilotte (3) - I/9152
  17. Come Holy Ghost, Creator, Come: Tallis' Ordinal (7) – I/9010
  18. Come Thou long-expected Jesus: Stuttgart (4) – I/9011
  19. Cradled in a Manger: St Winifred (4) – I/9012
  20. Down by the Riverside (3) – I/9013

Volume 2
  1. Fierce Raged the Tempest o'er the Deep: St Aelred (4) – I/9028
  2. Fill My House: Peter Kearney (4) - I/9119
  3. For Ever with the Lord: Nearer Home (4) – I/9029
  4. For the Beauty of the Earth: England’s Lane (6) - I/9082
  5. Gentle Jesus Meek and Mild: Innocents (8) – I/9015
  6. Give Praise and Glory unto God: Elbing (3) - I/9156
  7. Gloria (metrical setting): Old Scottish Chant - N/8104
  8. Go Forward Christian Soldier: Lancashire (4) - I/9158
  9. God be with You till We Meet Again: Dominus Vobiscum (4) – I/9030
  10. God be with You till We Meet Again: Randolph (4) – I/9031
  11. God of our Fathers, Whose almighty hand: National Hymn (4) - I/9087 (no fanfares)
  12. God of our Fathers, Whose almighty hand: National Hymn (4) - I/9089 (with fanfares)
  13. Godhead hear is hiding: Adoro Te (6) – I/9016
  14. Going Home: New World, Dvorak (2) – I/9017
  15. Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost: Capetown (6) – I/9018
  16. Gracious Spirit of Thy goodness: Spiritual Healing (3) - I/9095
  17. Hark my Soul, it is the Lord: St Bees (6) – I/9019
  18. Hark! Hark! My Soul: Pilgrims (5) – I/9032
  19. Holy Father, in Thy Mercy: Cairnbrook (4) – I/9033
  20. Holy Spirit! Lord of Light: Veni Sancte Spiritus (5) – I/9021
Volume 3
  1. Holy Spirit, Truth Divine: Traditional English (6) - I/9157
  2. How shall I sing that Majesty: Third Mode Melody (4) - I/9077
  3. Hushed Was the Evening Hymn: Samuel (5) by Sullivan (different tunes, same name!) – I/9022
  4. Hushed Was the Evening Hymn: Samuel (5) by W. H. Monk – I/9035
  5. I am the Bread of Life: Betty Pulkingham (5) – I/9132
  6. I heard the Voice of Jesus Say: Vox Dilecti (3) – I/9036
  7. I watch the Sunrise: Glynn/Murphy (4) - I/9136
  8. I wonder as I wander: John Jacob Miles (3) - I/9128
  9. In bread we bring You, Lord: Kevin Nichols (2) - I/9120
  10. In the Garden: C. Austin Miles (3) I/9124
  11. Jesu, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts: Maryton (5) – I/9023
  12. Jesus, remember me: Jacques Berthier/Taize (3) - I/9144
  13. Jesus shall reign were’er the sun: Truro (5) - I/9088
  14. Jesus! Thou art coming: W. Pitts (6) - I/9137
  15. Land of my Fathers: Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (1) - I/9117
  16. Lead, Kindly Light: Alberta (3) – I/9048
  17. Lift High the Cross: Crucifer (7) – I/9049
  18. Long Ago, Prophets Knew: Personet Hodie (4) – I/9050
  19. Lord dismiss us with Thy blessing: Sicilian Mariners (3) - I/9086
  20. Lord for the Years: Lord of the Years (5) - I/9118

Volume 4
  1. Lord it belongs not to my Care: St Hugh (5) – I/9051
  2. Lord of all Hopefulness: Miniver (4) – I/9052
  3. Love is his Word: Luke Connaughton/Cresswell - I/9123
  4. Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep: Buckland (5) – I/9037
  5. Mary, did you know?: Lowry, Greene (3) - I/9129
  6. May the mind of Christ my Saviour: St Leonard’s (5) - I/9081
  7. Now the Day is Over: Eudoxia (6) – I/9054
  8. O for a thousand Tongues to sing: Richmond (5) – I/9055
  9. O Jesus, we adore Thee: Fulda Melody (5) - I/9149
  10. O Perfect Love: Strength and Stay (3) – I/9041
  11. One More Step Along the World: One More Step (5) – I/9056
  12. Our Blest Redeemer: St Cuthbert (5) – I/9042
  13. Pleasant are Thy Courts Above: Maidstone (4) – I/9043
  14. Praise My Soul the King of Heaven: Lauda Anima (4) – I/9130
  15. Przybieżeli do Betlejem (Merrily to Bethlehem): Traditional Polish (4) - I/9079
  16. Rise up O Church/Saints of God: Festal Song (5) – I/9058
  17. Salve Regina Mater Misericordiae: Salve Regina (1) - I/9142
  18. Sing praise to our Creator: Gott Vater Sei gepriesen (3) - I/9150
  19. Sometimes a light surprises: Offertorium (4) - I/9093
  20. Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!: Geibel (4) - I/9080 (alternative tune)

Volume 5
  1. Summer Suns are Glowing: Ruth (4) – I/9061
  2. Sun of my Soul, Thou Saviour Dear: Abends (6) – I/9062
  3. Sweet Saviour bless us ere we go: Sunset (St Philip) (5+refrain) – I/9063
  4. The first Song of Isaiah: Jack Noble White (1) - I/9134
  5. The Glory of these forty Days: Erhalt Uns Herr (5) - I/9138
  6. The Lord's Prayer: Langdon – I/9053
  7. There is a river that flows: Trad. arr S. Dean (5+refrain) – I/9064
  8. This is My Body: Jimmy Owens (5) - I/9121
  9. This is My Will: James Quinn/unknown Irish melody (5) - I/9122
  10. Thy Hand,O God, has guided: Thornbury (5) – I/9068
  11. Tis good Lord to be Here: Swabia (5) - I/9139
  12. To Jesus' Heart all burning: Cor Jesu (5+refrain) – I/9067
  13. Ubi Caritas et Amor: Jacques Berthier/Taize (3) - I/9145
  14. We Love the Place, O God: Quam Dilecta (7) – I/9046
  15. We pledge to one another: Thaxted (2) - I/9108
  16. When we all get to Heaven: Heaven (4) – I/9069
  17. When we sit down with You: Imray (3) - I/9147
  18. Where Charity and Love prevail: Benoit (6) - I/9153
  19. Where Charity and Love prevail: Cheshire (5) - I/9140
  20. Wherever He leads I'll go: Falls Creek (4) – I/9070
  21. Whiter than Snow: Fischer (3) – I/9071
  22. Ye Sons and Daughters: O Filii et Filiae (12) - I/9141
  23. Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones: Lasst uns erfreuen (4) UK tune – I/9072
  24. Come To a Wedding: Bunessan (4) - I/9159

Volume 6
  1. Be joyful Mary heavenly Queen: Regina Caelis (3) - I/9164
  2. Cantemos al Amor de los Amores: Sagastizábal (3) - I/9165
  3. Christ leads me through no darker Rooms: Sturges (3) - I/9175
  4. Full in the Panting Heart of Rome: Wiseman (4) - I/9109
  5. God's Spirit is in my Heart: Go tell everyone (6) - I/9173
  6. Here is Love, vast as the Ocean: Lowry (4) - I/9160
  7. Lo, How a Rose Upspringing: Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (3) – I/9014
  8. Now the Day is Over: Eudoxia (8) – I/9038
  9. O come divine Messiah: Venez Divin Messie (3) - I/9167
  10. O Lord, I am not worthy: Non Dignus (4) - I/9169
  11. O radiant Light: Jesu Dulcis Memoria (3) - I/9166
  12. O Sanctissima: Sicilian Mariners (4) - I/9163
  13. People look East: Besancon Carol (5) - I/9168
  14. Praise to the Holiest in the Height: Newman (4) - I/9162
  15. Sing we the King who is coming to reign: The Glory Song (5) - I/9176
  16. Songs of Thankfulness and Praise: St Edmund (5) - I/9174
  17. To Jesus Christ our sovereign King: Ich glaub an Gott - I/9170
  18. Tú Reinarás: Moreau (4) - I/9161
  19. We have a Gospel to proclaim: Fulda (6) - I/9171
  20. Will you come and follow me: Kelvingrove (5) - I/9172

Volume 7

  1. Awake my Soul: Christmas (4) - I/9185
  2. Come Holy Ghost, Creator blest: Mendon (5) - I/9183
  3. Fairest Lord Jesus: St Elizabeth (3) - I/9182
  4. Hosanna to the living Lord: Hosanna (5) - I/9184
  5. How lovely is thy dwelling place: Brother James' Air (4) - I/9179
  6. I receive Your Love: P.Armstrong (2) - piano - I/9099
  7. I see the Lord: arr. M.Evans (1) - piano - I/9100
  8. I stand before the Presence: M.Ford (1) - piano - I/9101
  9. I that liveth: S.Ellis (1) - piano - I/9102
  10. I want to learn to appreciate You: J.Kennet (1) - piano - I/9104
  11. I was once in Darkness: J.Parsons (1) - piano - I/9105
  12. I will extol You: S.Hutchinson/W.Churchill (1) - piano - I/9106
  13. I will magnify Your Name, O Lord: D.Bolton (4) - piano - I/9107
  14. I'm redeemed: T.Humphries (1) - piano - I/9098
  15. It's so good to thank You, Lord: B.Trickett (1) - piano - I/9103
  16. Our God to whom We turn: Steadfast (5) - I/9186
  17. Our Father - Praeceptis from the Vatican II Hymnal (pp115-6) - I/9178a
  18. Our Father - Pater Noster from the Vatican II Hymnal (pp115-6) - I/9178b
  19. Our Father - Quia Tuum from the Vatican II Hymnal (pp115-6) - I/9178c
  20. Spirit divine, attend our Prayers: Graefenberg (5) - I/9180
  21. The Son of God goes forth to War: All Saints New (4) - I/9181
  22. Wind beneath my Wings: Silbar and Henley (5) - I/9177
Volume 8

  1. A New People's Mass - Lord Have Mercy (Kyrie) : Dom Murray - I/9208
  2. A New People's Mass - Glory to God (Gloria) : Dom Murray - I/9209
  3. A New People's Mass - Holy, Holy, Holy (Sanctus) : Dom Murray - I/9210
  4. A New People's Mass - Acclamation : Dom Murray - I/9211
  5. A New People's Mass - Lamb of God (Agnus Dei) : Dom Murray - I/9212
  6. And have the bright Intensities: Halifax (2) - I/9188
  7. Angels we have heard on High: Gloria (4) - I/9201
  8. Are Ye able said the Master: Marlatt (4) - I/9196
  9. Beneath the Cross of Jesus: St Christopher (5) - I/9026
  10. Blest be the Tie that binds: Dennis (3) - I/9206
  11. Here twixt Ass and Oxen mild: Gevaert (4) - I/9199
  12. I know Whom I have believed: El Nathan (4) - I/9198
  13. Jesus, my Saviour, look on me: Hanford (6) - I/9205
  14. Let All Things Now Living: Ash Grove (2) - I/19192
  15. Life of Ages, richly poured: Culbach (5) - I/9204
  16. My God, how wonderful Thou art: Windsor (5) - I/9203
  17. O God to Whom we Turn: Steadfast (5) - I/9190
  18. On our Way rejoicing: Hermas (3) - I/9207
  19. The Holy City: Maybrick (2) - I/9187
  20. The Master Hath Come: Ash Grove (3) - I/9191
  21. The Snow lay on the Ground: Venite Adoramus (4) - I/9200
  22. There is a green Hill: Meditation (5) - I/9202
  23. Trust and Obey: Trust and Obey (4) - I/9197
  24. Wind who makes all Winds that blow: Born of the Spirit (3) - I/9195
Volume 9
  1. Guardian Angel from Heaven so Bright: Beautiful Angel (4) - 1/9213
  2. What Wondrous Love is This, O my Soul: Wondrous Love (3) - I/9215
  3. Thorns in the Straw: Graham Kendrick (5) - I/9216
  4. The Lord is my Shepherd: Andy Silver (2-part round) - I/9220
  5. Pray that Jerusalem may have: York (3) - I/9224
  6. There is a Balm in Gilead: Balm in Gilead (2) - I/9225
  7. On Eagles Wings: Joncas (1) - I/9231
  8. Holy is His Name: Talbot (1) - I/9232
  9. Be Not Afraid: Verse 1 (3) - I/9236
  10. Behold a Virgin Bearing Him: O Heiland Reiss (2) - I/9237
  11. Christ the Lord is Risen Today: Victimae Paschali (4) - I/9238
  12. Firmly I Believe and Truly: Nashotah House (5) - I/9239
  13. Daily, Daily, Sing to Mary: Alle Tage Sing und Sage (3) - I/9245
  14. Holy God We Praise Thy Name: Grosser Gott (4) - I/9246
  15. Jesus My Lord, My God, My All: Sweet Sacrament (3) - I/9247
  16. Lead, Kindly Light: Lux in Tenebris (3) - I/924
  17. On this Day, O beautiful Mother: Beautiful Mother (2 + refrain) - I/9249
  18. Savior of the Nations, Come: Komm Der Heiden Heiland (4) - I/9251
  19. Shepherd of Souls: Ich Will Dich Lieben (6) - I/9252
  20. Stainless the Maiden: Serdeczna Matko (4) - I/9253
  21. The Head that Once was Crowned with Thorns: Clonmel (3) - I/9254

Tracks not yet on an album:

  1. Mi glywaf dyner lais: Gwahoddiad (4 + chorus) - I/9221
  2. Fy nghalon, cred yn Nuw / Pan daena’r nos o’m cylch: Sarah (4) - I/9222
  3. Pescador de Hombres: Lord You have come (4) - I/9256
  4. Ofertorio Nicaraguense: Nicaraguan Offering (5) - I/9226
  5. Adios, Oh Virgen de Guadalupe: Farewell, O Virgin of Guadalupe (4) - I/9227
  6. Bendito, Bendito: Blessed be God (6) - I/9228
  7. Resucito: He is risen (4+ref) - I/9229
  8. Oh Maria, Madre mia: O Mary, my Mother (7+ref) - I/9230
  9. Gloria 125: Roman Missal Chants (1) - I/9233
  10. Abranse Los Cielos: Let the Heavens (3) - I/9234
  11. Altisimo Señor: Lord Most High (4) - I/9235
  12. O Salutaris: Duguet (2) - I/9240
  13. O Salutaris: Werner (2) - I/9241
  14. Veni Creator Spiritus: Plainsong (7) - I/9242
  15. Veni Sancte Spiritus: Plainsong (10) - I/9243
  16. Panis Angelicus: Lambillotte (2) - I/9250
  17. This is the Feast: Festival Canticle (5 + refrain) - I/9255
  18. Lead Kindly Light: Sandon (3) - I/9283
  19. How lovely on the Mountains: Our God Reigns (5) - I/9284

Organ Voluntaries

  1. Adagio: Barber (arr. Strickland) - I/9194
  2. Choral Song: S. S. Wesley - I/9094
  3. Fantasia in d: Abraham van der Kerckhoven - I/9133
  4. Voluntary 3: William Boyce - I/9111
  5. Voluntary 10 August 1647: Thomas Tomkins - I/9097
  6. Chant donné en hommage à Jean Gallon (Duruflé) - I/9214
  7. Rondeau from Abdelazar: Henry Purcell - I/9218
  8. Vater unser in Himmelreich: Georg Bohm - I/9219
  9. Les Sauvages from Les Indes Galantes: Jean-Philippe Rameau (arr. Machella) - I/9223
  10. Schmücke dich o liebe Seele BWV 654: J S Bach I/9244

  1. Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring: J. S. Bach - Z2/7021
  2. Pie Jesu: Lloyd Webber - Z2/7022

Please note the album cover shown is for our online albums only. These tracks are not available on pre-recorded CDs.
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